
Beautiful But Icy!

Long Zhua, is my name... But wait, Kaan Özkan is also my name. Yeah, as you can guess, my soul transmigrated somehow after I died. As for the person who killed me? I'm 100% grateful to him! Why? Because I can finally get rid of the shackles that bind me and I can start a new life! Hahahaha! However, when I was dreaming of my future days and thinking everything is going to be wonderful, the doctor said I have one last week remaining. WHAT?! I'm going to die again?! Well, this wasn't the worst thing...

yunusderici · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Looking at the MRI results in front of him, Long Zhua's face was ashen. A few doctors and that silly nurse also looking to the results behind him. Some of them were indifferent while some of them filled with pity. The silly nurse didn't understand but when she looked at the old doctor beside her, she also understood what's going on.

The old doctor sighed and opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry boy, unfortun-"

"Shut up!" Long Zhua interrupted the doctor's words and didn't allow him to finish his sentence.

'Unfortunately, unfortunately, you can't even last a week.' was what he was going to say probably. Long Zhua knew that and didn't need anyone to remind him.

When he compared the three MRI results side by side, it's clearly shown that his condition is worsening. He probably can't even see tomorrow. He couldn't understand. He couldn't understand this unscientific situation he was facing right now. The last result was basically one of a dead man. How can he stand still and talk like nothing has happened?

It was probably his last struggle. Sometimes, before a person dies, they can talk normally like they were never sick before. Although his situation was much more ridiculous, he didn't want to think about it right now.

Unfairness was the only thought in his mind right now. Yes. He found it unfair. Even though he died a few hours ago, he will die again. Although he was an atheist, he started to question God himself. If you want me to die, why in a roundabout way? Just giving hope and taking it back a few hours later. Isn't it a joke? Why? He didn't understand.

He thought, although unwilling, he always been a good man. He always helped the poor and been a justice for those who in need. He kept his promise. He kept his promise and even paid with his life for it! But why the hell he had to die?! Why the hell he has to die twice?! Even the late Kaan was a good and hardworking man, but he died for nothing. Is it what good people get? Do I have to be a villain to live long? He didn't know and didn't want to know.

"You guys have cigarettes?" Long Zhua asked the doctors behind him weakly.

One of the male doctors took a pack from his pocket and was about to give him one but Long Zhua took the whole pack and kept it in his pocket. The doctor glared at him and was about to say something but others signaled with their eyes. He shook his head and went out of the room.

The other doctors who came to see the results also went their own work. One of the female doctors even started to pray before leaving.

"Fuck off! I don't need your prayers!" Long Zhua glared at the female doctor and cursed.

The female doctor didn't get angry. Instead, she looked at him with much more pitying eyes and went off. This maddened Long Zhua further but there was nothing he can do. All he can do was to watch all the doctors went their own way.

Yeah, they still have many more years to live on. They were not going to die in a week like him. They still can pursue their own dreams. They can still stay together with their loved ones. Fuck! FUCK!

"Hey! You can't smoke here, go to the parking lot or something!" The last remaining nurse reminded him with a glare. Clearly, she didn't forget he insulted him.

"Fuck you!" This was the last straw for Long Zhua as he ran towards her.

The nurse was about to get out of the room but shocked when she felt her feet left the floor.

"Aaah! What are you doing?!"

Long Zhua pulled a chair and sit on it with the nurse in his arms. He flipped her and laid her torso horizontally across his lap. The nurse was facing down and her butt was raised high.

"You! Let me go you bastard!" The nurse's face was red and struggling like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

Of course, Long Zhua wouldn't listen to her. How can he listen to anyone with his current furry right now? Before he dies, he must teach this stupid nurse a lesson. He pressed her back to keep her still with his left hand and lifted her skirt to her waist and pulled her pink panties down to her knees with his right hand.

When the nurse felt the cold air on her butt, she froze, but before she could react, a burning sensation came across her back.



A red handprint formed on her jiggled white flesh.

When the nurse felt the pain, she was both shocked and angry. Her face was flushed red till her neck due to embarrassment. Before she could erupt, Long Zhua lifted his hand again and slapped the right cheek this time.



Long Zhua kept spanking her left to right, right to left. When it was the sixth time, she started sobbing like she was about to cry.

"Waah! You bastard! It hurts!"

She couldn't endure it anymore and started crying. When Long Zhua saw her crying like a bullied child, he felt pity and remorse. How can he care for this stupid nurse's provocations? She was still a child basically.

"Alright, alright, stop crying. I won't spank you anymore. But you should pay attention to your words for what to speak or when to speak."

Long Zhua started to coax and reprimand her like an elder who cares for their juniors' wellbeing.


Listening to Long Zhua's words, the nurse started to calm down gradually. But when he felt Long Zhua's hand was still on her buttocks and caressing it slowly, she felt a different sensation she had never felt before.

Long Zhua himself wasn't aware of his actions actually. When he saw the nurse started to calm down and wasn't crying anymore, he sighed in relief.

"You know my situation, yet, you provoked me further. If you weren't provoking me, I wouldn't spank you actually."


Her response wasn't an affirmation but something else actually. When he looked over her face, it was beet red and her mouth was open. Her eyes were in slits and the look in them was hazy. He looked at her puzzledly for he couldn't understand her strange behavior. However, when his hand slipped in her tights and felt the wetness in his fingers, he understood what was going on.

Long Zhua made an evil grin and raised his hand again.



This time Long Zhua didn't slap her strongly like before. It was much slower and gentler. With the response of her moaning, his guess turned out to be correct. She was a masochist.

"You should show some respect to people when they are down, right?"


"Mmmh… Yes!"

He didn't know if it was a response to his question or spanking. As he continued to spank, further she became aroused.



"You won't learn from your mistakes I guess."

Long Zhua made a baseless judgment and dragged his hand down to her nether regions from her butt.

"Ah! N- No! You can't touch there!"

When the nurse felt his fingers fiddling her most sensitive parts, her arousal further escalated and her white flesh started to tremble.

"It's a punishment for your mistakes! Do you repent?!" Asked Long Zhua domineeringly.

Long Zhuo also started to enjoy this play in fact. It was his first time being dominant in this kind of stuff. He didn't know he had the tendency to become a sadist.

"Yes! Yes! I rep- Mmh!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Long Zhua removed his left hand that pressing on her back and put his middle and ring finger into her mouth.

"Lick it."

When she tasted his salty and sweaty fingers, she didn't become disgusted, she obeyed his words and started to lick them instead.

When Long Zhua saw her licking his fingers obediently, he nodded in satisfaction and decided to reward her.


When he put his right thumb finger inside her forbidden entrance, she started to tremble more frequently. Her breathing quickened more and she started to squirm as she was closing to finish. Her arousal had no bounds as she lactated more liquids from her nether regions. However, Long Zhua didn't stop there.


When Long Zhua put his middle and ring finger on her protrusion down below and started to rub it clockwise motion, she arched her back and screamed as she came.

"Ha! Ha!"

Seeing her taking big gulps of breath and trying to stabilize herself from her post-climax, Long Zhua's switch also turned on.

"Never expected you to be this perverted, miss nurse."

The nurse glared at him as she was saying with her eyes 'Is it not your fault?'

Of course, Long Zhua can understand what she was trying to convey but he didn't care, he also aroused after seeing the nurse.

He pulled down his hospital pajamas to his knees and hold his shaft towards her.

"W- What are you t- trying to do?!"

She stuttered horrifyingly as she was looking at the monstrous and hideous thing in front of her. It was her first time seeing real stuff like that and It was much more different from what she imagined.

"I satisfied you just now, so you should do it for me too, right?" Said Long Zhua as he shook his thing left to right.

Looking at the dreadful thing in front of her, she didn't know how to respond. As the thing in front of her shook left to right, she also followed it with her eyes as she gulped audibly.

"B- But it's my first time…" Said the nurse as her eyes filled with uncertainty.

"There's a first time for everything, without trying, you can't learn anything." Looking at the nurse's face, Long Zhua knew that she was also tempted as she couldn't even take her eyes from it.

The nurse waited for almost a minute and when Long Zhua felt his patience was nearing its limits, her eyes determined as she stood up and sit down on top of his lap. She gathered her courage and hold his shaft to her entrance.

As Long Zhua saw the tip of his thing entered her most private part, he shocked and stopped her from lowering her hips further.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

The nurse looked at him quizzically as she tilted her head.

"Didn't you want me to satisfy you?"

Looking at her puzzled look, Long Zhua's face turned green. Of course, he asked her to satisfy him but there are many ways to satisfy a man. He also didn't use his thing to satisfy her, didn't she know that? And she said it was her first time. I thought she was talking about it was her first time using her mouth.

"Yes, I said it but there are many ways to satisfy a man, you could have used your mouth, right? Besides, is it not your first time, how can you give it to a stranger you only known for hours?"

In tradition, the first time is very important for Turkish girls and they keep it for their future husbands normally. Turkish man also tends to marry a woman who kept their virginity intact. Well, nowadays, most Turkish girls don't care about their virginity but the majority of them still care about it and protect it for their marriage.

That's why, when Long Zhua saw her using her most important part to satisfy him, he both puzzled and doubted her morals. 'Does she really not care about her first time?'

"I know that. But I still want to do it anyway." Said the nurse embarrassedly.

"Tsk. Tsk. I didn't know you were perverted this much. You can even gift your first time to a stranger." Long Zhua said as he looked her down.

"Hey! Don't misunderstand! Of course, I cherish my first time! Who would give it to a stranger so casually?!" Said the nurse angrily.

"Then why are you giving it to me, a stranger?" Long Zhua asked playfully. Heh! Is she really that stupid? She just said she couldn't give it to a stranger but isn't he also a stranger? She can't even justify herself, what a dumbo.

"I- I just thought you will die in a few days, so, it doesn't matter if I carry your baby." Said the nurse bashfully as she avoided the dumbfounded look on Long Zhua's face.

Seeing Long Zhua didn't say anything for a while, she thought he still misunderstood her and continued.

"I thought it's a pity for a man to die without leaving a descendant. That's why I thought it's okay to carry your baby. Besides, I can live without a man. I don't believe in marriage anyway." The nurse said with a pout on her lips.

When Long Zhua listened to her reasoning, he was so touched that his eyes started to get wet. Looking at the pout on her lips and depressed face of hers, he found it so cute that he couldn't bear it anymore and started to kiss her lips heavily.


The nurse surprised at first but she closed her eyes and responded to his heavy kiss.