

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 6: First Impressions Could Save A Life

Roadside Truckstop, Outside Trenton County, Oregon.....

Freedom awaited the now exhausted Rae Hadley as she made her way down the long stretch of highway in a bid to get as far away from Trenton County, Oregon as possible. She managed to make the long trek to a rest stop she knew after having passed by it many times on the way to school. She figured she'd hitch a ride or stow away on a bus until she got to the next stop and pay her way from there. In truth she had not known much about traveling nor the system of one having to go through in which to travel even somewhere as close as the nearest state. Much of her knowledge had come from old books and the desire to go anywhere to get away from her past life even if it meant taking risks in the outside world.

The walk to the rest stop was much more difficult than she anticipated and by the time she saw the familiar structure of trucks a outside restroom and several people standing beside their respective trucks taking smoke breaks and chatting about upcoming drives. It didn't seem too bad a place to start her journey there were people at least and a restroom for her to use if she needed it.

With aching feet, she moved amid the trucks which looked a lot larger up close than they had when she'd been on the bus and in the distance. The roaring engines left a lot to be desired as well as the smoke from the exhaust but she managed just fine. She was both excited and terrified as she navagated her steps and made it to the restroom. It was quite late by the time she got to the rest stop after having to take so much time to sneak out of town when no one could find her. So much so that she hardly noticed that it was dusk until it was upon her.

She entered the rest stop repulsed by the stench of cigarette smoke and old urine as she stepped inside. The door locked which was a good thing due to the hour. She hadn't eaten since the night before when she took off and it had taken her half a day to make it out of town entirely before she was sure she could evade those whom were keen to look for her. She knew some meant well, but there was no way she'd be going back to that place and Ed Earl.

She ignored the rumbling in her stomach as the stench of the urine began to fill her nostrils and take away her appetite anyway. She had a few moments before she needed to venture out and see whom she could hitch a ride with so she decided to wait a bit and rest up where it was relatively safe if not pleasant a place to be. She had been through worse at home and eventually didn't mind it.


Unknown Location, Unknown City, Unknown State....

A low howl filled the open night air as a large black humanoid creature raced toward a truck stop taking notice of the various bodies that lined the place. The scent of something had gotten it's attention, something not at all unpleasant as he rushed forward as if desperate to find out what this thing was that had come into the strange place where the foul smelling mortals stood with their roaring metal monsters that were easily shredded via tooth and claw. A few of the truckers were not so lucky as the humanoid beast slashed through them on the way past gorging on their soft organs and tossing their deceased carcassas around like broken rag dolls.

The eyes on the creature blazed via fury as it took out a group of men whom had attempted to shoot it alerting everyone in the vicinity to the sound of gunfire. Those whom had not been able to get into their trucks and drive raced into traffic in a bid to get away from the strange beast. While some corpses littered the stop, there were was a small group of drug fiends that seemed to take advantage of the chaos in a bid to acquire some means of feeding their addictions.

They robbed the dead and took everything valuable in sight that the creature left behind.


Roadside Truckstop, Outside Trenton County, Oregon.....

Rae had seemingly dozed off during the commotion and while she had not heard the roaring of trucks anymore, she did hear the random gunshots that caused her to awaken. She was startled at first then terrified then concerned when not a single sound was made afterward suggesting that something terrible had happened outside. She wasn't going to let what she figured to have been a territorial dispute be the end of her journey to freedom from Trenton County and decided she'd keep moving no matter what horrors awaited her outside the restroom door.

Cautiously, Rae opened the door and stepped outside. She saw no sign of any human life nor any of the trucks as she moved to find her way back toward the highway when three drug addicts whom were stealing valuables from the bodies of the dead looked in her direction.

She attempted to run only to be cornered by them as they backed her into a corner amid the leftover trucks as she clutched her backpack.

"What's in the bag, Girly?" asked one of them with a bunch of hideous scars all over his skin. He wore a badly battered and dirty yellow t shirt that looked more like a halter top with the bottom cut off and green cargo shorts.

"Yow wouldn't be holding out on us now would you?" asked the one in a dirty white men's tank top whom had taken to weilding a switchblade knife. He wore jeans mostly ripped and gray sandals on his feet.

The third drug addict was also a man shirtless and down to boxer shorts and bare feet.

All of them were dirty and vile even just to look at. They reminded her of what Ed Earl would be if they didn't have a shower handy at the house.

"This is my bag you can leave me alone and I'll be on my way now." she said firmly.

They didn't seem bothered in the least with one slapping her across the face as the other two went digging through her bag tossing her stuff about carelessly as it had nothing of real value inside.

Seemingly annoyed, the men crowded around her as Rae attempted to make use of a rock she found beneath her hand while reeling from being slapped by the dirty bastard in the white tank top.

"She don't got any money, but I know what else we can get from a pretty little thing like this." he said aiming the knife at her as she threw the rock at him hitting him square in the chest for all the good it did.

Rae scrambled to her feet and attempted to run even back to Trenton if she could get away from these sick drug addled bastards but she was caught and tackled to the ground where they proceeded to pounce.

She shouted for help.

She shouted for anyone whom had been in distance of her voice for assistance against the three drug addicted freaks that were making her life hell in that moment.


Unknown Location, Unknown City, Unknown State....

Duko awoke in the middle of a strange empty parking lot with gravel digging into his exposed flesh and his head ringing. He could hear screaming followed by laughter as he managed to get to his feet groggy by all accounts from whatever occured during his latest blackout. The screams continued followed by twisted laughter as it appeared someone was struggling and being attacked by someone. Duko rushed toward the noise intent on putting an end to whatever had been going on as he felt the creeping taste of bile in the back of his throat. There was a horrid stench and then a strange scent that seemed almost pleasant as he approached.

The dark blue eyes of Duko caught sight of three men and what appeared to have been a young woman in their clutches. Two were holding her down via her wrists and the third, one in white was wielding a knife and cutting at the fabric of her jeans. There was no question what the twisted freaks had been attempting and it only made Duko's blood boil in his veins.

Without warning, Duko charged them slicing the head off the one wielding a knife in one foul swoop via his clawed hand and ripped the closest of the other two into halves via his super strength as he tossed his carcass along with the first one.

The last had tried to run and even apologize but Duko who's eyes glowed a very bright and deadly shade of red was hearing none of it. He tore out the drug addict's throat and tossed his body along with the others. A feral growl erupted from him as he turned his attention to the now silent and trembling young woman whom had been too afraid to move as she looked up from the ground while on her back.

There was a scent coming from her no longer interrupted via the stench of those trying to do her harm. She was either ovulating or just unpleasantly aroused and it made Duko's eyes shift yellow as he took in the scent.

He seemed to calm himself as he looked her over. She gasped when he dropped down to the ground and crawled over her. His large muscular frame flexing above her as she became quite familiar with his nakedness in the form of his cock pulsing against her exposed flesh. Duko continued to sniff her as he surveyed the damage and found she sustained one mirror cut due to the knife being pointed at her throat prior to his intervention and her jeans were ripped in the worst of places as well as the panties she had worn when she left the house of horrors and walked right into another horror show it seemed.

Duko grunted pressing his body against hers as she gasped feeling the weight of his cock and pelvis against her exposed thighs. He stared down at her still taking in her scent as curiosity seemed to get the better of him.

His eyes shifted from yellow to his natural blue as he was able to calm himself staring into the eyes of the frightened young woman whom had not moved a muscle since she saw him murder those bastards whom had tried to have their way with her.

As she looked back up at him a strange and easy calm came over him and she appeared to become calm as well despite their eyes being locked for several moments. Neither moved nor spoke as they continued to stare into each other's eyes unable to look away even for a moment.

Duko's thunderous heart was beating in his chest about a mile a minute and the young girl's seemed to as well. He could feel his arousal increase hardening his exposed cock and making his body tense. She seemed to bite her bottom lip and shift her lower body a bit as she stared at him.

Never before had Duko known of an intense need for something to the point of utter madness. He didn't truly know if he wished to kill the girl or rut like mad until the sun came up. She made the first move touching his bearded face and stomach with her free hands. Duko groaned reaching leaning his head down to lick at the exposed flesh of her neck.

She let out a moan that seemed like music to his ears until he noted a scent that told him all he needed to know about the girl below him. She'd been immature and this stopped their strange interlude from going any further as he climbed off her much to the girl's disappointment and stood on his feet.

"Come." he commanded and she followed as if being bound via a trance.

She had not wished to offend him nor did she wish to remain amid the bodies that litereed the truckstop. It was dark and cold and she didn't feel safe in the least alone but with him, this strange man whom had strange tendencies, she felt safe for the first time since she'd been born.

Rae followed without a word as he lead her back toward his motel room. She didn't ask why he'd been naked and silently appreciated the view for the first time since she met him.