
Beautiful But Icy!

Long Zhua, is my name... But wait, Kaan Özkan is also my name. Yeah, as you can guess, my soul transmigrated somehow after I died. As for the person who killed me? I'm 100% grateful to him! Why? Because I can finally get rid of the shackles that bind me and I can start a new life! Hahahaha! However, when I was dreaming of my future days and thinking everything is going to be wonderful, the doctor said I have one last week remaining. WHAT?! I'm going to die again?! Well, this wasn't the worst thing...

yunusderici · Urban
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8 Chs

What's Going On?

After his master left him, the boy wandered around the world by himself. But because he promised to his master, the boy forced to act from time to time. Whenever he saw an evil act or injustice, he unwillingly had to interfere. Because of his act of righteousness, some people began to admire him and follow him. Although he refused them for god knows how many times, they still followed him wherever he went.

At some point, he decided to let it go and allow them to follow him. After some time, some of the earlier members without his permission or acknowledgment, created an organization and made him leader. Under the name of the organization, they recruited members around the world and formed the first-class force under the nose of the government.

When he learned he somehow became a leader of an organization, he flew in rage and beat up all of his followers until they started to seeing stars. But he gradually calmed down and didn't give a fuck.

He just slacked off as usual and let his comrades do whatever they wanted. However, when later he learned the name of the organization, he flew in rage and beat up his followers again. The embarrassment he had that day was still vivid in his memories.

He refused to be a leader of this kind of organization, much less an organization named like this. But his followers shamelessly cried and begged him six days and seven nights for his leadership and not changing the name. So, he let them be and his 'don't give a damn' mode turned ON again.

However, whenever there was a problem, his members begged him to step in. Although he was unwilling, because of the promise he made to his master when he was a kid, he had to step in and solve the problem.

In the world's eyes, they were similar to the World Health Organization, UNICEF, Human Rights Watch, and etc. but their methods were different.

Killing, arms using, arson, and many more. What mafia lacks, they had it. Nonetheless, they were good peoples. Punishing the evil was their slogan. So, even though on the surface some of the countries and governments labeled them as an evil organization and warned them not to cause any more trouble, they were actually supporting them with funds and arms underhand.

When he heard the blond man's words, he momentarily was at loss. He knew that this was over for him. He knew that doctors were right. He won't be able to make it tomorrow. He knew his condition the best. Broken meridians and loss of cultivation, not to mention severe bleeding of internal organs…

He didn't feel sad actually but relieved and lost at the same time. The promise he made to his master was his shackles in his opinion. If he died, would he finally able to retire? He didn't know.

He didn't have an ambition in life. He didn't have a goal to live on. He didn't have a lover or a relative to tie him to this world. Maybe he had his comrades but… He has grown weary from this kind of life already.

Fighting for justice, fighting against the evil, helping the poor… He really didn't give a damn. There are so many people in the world out there, they can also help others, they can also help the poor, why just him? He felt tired… He just wanted to close his eyes and rest eternally.

Looking into the comrades' worried eyes, he really didn't know what to say. He didn't want them to see him dying here in fact. He knew that they also cared for him a lot. He knew they expect him to say 'I will be fine' but he can't. He isn't omnipotent, a deity that can reverse this shitty situation he was in. Maybe if his meridians still intact and could use Qi, he could somehow heal his organs like previous times. However, this time, it was different. Everything was over…

"Madyson…" Said the man lying on the bed with a hoarse and low voice.

"What is it, Zhua?" Said the beautiful girl named Madyson next to him. She was currently trying her best to not cry. And this time, she called him by his name. In private, she would always address him with his name, but this was the first time her saying his name in front of others.

And yes, he knew that she loves him, and he was the reason for her staying in the organization and helping him. But he couldn't afford to accept her love in the kind of environment they were living in. He was afraid in fact. He didn't want to lose a second person he cared about in this life. When his master left him, even though he didn't show it on his face, he was sad for a long time.

"Take me to the top of the Statue of Liberty and buy me some cigarettes and whisky." Said Long Zhua. Yes, his name was Long Zhua but he didn't know who gave his name. When he asked the dean of the orphanage, she told him that his name was written on a card and the card was in the basket he was dropped in when he was a baby.

When Madyson and the others hear him say that, they knew that their nightmare came true. Madyson couldn't hold back any longer and instantly burst into tears. Even the other four men tearing up, but they were trying their best to hold it.

"I don't have much time left, take me there quickly. I want to spend my remaining time alone." Said Long Zhua.

1 hour later, a helicopter was slowly approaching to the Statue of Liberty. Currently, it was nighttime, and the Statue of Liberty was basically closed to visitors. Their flight to the Statue got permission from the government beforehand, so they didn't encounter any warning calls.

Inside the helicopter, there were only Madyson and Long Zhua. He told her not to come but she didn't listen to him no matter what. So, he let her be and tag along.

When the helicopter came to halt and hanging in the sky, the pilot's ready voice was heard. When looking from the windows of the helicopter, they could see the Liberty Torch of the Statue, and the balcony around the torch was a rope distance to them.

Madyson looked quietly to Long Zhua for a long time with red and watery eyes. They didn't talk along the road. Long Zhua kept looking outside the window, no one knew what he was thinking. However, Madyson had never left her eyes on Long Zhua, still couldn't believe that the man in front of her will leave her forever.

She stood up slowly and approached him step by step. Her head hung low and her waist was bent forward. Her shoulders were trembling due to her turmoil of emotions. She held his face and turn his head to her. Now they were looking at each other in the eye. She bent forward more, and her lips meet with his. She kept kissing him for a minute or so and slowly she withdrew her lips.

"Madyson… Forget me, please. You can find a man that will love you dearly. I'm going to die already; I don't want you to remember me forever. I don't deserve your love. I couldn't give you what you wanted. Much less now that I'm going to other side. There was no future for us before, not now, and never will be."

"NO! I will never forget you! I will always remember you Zhua! There will be no other man in my life. Even if you didn't accept me, I was willing to watch you from sides, willing to be your shadow. Even if you are gone, I will still remember you and keep the organization in check. They will never go astray!"

Looking at the determined woman in front of him, Long Zhua slightly touched. He did want to say that I don't give a fuck about the organization and never will be in the afterlife, but he couldn't. He knew that she needed something to hold onto. He was her everything actually. When he remembered the first time they met, the time he rescued this beauty from the wolf's den, he felt a bit melancholic. Time passes rather quickly huh...


"Alright, take care of yourself, I'm going." Said Long Zhua and kissed her lips lightly again. He decided to take initiative for the first time. He owed her at least this much.

Madyson elated suddenly, so much so that she started smiling again and her face flushed red. But when she remembered that he isn't going anywhere but his death, she started crying again. She could give her everything to turn back time and go back to two days ago where everything started. She could prevent this calamity befell on him at the least.


One hour later, Long Zhua was standing alone inside the balcony area of the Liberty Torch. He was leaning his back to the column where the fire shaped lamp on. Even though this area is banned to citizens, they got permission, since this was His last wish.

There was a cigarette on the corner of his lips, and in his right hand was a half-finished whisky bottle. He was looking at the night sky currently and thinking in a daze.

He was just 24 years old, a young man, but now… He is going to die. He started to think about what he did for his own life for once. Aside from sleeping and slacking off, the rare enjoyment, there was nothing. He didn't marry. He didn't have any child that can pass down his legacy to. He did have money, but he never coveted anything material.

He didn't have any goal, seriously. The shackles, the promise he made to his master was the only thing that kept him living perhaps. The reason he wanted to come to the Statue of Liberty was simple in fact. Because it represents the freedom, the aim of his life maybe, and yeah, it was nearby. He clearly knew that there is not much time left for him. Even if there was still time, he still would come to this place. This place was the last place he wanted to see.


All of sudden, above his head in the dark clouds, without him realizing, thunders started to crackle.

"Is it going to rain? Please don't. I don't want to die with my clothes are wet." Towards the end of the sentence, his voice started to fade. His eyelids started to tremble, and he was struggling to keep them open. He knew that it was time to go. But somehow, he was unwilling, frustrated, and didn't want to die.

"No…" Uttered Long Zhua from the corner of his mouth one last time and closed his eyes completely. If one looked closely, they could see blood started to come from his mouth and dripping down to his shirt right now.


Suddenly, above his head from the dark clouds, an abrupt, ancient and crazed laughter came.

"Finally! Finally, I found an heir! What a strong soul! Yes! I can die peacefully now! I don't have to search for an heir and wait for my death anymore!"


Thunders in the cloud started to condense slowly, and when it took the shape of a vague human form, it struck down every ounce of lightning to Long Zhua mercilessly!

The night sky suddenly brightened, so much so that it was even brighter than a sunny day time. The lightning could even be seen from Manhattan and Brooklyn. The next day it sure will get on the news.

When lightning was about to reach to Long Zhua, it came to a halt abruptly.

"Old Sha… I knew you weren't dead yet. Why are you still keep struggling to fight? How many years have passed already, just give up!" An alluring and fairy-like voice came from the clouds. Even though one couldn't see her appearance, they could imagine that this woman is a goddess. Her voice could give listeners serenity, purity, and holiness.

"BITCH! What do you know?! You know nothing! Even your father had to call me Master! Go back to your home and keep drinking your mother's milk!" The voice coming from the old man was slightly trembling due to his anger.

"Old Sha… I can't allow you to do this. You were a great hero, above everyone else. But what happened to you that made you take revenge no matter what? I'm sorry, I can't allow this person's soul to continue to exist." The woman sounded rather helpless, even though they were enemies, she still wanted him to walk on the right path.

From above clouds, a fire that unprecedented in this world, so red and thick that one look makes one confused whether it is lava or fire came crashing down to Liberty Torch. This time Liberty Torch really burned lit. But after two seconds, the whole torch and the hand of the statue holding it vaporized. Even the ashes of Long Zhua vaporized into nothingness.

This time, the old man above the clouds didn't say anything. It looked like he was still digesting what happened just now.

"Old Sha, enough already, this was probably your last resort. We can't allow you to continue wreaking havoc. Go and choose a place to wait for your death peacefully…" Said the woman slowly and quietly. Actually, she was a little afraid. The silence of the other party made her a little uncomfortable and worried at the same time. What if he decides to go all out? She can't escape for sure. Even though the other party was at his tenterhooks and only his soul remained, he was a great cultivator once. No one could shake him at those times.

"Tsk… Tsk... Little girl, you are too naïve, do you really think I would just come and transfer my inheritance to him openly?" Said the old man arrogantly. His tone was carrying mockery and ridicule.

"Oh, no! You already transferred his soul away!"

"Heheheh! Bingo! But it is too late, little girl! Your daddy will spank your butt when you go back home for sure! HAHAHAH!"

"Y-You! You perverted old man! I will search every corner of this world! When I find him, I will be the one who laughs!"

"Hahah! Do your best, little girl! Your chances of finding him close to zero though… But keep trying, least your father reprimand you! Hahahahah! Now, I can die peacefully! My heir will be the one who wears the CROWN! HAHAHAHHAHA!" the old and ancient voice started to fade slowly and soon, completely gone.

"I will find him, I swear! Crown will be my fathers!" said the girl angrily. But no matter how angry it sounded, still, her voice was alluring.


The man's eyelids slightly trembled, as if struggling to find the light in the darkness. Slowly but eventually, managed to open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he felt like he was having a Déjà vu.

The first thing he saw this time was a television on the wall. The news was currently going on, but the difference was, he didn't understand the spoken language. When he looked to his left, he saw an armchair and behind the armchair, was an empty and tidy desk. Now he realized that he was in the ward again, and of course, hospitalized again.

Did they save me again?

The first thing he thought was his comrades saving him from the top of the Statue of Liberty. He vaguely remembered that it was about to rain, and he was about to die. And now, from the looks of it, he just passed out. But why save me again? I prepared so much for dying and bid farewell to everyone before going. Wouldn't it make things awkward if they see each other again? He did even kiss Madyson before jumping.

Fuck! Fuck! I'm not a shy little boy but this is gonna be embarrassing!

He looked around a little but couldn't find anybody in the room except himself at the moment. He sighed in relief. It would be really awkward now if any of those guys were here. He wasn't ready right now. He needed to be mentally prepared, least his face flushed when he sees them again.

He turned his head to forward and look at the television on the wall again.

Foreign Channel?

He kept listening to the anchorwoman for a while but couldn't understand any shit. Even though he knew 6 languages, this language he was listening to right now was not one of them. The anchorwoman was a beauty though, and her voice was pleasing to ears.

When he looked above the TV, he saw a flag in a big photo frame. The flag was in red and white colors. The background was completely blood red and the front had a crescent moon in the middle position. In the middle of the crescent moon, there was a star. Both the moon and star were white. When he saw the flag, he vaguely remembered that this was a Mediterranean country's flag. But he couldn't voice it out at the moment.

Under the flag, above the TV, there was a man's picture in the photo frame. The photo was colorful, but it looked rather altered. When he saw the man in the photo, his heart skipped a beat. He finally remembered which flag it was. And he knew the man in the photo very well.

Slightly lower of the man's photo frame, there was a sentence he couldn't understand.


What the hell? Isn't it Turkey's flag and the man in the photo is Ataturk? What's going on?