
Beastly age: Saga of the Winterwyrm

Trace origins, Rebuild genes, evolve and transcend species Tynofast is a Komodo dragon hatchling in 3023. One of the many unlucky in Xenoneural Lab of the Amphrite star system. Endowed with intelligence and alien genes, he is thrown into the the war games with only a more compatible make up under his name. What's an intelligent reptile got to do to survive the 30th century.

Mattigician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: First trial.

Weeks have passed at the training compound. Everyday, a lone komodo dragon came out of the main building battered, weak and charred from resistance training in a deathtrap obstacle course.

Tynofast had also gone through a commendable part of the park in search of a battle and a beating every week pending his unusual shedding cycle.

The results of this three week long refinement were satisfactory by his standards.



[Name: Tynofast]

[Species: komodo dragon - alpha variant chain]

[Stage: hatchling]

[Life span: 40 earthern years]

[Strength: non-tiered]



*Infrared sensing*

*Odor sensing*

*Strong digestion*

*Transcenent metabolism*


*damage reductive memory scales*

*Dual breathing systems*

*Hunting instinct* – animalistic intuition, numerous hunts and a number of life and death battles have given you an affinity for the hunt.


Now, he was facing the month-end in less than 3 days. These three odd days, would be his last period of preparation before a forced battle royale against his H solution jacked siblings.

H solution is basically a violent symbiote/virus. It hijacks it's hosts cells, remodels them for high growth and increased energy absorption.

This drastically reduces the creatures lifespan and specialized cell functionality. It also hampers proper cell division and keeps them in a state of constant hunger.

Basically they become insatiable short-lived monsters with varying mutations. They might have been able to avert their fates if their brains weren't wrecked being the home base of viruses it was.

Regardless, their early growth rate and various mutations would give them an unsightly advantage..., a gap in battle prowess. A gap he has been trying to bridge the whole month. The results of this being his perfectly sinewed form at 23". His black scales had gained an extremely faint green, likely a side effect of his acquired abilities, his promise as an alpha variant was beginning to show in his absurdly fast growth.

Unfortunately, with what he knew of the humans, his growth was going to be anything but reassuring. No matter what the battle meant, he was resolved to end the brainless beasts his siblings had become. Not as a mercy but as a form of preemptive action against the growth environmental leeches in his territory.

Either they all died in this battle or he did, there was no other way. Tynofast stopped brooding on his murderous thoughts and slinked off to the burrow he began to call home since his second day he came here. He built it himself, it was his first creation and he swore it wouldn't be his last.

In the control room...


The staff were attempting to relax in the transformed panel of operations. The lighting at a lackadaisical luminosity and wine was being served by in-house bots. Classical music lit the air with emotion, the one thing these distinguished men and women controlled more than their various fields of expertise.

The one thing ruining the atmosphere were the participants. They didn't really see eye to eye with today's guests, the ever arrogant envoys from Wargle dome in white and red sporting the group's logo.

Strutting in like they were owners of Xenoneural Labs themselves, one would expect reverence from being the main benefactors in a cooperative relationship like theirs. But it was evident that foolishness couldn't be staved even in the 30th century, not when they were about to re-enact the story of the farmer and the goose that layed gold eggs.

This debacle of an effort to minimize animosity between hosts and guests was orchestrated by the director himself. Non of Xenoneural Labs employees knew why he ignored the blatant disrespect from Wargle dome's envoys when they were anything but weaker than the dome from a militaristic standpoint. Unfortunately for the pissed bunch, they knew director's authority was not to be contested by the likes of them.

The man of the hour himself arrived. He walked in at a brisk pace clad in a proto suit. Not conforming to useless courtesy he immediately addressed everyone like he couldn't be bothered to waste time on any faction.

"In less than 3 days, the last qualifier to represent Wargle for the next War games is scheduled to undergo 'crowd baptism' the facilitators are it's kin on H solution. It will be rumble that our esteemed guests and partners will be sure to enjoy. Should he pass this baptism and you feel he had gained eligibility to enter contention for representing beast, we will send him to you at a semi-adult stage of growth."

Not waiting for a reply of any sort he descended the podium amidst applause of the staff. Disgruntled the envoys chose to momentarily ignore the breach in tact.


Three days had passed. Tynofast and his siblings were gassed by the android before they were carried to an inward, curving metal colosseum the size of a football field, with an Olympic sized pool in the center.

His thirty odd siblings were divided into three placed in separate parts of the field within short distance of each other. Tynofast was placed at the fourth end of the pool...