
Beasts to Beauties: A Mother's Unearthly Gift

In the dark, under a strange-looking tree, a lady around twenty-something could be seen clenching her stomach and looking pitiful. She seemed to be in pain and was breathing heavily. Above her in the sky, the color was very black and blurry. Rain started falling, and the thunder was clapping loudly and violently. The wind was very thick, slapping everything harshly. The lady stood with the support of the tree, using one hand to prop herself against the tree and the other hand to hold her stomach tightly. She breathed out and continued moving weakly. "Seems like I'm not going to escape this. What type of poison is this?" she wondered. She unbuckled her belt to relieve some pain, then sat down somewhere and groaned while her hand wandered around on the wet ground until it made contact with something. She picked it up and saw the object with the help of the lightning. The thing was round like a bead, and something joined them together. She did not care about what it was and just swallowed it. She was going to die anyway, at least she ate something. She could not figure out the taste of the thing, but it was surely not normal because as soon as it made contact with her throat, it felt very hot, as if she had drunk hot water that had not cooled. "Sh*t! Even in death, my luck is still very bad," she muttered. She was still lamenting when her aching stomach suddenly stopped aching. She did not have the chance to rejoice when her stomach started swelling up, getting bigger and bigger. It was as if it wanted to burst but, alas, it didn't. She could feel herself in labor. She groaned until something escaped her body - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. She was relieved from both the poison pain and her swollen stomach pain. When she looked at what she had given birth to, she was shocked. Eggs. She had given birth to eggs. And there were six. What happened to the eggs? How did their journey begin? read the full novel. update time:6:00pm *by love gold*

Lovegold · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Dye Sona's hair

Desmond raised his brows in surprise; he cast a meaningful gaze at the lady and decided to ignore her, but Shaolin kept blocking his way.

"Desmond, I am truly sincere with my confession. I really love you," Shaolin said.

The whole class started making comments.

Desmond sighed. "Be reasonable, I am not interested," he spoke coldly and went back to his seat.

Seeing Desmond return, Mina was celebrating inwardly.

Shaolin's eyes were wide open, and her eyes were red due to the forcefulness of holding back her tears. "Desmond... I can..." Before she could finish her statement, she was faced with the cold gaze of Desmond, which froze her blood immediately. "I won't give up," she said and went back to her seat, her gaze never leaving Desmond.

Mina, who said nothing from start to finish, sighed in relief, and a sweet smile appeared on her lips. She thought she had covered herself well, but Desmond saw her every expression from start to finish.

Seeing the pretty smile on Mina's face, he couldn't help but shake his head lightly.

Soon, the teacher arrived, and the lecture started.

At OM Entertainment Industry.

"Alright, students, wait here and allow me to meet with the director first," Miss Maggie said and went away.

Raymond, the class captain, went to Sona's side and handed her a single sheet of note. "That's the missing part of the play. Don't worry; this scene might not be necessary. I just prepared it for you just in case," he spoke softly.

Sona looked at the paper and glanced at the blushing Raymond. "Am I that beautiful?" She suddenly asked; her expression, her gaze, her words, everything was breathtaking.

Due to her sudden question, everyone was dumbfounded, and they looked at her weirdly.

Raymond, on the other side, was having trouble calming his racing heart, his face even turned redder. "Did she notice my gaze on her?" He thought to himself. Before he could reply, Sona's voice sounded again.

"Since you have feelings for me, why don't you let me know? Why are you waiting for the opportunity for me to figure it out myself? What if I fail to find out? Will you just keep mute till I fall into someone else's hands?" Sona asked, her expression looking annoyed and sincere.

Raymond's heart beat even faster than normal; he couldn't control his emotions. "She knows. Does that mean she has feelings for me too?" Raymond smiled happily. "I don't know how you view me, that's why I didn't approach you. I'm sorry for that. Since you already figured it out, can we start dating?" His voice showed his happiness.

Sona suddenly frowned in confusion. "When was that line added? Why was I not informed?" She asked with a confused gaze, but inwardly, she was laughing uncontrollably.

The smile on Raymond's lips gradually faded as he repeated, "Line?" Immediately after his question, he realized that Sona was just practicing her lines, and here he was, thinking that she was confessing to him. Embarrassed, he couldn't stay a moment longer. "Erm... I suddenly feel sick. I'll pass on this competition," he said and left immediately.

No one reacted in time, as they didn't expect the turn of events. They all thought Sona was being genuine, not reciting lines. Poor Raymond must have been embarrassed to the point of wanting to disappear.

Sona merely smiled mockingly. "Crazy humans," she murmured softly.

Soon, Miss Maggie returned and invited the students in. "Where is Raymond?" She asked when she noticed his absence.

"Captain wasn't feeling well, so he left not long ago," someone reported.

"What luck," Miss Maggie commented. "You all should go to Mr. Godwin for the auditions. I won't escort you in."

"Alright, Miss Maggie," the students replied and left.

"Sona," Miss Maggie called.

Sona raised her brows in question.

"Follow me. I told the director about you, and he wants to see you," Miss Maggie replied and led the way.

"Sorry, Mr. Blue, the other student is not feeling well, so I came here alone with her. Do you have any spare actors she can rehearse with?" Miss Maggie asked when they entered the rehearsal room.

Mr. Blue, who was having trouble with a script in his hand, nodded and raised his head. His shocked expression was very visible when his gaze landed on Sona.

"She is indeed perfect for the Jean character. It's as if the character was meant for her," Mr. Blue praised and nodded in satisfaction. Even though he was no longer young, he couldn't help appreciating Sona's beauty, her appearance matched the character, but he was curious about her hair. He couldn't help but wonder where she got her hair done; it looked real and alive. "She is indeed perfect for the character but her hair...." He said

Hearing that Director Blue had an issue with her hair, Sona frowned dangerously. As a Peahen who was very proud of her appearance and cared about her beauty, she couldn't stand it if someone found fault with her beauty. She was now mad, and she wanted to eat this director alive.

"Oh... her hair," Miss Maggie smiled and declared proudly. "She is a lady from a noble family, so her hair color is not strange at all. You just noticed that her beauty matches the character description, and I bet her acting skills will meet your satisfaction."

At Miss Maggie's words, Sona almost rolled her eyes. "Humans with the ability to judge people by their appearance, how unfortunate," she thought to herself.

"I see," Director Blue nodded. "Which noble family, if I may ask?"

Miss Maggie sighed. "Their family background is very mysterious; we only know that they come from a noble family, but the guess is that they are not from this country."

Sona was speechless. "Is she trying to curry favor with this man? Why is she saying so much?"

"Alright, but in the novel 'Love of Lost,' the female lead's hair is black... I can still agree with brown hair, but this blue-green is completely out of it. Perhaps she should dye it," Director Blue suggested.

"Dye what?" Sona questioned immediately. How could she agree to dirty her beautiful hair?

Director Blue's mouth twitched. If not for Sona's rare beauty and her perfect fit for the character, he would have sent her away long ago. He took a deep breath and turned to Miss Maggie. "Since she is not willing to change her hair color, that's not a big deal. You said 'their' earlier; perhaps I can swap her with one of her female siblings, seeing her beauty, I bet the others are not far behind."

Miss Maggie sighed. "Director Blue, I bet you will take back your words after my explanation. While her female siblings are indeed beauties, their hair color will also be a problem. One is gold, and the other one is... white, and they won't want to change their hair color as well." She gave Director Blue an apologetic gaze.

Director Blue almost spat out blood. "The golden one was still manageable, but what is with the white one?" He couldn't help but imagine a white haired ghost. "Which mother gave birth to these weird children?" He thought. "Lady, this character's hair color can't be changed. Please dye your hair," he pleaded. He couldn't understand why he was pleading with her. He was supposed to be arrogant and be in control of the decisions, but he found himself giving in to a lady who was far younger than him. He felt he should really get himself checked at the hospital.