
Beastly Cursed

“When a child is born of fire and snow of two enemies, the world will be covered in a sea of blood. Their howl blows the fiery ashes of the enemies, and their touch can melt the ice of winter. The Great White Alpha will bring to the end under the blood moon. Only a silver heart can subdue the beast.” Aneria knew she was different. Being a hybrid born of two natural enemies made her life difficult. She can feel her body change. She is loved by both of her parents and close friends in her life but once the beast starts to emerge out from within Aneria fears she will hurt those she cares and love. *Updates every Thursdays

helloyingz · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter Four: Heart Frenzy

"Shit! Are we too late?"

I sense four strangers approaching my home.

"Yup, this Norrix Henderson," said another as he hissed at the sight. "He's dead."

"Oh god, look at his stomach," a female voice gasped, frightfully. "What kind of person does this?"

"I know who."

I snap my attention to a new group of strangers. A sweet scent filled the air as I glance at the group. There are four of them and all are vampires; three boys and one girl. All a bit older than I am, and share the pale blue eyes.

They don't seem to be part of the other group because their clothes are different. They all have matching fancy uniforms with capes as they came from Europe.

"Who the hell are you guys?" I hear Gideon ask, his voice deep and hostile towards the newcomers.

I growl as the first vampire took a step forward. He slowly made his appearance, standing straight and showing how courageous he was to interfere with my anger. He's tall, a bit muscular not buff like Gideon but I can see how broad he is underneath that uniform. Had dark blond hair, shiny blue eyes, and a perfectly shaped face. I've seen plenty of cute boys here in Evergreen but none has ever given a glance to me because of my appearance. Though, none of the boys I had a crush on can't compete with this handsomely-hot vampire. I bet if normal boys stand next to him it will make them look plain. But something about him makes my heart flutter, and my mind goes dizzy.

I've seen Twilight and I must say he may not be Edward Cullen because this guy is way too pretty.

What the hell is this feeling?

And his scent, oh my god his scent is…is…sweet like honeydew that I would always smell early in the morning.

Am I the only one who smells something so sweet it makes my nose itchy yet intoxicating?

"My name is Izek Crane, captain of the 7-division of the Silvercrest Knights."

"Silvercrest huh?" Gideon says in an I-don't-give-a-crap tone. "And why is a bunch of cold-blooded kids doing here far from home?"

"You will speak respectfully to the young master of the Crane family." Says the other vampire as he steps next to Izek, his eye glows. "He's the son of Cyrus and Amelia Crane and soon to take over the family as the new headmaster."

"I don't give a damn if he's a headmaster or God. Like I said to these rogues, I will say the same thing to you four, get off the property, or else you will end up like those two."

The four vampires spot the dead vampire a few feet from them and the lifeless werewolf besides Gideon.

"I can't do that," Izek says in confidence.

"And why not?"

"We were sent here to receive the rogues after entering the portal that connects this world with ours -illegally," Izek explains. "We need them alive. The other two have been eliminated the woman is coming with us."

"Huh…" Gideon scoffed and sighed. "You guys were too slow to capture a bunch of nobodies. But since you were sent here with passage. Take the female vampire and leave this property."

The female vampire squeak to grab the attention of Izek and the others. "Please…help…me…" she cried out. "I don't…want to…die."

The voice submerged in my mind telling me to kill the vampire woman. I tried to fight it off but something in me snapped. I dash out of the house and present myself by grabbing the neck of the rogue vampire.

"Aneria, let the vampire go," Gideon says calmly.

"No!" I yelled only the tone of my voice doesn't sound like my normal voice. It gave out an authoritative command that made Gideon and the group of vampires step back a few steps.

"Aneria, don't be stubborn and release her."

"Kill her…kill…kill!" The voice in my head continues to tempt me.

I shut my eyes shut and at the same time was crushing the vampire's throat making her gag for air.

"Kill her Aneria…kill her now!"

I groan, agitated as the pain in my head increases. "Stop! Just shut up!"

"Aneria, what's gotten into you?" Gideon asks in a frantic tone.

"Shut up! Shut up! Get out of my head!"

"Aneria, breathe," Gideon tried to calm me down but once he steps close I push him off without touching him.

The thumping and throbbing in my head went crazy. I release the vampire to clutch the side of my head and let out an agony scream.

"Get out! Get out!"

The pain won't fade, and the voice kept on chanting.

"Please, make it stop!"

I want this pain to leave. I want it to stop. It hurt so much it felt like needles are poking my brain at the same time. "Please, someone make it stop."

Just when I'm about to go into another frenzy, a cold touch place on my hand grew warm. I let my hands go and look up at Izek. Suddenly, something warm spread to my body and dispels the pain. The voice is gone and so was the headache.

"It's alright." He soothes. "You are going to be fine."

I pant and sweat like a hog staring at those majestic blue eyes. I wanted to swim in it and shimmer at this moment. I hear another heartbeat syncing to mine. I realized the sound was coming from Izek. He couldn't look away as we stared into each other eyes locking our gaze.

The moment the voice and headaches are gone is when Izek is this close to me. My heart is still beating only because I'm inching close to this guy.

"How are you feeling?" He asks with worries, never looking away.

"I'm…I'm fine," I replied as my voice stammered.

"That's good," he stares into my eyes, but I look away, knowing how I look like a freak to him. I used my hair as a wall to cover my face. Someone who looks perfectly can't possibly stay close to a person like me.

Having two-tone-colored eyes is abnormal, especially for a high-born vampire like Izek.

I felt his hand brush my hair away from my face. With the sudden electrical sensation spreading, my body flinch.


I jerked my head and was stunned by the word he said. Did he call me beautiful?

No, I can't be beautiful. My parents, Gideon and Uncle Stan, tell me I'm beautiful because they are family, but when a stranger says it, I don't believe it.

I guess he's just being polite. But Izek pulled up a smile revealing his perfect white teeth, and I couldn't help but admire his beautiful face. His smile was gentle and soft. He wasn't lying, and that just made my body temper go up 5000 degrees Fahrenheit and made my head spin like crazy.

The headaches may be gone, but the dizziness is still there.

Is it because he's close?

I was too embarrassed to get up and noticed I'd staring too long; I turned my head and looked away to avoid the confrontation.

I clench my fist and place it over my chest. My heart is beating like crazy it can't stop.

This is crazy! Why am I feeling this way to a guy I just met and a vampire at that?!

Gideon is a werewolf and we aren't blood-related because we grew up like siblings. Gideon is handsome and some people in town especially the women would eye him like he's the last hunk of meat in the story. Even Millie has a crush on him and I do find Gideon good-looking but compared to Izek, I feel he's much better than Gideon.

Suddenly, Izek was pushed off as Gideon grabbed my arm, keeping me from the young vampire.

"Don't fucking touch my sister with those hands you cold-hearted bastard," he growls.

"Sorry," Izek held his hands up, who didn't seem to be insulted and let it go calmly. "I didn't mean to touch her inappropriately, and it's just that seeing her in pain made me…."

"Made you what?"

I place a hand over Gideon's arm stopping him from attacking Izek. "Enough. Gideon, I'm fine."

"This bloodsucker was touching you."

"I said I'm fine, and he didn't hurt me, he…" mostly was my painkiller and eased the excruciating pain in my brain that felt like a ticking time bomb.

"You sure?" He cups my face and brushes my hair back away from my face. "You scared me. What the hell happened there? And who were you screaming at?"

"It's nothing."

"The hell that wasn't nothing," Gideon backs away. "It looks like you weren't yourself when you suddenly grabbed that vampire, and then you were shouting loud as if you were in pain. An, tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing is going on!" Realizing I yelled at Gideon I covered my mouth. "Gideon, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

I was cut off from apologizing when Uncle Stan poof himself and display his presence. "Gideon, Aneria! How are my two favorites…what the hell is going on here?" He pauses to ask a question as he scans around, spots the dead vampire, and transforms the werewolf. One of Izek's team members captured the female vampire and then glanced at Izek and his team and then back to Gideon and me.

"Okay, you two got a lot of explaining because I don't know why two dead rogues are at your front yard and why are the Silvercrest Knights here anyway. Nope, don't speak." Uncle Stan stops one of the vampires as he crosses his arms over his chest, glancing at Gideon and me again.

We all share a look and given that another party has joined there's going to be an explanation that Uncle Stan wants to hear.

It's going to be a rough day.