

Nash's POV

"Come to my office this lunch and bring 300,000 won"

The words that came out of his lips surrounded my head, like right now! I was having a quick lunch at the canteen with my seatmate Azel, she truly understood my situation because she's not just a seatmate but a sister to me, she treated me lunch for this week and I'll treat her as well the other week.

"So, what's your plan?" she broke the sudden silence that lingered in the both of us "W-what plan?" I came back from all of my thoughts to reality "P-L-A-N! You don't have 300,000 won in your pocket dangle! What's your plan?" she half-yell that made the people walking by at our table to turn their heads at us.

"Would you please shush your mouth Azel?!" I said, her face was kinda chubby for now because of the stuffed food inside her mouth, such a pig "Yah! What is it you're staring?! Stop it this instance!" she claimed seriously while covering her mouth with her palm "Okay, listen, I can lend you some, just so you know because you're my friend and I'm you're friend, and I love you, my parents love you and-"

She kept on talking and I decide to heave a deep sigh "I know, your parents love me, you're like a sister to me, you have a boyfriend-" she gasped and covered my mouth with her handkerchief "Here! Just be quiet!" I giggled softly at her state and sometimes, her cheeks shows tints of dark red spots "H-how'd you know?" her shaky breath just made me give hints from her "It's so obvious Ms. Claire Azel Higgins!"

she frowned that made me kind of bit sad because for pete's sake!

She's the only child that ever got out from his mom's offspring and his dad forbids her to have a boyfriend until she's 20, but she rocks! She breaks rules, it made me chuckle at the thought though "It's fine, You don't need to lend me some but, If you're dad is the one who asks about it then, I cannot cover you up anymore"

I stared at her while she's busy chumming and admiring her pickled relish and it's a big yuck! But luckily she has waffles "Azel, I need to be in Mr. Ford's office, like right now" I hurriedly arranged my things and sprayed on some perfume" that made her to comb my hair,

'She's supportive, really, really supportive'

"Babe, lip tint" She uttered while shaking the liquid from inside "Don't put too much" I replied while tying my hair into a normal ponytail "And please, don't babe me, you're boyfriend might beat me into a pulp" I giggled, "Air head! You're pale as a pail"

'Even just for a minute! Her dad jokes never gets old"

"One thing I have to say!" I said while she listened and stopped from laughing so hard "You're jokes are no fun, you got no jams!" she acted as if crying and wiping her fake tears, she's cringey "Good bye for now, tell Miss Jane that I'll be late for her class" she let out a hard laugh and she even hit my back lightly

'what's her problem?'

"She has no class this afternoon silly! Principal Zinnia said she has a big announcement later at the gym, and because you're late, you didn't hear such thing about it" she exclaimed whilst flossing her teeth, "Got no time for that, l'm dealing with these barriers" I smug a face then turned my heel and my back facing her and just left

I was walking across the school quadrangle, it was so hot! Like I don't know why! Mr. Ford's office is just across the quadrangle, so I decided to take the shortcut. Some seconds just passed, I felt something tingling in my side, I really feel it within my veins, but it was just a fly, a stupid fly! The fly was gone, I was admiring the sound of the birds above, the gentle wind that crashes lightly on my face, the trees' leaves brushing to each other. How can I find my school this peaceful?

But I was wrong, what I heard is footsteps, it was trying to catch up with me and I was a bit terrified and annoyed. I tried

to get away from that human or maybe, couples of walking,

'your presence will end here if you're still behind me'

It sucked my patience really up so I turned around to see a tall guy. Maybe he's a freshmen, his reaction was like slight angry and shocked, his eyebrows were stitched together and I don't care, his head was tilted to the side that it kind of somehow observing me,, he has one earring on his left ear, a small scratch above his eyebrow, and an arm sling medical support, WAIT! what have this guy done?

I never showed interest in his state so instead of standing and wasting both of our time here, I turned my heel and continued walking, I didn't move an inch but he already called me "Hey!" I gulped down the nervous feeling, his voice was really for a freshmen, I turned around to see him still standing in his position.

"Mwo?!" [translation: What?!] I shouted at him and he slightly scratched his head and walked towards me and now he was in front of me.

"Dangsin-eun mueos-eul wonhabnikka!" I asked [translation: What do you want!]

His gaze was so fierce, it could kill a whole human being just by staring with him, it was obvious that he was really angry, but what for?, "I don't understand korean that much so don't yell at me like that!"

he screamed like a boy that hadn't ate ice cream for a long time! I could feel the atmosphere tensing up, my feet wobbles nervously because of what I am encountering "Na hante soli chiji ma, neon nal molla!" [translation: Don't just yell at me, you don't even know me!]

I could feel the lump in my throat that I was forcing to gulp in "I said, stop that korean language!" he screamed again, I could feel my hand twitching, wanting to slap his face "What do you want?! You screamed at me, you don't even know me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and I think my head is falling out of my neck any time soon.

"So, will you please stop screaming?! Dude, your saliva is all over my face! Yuck!" I roared like the tiger inside me, I can't handle this stupid guy anymore!

"I don't know korean that much!" he shrieked, I did not like his approaching, "For heaven's sake, we're in Korea!"

"Can you just show me where is Professor Jung Ford's office is? You talk to much!" he asked still yelling and I hate it.

"Sorry, but No! A big fat ass no! Why would I help you!" I screamed at him too, duh who cares?

'boom! that was a nice one, nash!'

"So? Would you please stop wasting my time? I've got a quiz to catch, tsk" I ended all the screaming and all the arguing and left him mouth wide open because I was taken away by the quiz that was waiting for me, the atmosphere's condition was really epic! For my first two weeks here, how can I encounter such peasant like that.

I turned my heel and continued to walk, and to just go to where I'm going, I want to refresh my mood because the next time I see that air headed idiot, I'll moonwalk all over his face!

*Mr. Ford's Office*

His office is a bit bigger than the other lecturer's office, because maybe he's a great professor? He teaches history from Freshmen, sophomores up to seniors, that's how hardworking he is.

A student, maybe a freshmen just got out from the white door, and that supposed to be his office because of the small rectangular board that has his name on it

I heaved a deep inhale and exhale before I entered his office, I knocked on the door and he turned to confront me from his swivel chair, he was chuckling a bit, and his cellphone was in his left hand.

"Sir, I'm here to take the quiz you mentioned" I said straight to the point so that my nervousness would leave me for just this chance 'I shouldn't have spend too much money for that kid' I felt slight regret to the incident previously, but I shouldn't think that it's the kid's fault, jeoldae andwae! [translation: No way!] I shouldn't blame a child, he's just innocent.

"Oh, Ms. Choi? he exclaimed, I could still hear his chuckling voice.

About you asking why I became a Choi? Because my father has a family here, his grandmother is a Korean, and they are Choi, so when I came here, my father told me to use that surname so that the lecturer's here will not misinterpret my last name, I learned korean before I could even travel to here.

"I'm taking the quiz sir but, I don't have any-" I didn't get the chance to finish my words, who the heck is the person that has no respect.

"Mr. Ford!" a familiar voice just filled the room, Mr. Ford's face turned his gaze to someone behind me

"Mr. Luke Hale! I thought you won't come" he stated, I turned my head and I couldn't believe.

He was the guy that yelled at me at the quadrangle, his face expression was like a man that has seen a ghost, but I'm not a ghost.

He came closer to me, his face was fierce, he's angry and I don't like picking fights for a freshmen like me. I closed my eyes tightly and expected for him to slap me or do harmful things to me

But he didn't.