
Chapter 5 The First Skirmish

Translator: 549690339

Early in the morning, Han Yuxuan yawned as she left her room, looking like she hadn't quite woken up yet.

Last night, after she had put her pet snake into Tang Luo's room, she waited for over two hours, yet didn't hear the expected scream.

In the end, she couldn't stay awake any longer and accidentally fell asleep.

She was somewhat puzzled. She clearly put the pet snake in Tang Luo's room, so why was there no reaction from him?

Could it be that he slept so soundly that he didn't even notice a snake had joined him in bed?

"Xuan, did you not sleep well last night?"

Just then, Han Ruobing also came out of her room and, seeing her little sister yawn continuously, asked.

"Mm, I had a nightmare," Han Yuxuan casually made an excuse, noting the dark circles under her sister's eyes, "Sis, did you also sleep poorly?"

"Yeah, I was dealing with documents until late last night."

Han Ruobing nodded and gave a brief reply.

In truth, she didn't spend the previous night handling documents. Instead, the presence of a man in the house made her feel insecure, keeping her tossing and turning until the early hours before she could fall asleep.

Both sisters, harboring their own thoughts, chatted briefly as they came downstairs.

"Hmm, what's that smell?" Han Yuxuan sniffed, "It smells delicious! Sis, did you make breakfast?"

"No, I just woke up."

Han Ruobing also smelled the rich aroma and uttered with confusion.

"You're up? Hehe, I've already made breakfast. Let's get ready to eat."

As the sisters wondered, Tang Luo came out of the kitchen, holding a clay pot in his hands.


The sisters were stunned. He made breakfast?

"What are you waiting for? Come and eat; it's extremely delicious!"

Tang Luo placed the clay pot on the dining table, then went back to the kitchen to bring out fried eggs.

Seeing the golden fried eggs, Han Yuxuan swallowed a gulp of saliva covertly, "Sis, should we give it a try?"

"If you want to eat, go ahead and eat."

"Oh, then I'll try it first."

Unable to resist the temptation, Han Yuxuan stepped forward, picked up a fried egg, took a bite, and then exclaimed with an exaggerated expression, "Sis, come quick, it's super delicious… This is the tastiest fried egg I've ever had in my life!"

Han Ruobing eyed her little sister's exaggerated demeanor with some skepticism. It was just a fried egg; could it really be that delicious?

After hesitating for a moment, she also approached the dining table, picked up a fried egg, and took a bite. Indeed, it was very delicious!

"Hehe, don't just focus on the fried eggs; have some soup too."

Tang Luo opened the clay pot and served soup for both of them.

Han Yuxuan glanced at Tang Luo across the table, who appeared unaffected—could it be he hadn't found the snake?

Why was he acting as if nothing had happened?

That shouldn't be the case!

However, her attention was quickly captured by the soup in front of her—the aroma was enticing!

Han Yuxuan picked it up and took a sip, then started to devour the meat. It was incredibly delicious, aromatic, and tender; simply irresistible!

Before she knew it, she had finished a whole bowl of soup.

"Tang Luo, what kind of soup is this? It's too good!"

Han Yuxuan set down her bowl, unable to resist asking.

"Hehe, I caught a snake in my room last night. It was quite plump. It would've been a waste to throw it away, so I made it into snake chunk soup," Tang Luo said, then served another bowl for Han Yuxuan, "Here, if it's good, have some more. It's very nourishing."

Hearing Tang Luo's words, Han Yuxuan's eyes grew wide.

Snake chunk soup?

She looked down at the meat in her bowl. Was this her pet snake?

Although she had just bought the pet snake a week ago and didn't feel much attachment to it, the issue was... she couldn't swallow her pride!

Tang Luo watched Han Yuxuan's reaction, his lips curving up in a smirk. Little girl, trying to play tricks on me? You're still too green!

Han Yuxuan was wide awake the moment she opened the door last night, but he didn't stir; instead, he continued to feign sleep. He wanted to see what this chick was up to, sneaking over in the dead of night without sleeping!

Did she think he was so handsome that she wanted to XXX him?

If that were the case, then Tang Luo decided he would half-heartedly let her have her way!

After all, she was his little aunt by marriage, why let the water flow into someone else's field!

However, to his disappointment, Han Yuxuan had no intention whatsoever of XXXing him; she just dropped a snake and left!

So, the snake was the unlucky one, getting slapped unconscious by him, and by morning, it had turned into snake soup!

Next to him, Han Ruobing was also stunned. She knew her little sister had just bought a pet snake!

In fact, she quite disliked these cold-blooded reptiles and had repeatedly told her sister to get rid of it, but her sister didn't listen, insisting on keeping it in her own room.

Once she confirmed the pet snake was non-venomous, she got too lazy to care, as long as she didn't have to see it!

But she hadn't expected that the next time she saw the snake, it had become snake soup.

She had actually wanted to have some soup, but upon learning it was snake soup, she put her hand down again; it was just too disgusting.

"You... you killed my pet snake?"

Han Yuxuan finally couldn't hold back her fury, glaring at Tang Luo.

"Huh? Pet snake? The one you kept?"

Tang Luo widened his eyes, feigning a look of surprise.

"That's not right, your pet snake, how did it end up in my room?"


Han Yuxuan opened her mouth but what could she say? Admit she deliberately put it there to scare him?

Han Ruobing watched her angry little sister, lost in thought, and guessed some of the story.

But did Tang Luo really not know it was a pet snake?

Hard to believe!

It seemed, in this first round of confrontation, her little sister lost, and was thoroughly defeated!

"Yuxuan, I'm really sorry, I didn't know it was your pet snake, I thought it was a wild snake that crawled in from outside, so I killed it." Tang Luo's face was full of apology, "How about I buy you another one?"

"No need!"

Han Yuxuan coldly retorted, cursing silently in her mind, bastard, dare to kill my snake, tonight I'll let Erha bite you to death!

But then she glanced at the snake soup in front of her and hastily dismissed the idea.

Better not!

She didn't want to wake up the next morning to find Erha turned into dog meat soup!

Erha was the dog she had raised since childhood, its emotional value couldn't be compared to a newly bought pet snake!

This commotion left both sisters with no appetite, but Tang Luo ate with relish.

After the meal, Tang Luo gave the remaining snake soup to Erha, who wagged his tail at him vigorously.

"Hehe, Erha, eat up, grow some more flesh quickly!"

Tang Luo patted Erha's head and said with a grin.

"Tang Luo, what are you up to?" Han Yuxuan flared up upon hearing his words, warning him, "I'm telling you, if you dare to lay a finger on Erha, I will fight you to the death!"

"Uh, I wasn't plotting against it… I really like dogs."

Seeing Han Yuxuan so protective of Erha, Tang Luo abandoned the thought of having dog meat hotpot someday.

"Yuxuan, it's time to go to school." Han Ruobing came down from upstairs, looked at Tang Luo, "What are you doing today?"

"I've got nothing on, just wandering around,"

said Tang Luo after thinking it over.

"Good, let's go together."

Han Ruobing said, picking up the car keys and walking out.


Tang Luo watched Han Ruobing walking away, pursing his lips, clearly she didn't trust him to stay alone in the villa!

Then, he went back to his room to fetch Zhou Dafa's information, a cold light flashing in his eyes: "Zhou Dafa, your retribution has come!"