
Chapter 13 Jay Wilson got fired from work

Yes Lara, my name is Noble Stanley. And yes Caleb has something important to tell you guys. Please let's get seated.

Lara I'm sorry I didn't tell you that our meeting place was your parents house, but I thought here would be the only right place for the meeting, Caleb explained.

Okay, so what is it you wanted to tell us? I questioned.

We all sat round the table, waiting as Dena shared us the food. We began to eat. The food tasted so nice, I knew my mom prepared it, she is a nice cook.

This food tastes so great, Mrs Jay Wilson cannot never change from cooking delicious meals. Is been long I tasted something so great like this, Mr Noble said as he ate his food.

I believed your beautiful daughter should take after you in preparing nice meals.

Yes, the food tastes so great, this my first time tasting her food, I believe to taste more of this in the future time,Caleb added with a smile on his face.

Yes Caleb, you would soon taste something more than the food, and that's when you're going to find the happiness you've been in pursuit for, Mr Noble said with a broad smile on his face.

Ohh, thank you so much Mr Noble, Caleb said smiling at his food.

I never understood what they were talking about, but whatever it is, I believed I would know about it later.

I promised I was going to help you find out the truth about your parents and your in-laws, Caleb said, gazing at me. And here is Mr Noble Stanley, I brought him here to help us.

I suffered a long way to bring Mr Noble Stanley here, because I investigated on your parents' profile and everything about your parents from the earlier times, and I found out that Mr Noble Stanley was the closest friend of your father, even before your father got married to your mother.

I'm not only investigating on this, I have other issues related to this, which I'm also investigating on. Don't worry, you would soon know about it when the time comes, Caleb said.

In other for me to be sure about Mr Noble, I had to pay for his flight and accommodation, including his feedings before he agreed to come down here, he even said I had to pay it twice, you can imagine what I went through.

And he shared intimate secrets with your parents, according to their profile, I found out that they had rules guiding their relationship. And they created it themselves years back and is still on function till date. I even expected him to come down here with his wife and family since they are coming down to an old friend's house but he refused and wouldn't wanna talk about it with me on phone, I don't really know why, but I wouldn't force him.

Though your parents were surprised when I came in here with him, but they had no choice but to accept the unwanted visitation and I guess they knew why I brought him down here.

And I believe Mr Noble Stanley would make them tell you every single thing you should know without hesitation.

Yes, Caleb has just said it all, we really do share secrets together, yes I should have come along with my wife to meet our friends as usual, but death took her away from me, leaving me with the only two children she had for me.

My wife was a sickle cell patient, I knew about it even before I married her.

Lara's parents are aware of that too, but I loved her so much that's why I married. She managed to spend ten years with me after our marriage, and gave me two kids, before she left us.

And I vowed to make our children happy, no matter what situation it may be, and I made sure I don't keep any secrets away from my children. Though I knew she was going to leave this world one day, but it was too early and too painful to see your loved one die without even saying a proper goodbye, he said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

I'm so sorry about your lost Mr Noble, now I understood why you refused to talk about her, Caleb said, nodding his head.

I'm really sorry Mr Noble, Gerald said.

Please stop crying, accept my condolence, Dena added.

We're still really sorry about how Mrs Jessica Stanley left us, though we believed she would be happy wherever she is now, my dad said as he held my mom's hand, and my mom nodded in accordance to what my dad said.

Mr Noble, though death is inevitable and we can't run away from it, but I'm sincerely sorry about your lost. In as much you lost your wife, it didn't make you to keep long way from your children, yet you still maintained a good relationship with them and still shared confidential matters with them, I believe their mom would be happier wherever she is right now, I said patting him on the shoulder, as I brought out a handkerchief from my pocket and gave him to wipe his tears.

He wiped his face and cleared his throat, then he began.

Basically I wasn't happy on hearing about Lara's situation and I wondered why Mr and Mrs Jay Wilson wouldn't want a happy marriage for their daughter. I mean is so unfair letting your daughter suffer in her marriage at this early stage. Mr Noble said.

So right now, Lara's father Mr Jay Wilson is going to tell us what happened from the early times, and there's no secret to hid, Mr Noble said.

My dad picked a glass of wine from the table, sipped the wine and dropped it back on the table. Then he cleared his throat and began. Since Mr Noble is here, no need hiding anything, I will just go straight to the point.

All these happened when Lara was still very little, I was working in an oil company and I worked so hard, and I made sure I tried my possible best to meet up with their criteria.

I'm always punctual to work, I make sure I deal with all my works and complete them on time, I even handled every contracts that comes into the company.

I worked there for many years, before I was promoted to a higher level.

The company made me their manager, I was very happy for having been given that position. You know is not really easy to get promoted as a manager.

After the promotion, there was jealousy from my colleagues, because they weren't happy that I was given the position of a manager.

They were disappointed that they have been there before I came in to the company, so why would the manager be given to me.

Our CEO was a very young man, he also had a beautiful wife named Florence, which everyone admires so much.

Before I was made the manager, I was sharing my office with one of my colleagues named Ben.

And Ben was accepted into our company under the influence of Mrs Florence.

And she visited Ben always in our office. One day, everyone went out for lunch, I followed them for lunch, but I didn't spend much time because I remembered I had a lot of works piled up on my table, so I decided to go back to our office and continue with my works.

I came in to our office and caught Ben and Florence kissing and romancing, I was shocked and surprised.

I wondered why Mrs Florence would be cheating on her husband the CEO. The CEO was a kind man with good heart, and he loved Florence so dearly. He does everything she wants and attends to all her need.

After Mrs Florence left our office, I called Ben and advised him to stay away from someone's wife, but he wouldn't listen instead he requested for a separate office, and I knew it was Florence's accepted that. Florence buys him dinner, she does shopping for him and even pays his house rent and bills.

After I was made the manager, that was how enmity began between Ben and I.

I became Ben's enemy, everything I did was bad, he would always report me to Mrs Florence.

He told Mrs Florence to sack me and make him the manager, Mrs Florence told him that she is not in the position to do so, he told her that if she doesn't give him the manager's position, he would quite their intimate relationship.

And I guess she doesn't wanna loose Ben her sex mate, so she did as he said.

Mrs Florence came into my office one evening, I greeted her as usual and continued with my work.

After sometime, she started undressing herself, telling me she was horny, that she needed me right then.

I stared at her for a moment and then said to her, "please I'm not Ben, I am Jay Wilson"

I know you are Jay, and I want you right now, she said as she began to unbutton her shirt, she dragged me close to her, then I forcefully pushed her away.

I'm sorry I can't do this Mrs Florence, I can neither cheat on my wife nor someone's wife. I'm a married man, and you're a married woman please just dress up and leave my office.

Who cares whether married or not, sex is sex, it doesn't matter whom you're having sex with, what matters is the sweetness, the pleasure and the enjoyment you get from it, she said coming closer to me with her eyes fixed on my trouser.

If you step an inch I will throw you out of my office right now, and I guess you wouldn't like the shame and disgrace.

If you don't fuck me right now, I will tell my husband that you foreced me to have sex with you in your office, and you know what that means? You would be fired immediately.

I'm sorry Mrs Florence, I can't do this and that's final.

She became angry, buttoned her shirt and left my office.

I came to work the next day, entered my office and met a sack letter on my table, after reading it, I went to the CEO's office to see him and explain things to him, but the securities couldn't let me in, they said it was an order from the CEO and his wife.