
Beastly age: Saga of the Winterwyrm

Trace origins, Rebuild genes, evolve and transcend species Tynofast is a Komodo dragon hatchling in 3023. One of the many unlucky in Xenoneural Lab of the Amphrite star system. Endowed with intelligence and alien genes, he is thrown into the the war games with only a more compatible make up under his name. What's an intelligent reptile got to do to survive the 30th century.

Mattigician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 10: Judgement

In the control room...

The Director raised an eyebrow when Tynofast fought and killed the last mutated dragons. Tynofast had all but won this against his expectations. They planned this battle not to gloriously send him off but to prevent the part alien beast from falling into the disgusting hands of Wargle. As someone, a spy maybe, had already alerted them to his existence. Clearly, the fulfillment of the objective was prevented by the birth of irritatingly timed variables.

By the time the envoys from Wargle had recovered from their reverie he had blocked all communication. They soon tried to send results of the day's happenings to Wargle headquarters but turned ghastly when they found their communication had been blocked. Subsequently, they were stripped in full view of the sneering members of Xenoneural Labs.

Finally the naked men got thrown into Stasis pods. The director then sent messages declaring a longer stay, posing as the envoys. There was no way he would allow Wargle dome to even sniff up a fragmented clue to their groundbreaking developments. The last thing Xenoneural Labs needed was attention.

After the risky operation the director allowed himself to take a deep relaxing breath. Plans for Megen dome's world warping tech were hampered but still possible. He then made at the Hail Mary operation agreed by the organization heads, should issues like this arise.

Vareous decided to cut the bull. He had the staff get Tynofast into his office by the next day. Why he didn't choose to end W1W8RM's life today, was because of the threatening message he sent to Wargle urging them to use the last Wargame's uncashed privilege if they wanted the new and promising superbeast and not a shredded corpse. Ten minutes later they had reluctantly agreed after asking for some varying benefits and compensation which were mostly agreed to.

Wargle dome executives contacted Megen dome and took what they needed amidst rivers of hate and oaths of vengeance. By afternoon the had arrived on the dwarf planet inhabited by Xenoneural Labs in the Amphrite Star system. Towing the giant device off the luxury starcraft.

Wargle dome's men had asked for the whereabouts of the envoys. An appropriate excuse was given for the purpose of stalling. Installation and analysis of the Reality transfixation portal. It was so ground breaking it confounded Tynofast's origins.

Such a thing would open up a new resource point for them. The reason Megen dome hadn't used it to reap the benefits of their own creation was simply because they could not. They needed a rare element that was thought extinct in all but the vaults of the Supreme council and the 8 great organizations.

Conveniently, Xenoneural Labs was the only party outside of these organizations that had it, in great quantities too. The day seemed to be a dream for the director and the Executives heading Xenoneural Labs. They stood before the huge machine as it hummed to life. An army of men and android filled the space turning it into a hornet's nest.

The director and the executives felt like they were at the most beautiful opera and the lead singer, their collective lover, was the ominously flickering machine. The machine would soon begin warping the space with an energy scientists at Megen Dome named Vodiphotons. It damaged living bodies in it's influence irreparably, with a more potent effect than harmful radiation, so potent their suits couldn't abate it in the slightest.

Now they were a safe ways away from the machine.

It got so bad it interfered with the workings of the androids. Seeing their plan failing before it truly started, the executives put pressure on the director who began transferring it into motivation for a stable and quick solution. Minutes later it came to him they would use the toughest beast in here, W1W8RM! ("It would truly be proper waste utilization" he thought darkly.)

Waiting for nothing he sent a message and instructions into the chip on Tynofast before having him brought to site. The message Tynofast recieved? Follow instructions or die!

The first set of instructions told Tynofast how to get machine primed. The second set, to get the volatile power source into position. Merely getting his maw onto the stuff injured him but he was greeted with 6 seconds of shock therapy when he dropped it.

After the stick came the carrot. Accomplishment equals freedom.

He didn't need an AI to know the deal was somehow heavily against him but the light of freedom was too enticing. ("On the offside I survived they would likely honor their deal" he thought) trying to motivate himself.

The hour of reckoning came and Tynofast was a sizzling flesh sieve. Carrying and placing that thing had nearly killed him. But now he had earned freedom he would be sent away to some thriving planet chock full of wonderful prey and competitors.

Dazed, in a tantalizing fantasy Tynofast stumbled away from the deathly contraption only to meet a humanoid android before getting to the director and his associates.

Under the director's cold stare Tynofast was subsequently thrown in by an android like trash. Righting himself in the oscillating environment, he despaired. Now, Tynofast was bleeding everywhere on the verge of death, few words could describe his overpowering rage. Then everything was bright...