

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 36: The Intensity Of Mutual Connection

The Penthouse Suite, The Silverwire Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada....

Attentive emerald green eyes were fixated on the slumbering man whom had been shifting and fidgeting in his sleep as Rae paced back n forth worrying about what to do for her ailing husband. Duke was not the type to take kindly to being carted off to a hospital and even worse, his brand of temperament and odd behavior would have only raised more questions which included his competency when it came to their marriage. Rae once more approached her ailing husband unsure of what her next move would be in terms of offering him adequate assistance. Duke seemed to stir sitting straight up in bed with his eyes wild and his face covered in sweat as much as the rest of him had been. He growled as he lifted himself off the bed despite Rae's advice not to. His body was tense, and his senses poised as if he had not known where he'd been.

Rae quickly deduced that he might have been suffering from another flashback from his days in combat as he quickly ducked onto the floor and moved as if he had rifle in his hands. Fear coursed through her very being, but not for herself. The now trembling young woman had feared what was becoming of her husband in this place that seemed to hold mostly bad memories for him due to his unsavory past affiliations.

Duko suddenly caught the scent of Rae as his expression changed and he found himself rushing her as she attempted to climb onto the bed to avoid him. He tackled her inhaling her scent as he had the first time they met causing her stomach to flutter as she attempted to take slow breaths. She still didn't know how to help him, but she was familiar with his behavior when he elected to pin her to the bed. She could feel him getting aroused in the process, the thick hardness pressed against her thigh as he glared down at her for a few moments.

Duke had been miles away as she stared down at Rae seeing passed her and back onto the field of battle where he'd barely managed to save the life of one of his men whom had come just shy of being blown up via a pipe bomb. He covered his fellow soldier with his body, not at all worried about the consequences as he attempted to keep him safe. It had taken him a moment to realize it but the familiar scent of Rae seemed to break through this place erasing all the stench of bombs, death, and suffering.

"Duke?" said Rae's voice as his ears perked and the scene faded leaving him back in the penthouse suite in Las Vegas.

Duko turned his attention back to Rae after blinking a bit to adjust his line of sight. He looked down at the beautiful terrified young woman he had gone through the trouble of making his wife and smiled. She reached up and touched his face unsure if he'd been in his right mind at this point.

He leaned into her gentle touch, seemingly grateful for it as he met her worried gaze. She was relieved when he kissed her hand and eventually leaned down to kiss her lips as she finally allowed herself to relax beneath the weight of his larger muscular frame. Duko continued to kiss his young wife attempting to reassure her that he'd been alright and to ease her fears.

He managed to get her out of her shirt, tossing it onto the floor beside them and kissed her belly as he worked her out of her jeans kissing between her thighs as he tossed them aside as well. She stared up at him, meeting his intense gaze and knowing exactly what he had in mind as he crushed his lips into hers while positioning himself between her thighs. Biting her bottom lip, Rae did her best to accommodate him as she felt the all too familiar intrusion that signaled the shift of their relationship as Duko groaned in her ear as he continued to kiss her neck.

Rae couldn't control her rapid breaths nor the increased beating of her heart as she found herself giving in to the needs of both herself and her husband as he sought a means of distraction from his own thoughts and horrid memories.

The groan that escaped Duko's lips echoed within Rae's ear as she clung to him, their bodies feeling closer due to the skin to skin contact. She liked the way he smelled, it seemed to be an added bonus to their heightened senses as she felt him slip inside her depths stretching her around him as she moaned in the wake of the intense pleasure that being connected to him in this way seemed to give her.

Duko let out a low growl as he towered above the thin frame of his wife, his muscle rippled body tense as his thrusts began slowly jolting the intensely focused younger woman along the mattress. His fingernails dug into the bedding below them as their act began to intensify adding to the already calculated damage their previous efforts had caused the old bed over the course of their stay.

Once more the eyes of Duko shifted in the wake of his building lust and the yellow hue returned growing darker and darker the more intense he'd become as his thrusts continued to increase. Rae only moaned in reaction as she gasped from the force of his jolting her smaller body along the bed in the wake of the new found aggression from her husband.

Duko's heart beat wildly within the confines of his chest as he took in the familiar scent of arousal from his wife and her natural scent that seemed to have a hold on him as his face brushed against hers and locks of her hair flicked against his nose as he continued to pump his hips against her pelvis losing himself in the sheer sensation of their act as much as she had.

While he had been no stranger to the exploits of sexual prowess, Duko couldn't recall anyone whom had made him feel as enthralled and driven via sheer desire as Rae had despite her lack of experience and relative youth. She appeared to have been a quick study, knowing how to drive him nearly to madness with just her body alone as Duko growled more frequently as his round of thrusts began to increase in pace and intensity.

The creaking of the bed springs echoed through the room much as they had before. The headboard beat in tune with the jilting motion of Rae's body along the mattress, no doubt causing minor damage to the wall when everything had been said and done.

While they were joined, Duko could feel Rae's fear and her constant worrying was having an effect on him. He once more offered reassurance that he would be alright despite what she'd seen in the recent moments and continued to ease her mind as he pleased her body and his dragging her along with him as they gave in to sensation and desire respectively.

Rae's moans filled his ears stirring in him further need to see to her desires being met the sensation made her tighten her grip as she ran her fingers through his messy unkempt hair savoring each and every kiss as her youthful body accepted what he was all too eager to give.

Duko trailed kisses along Rae's cheek and lips as their eyes locked much as they had the first time they met and their hands became enmeshed in the wake of their act. Rae's labored breaths and Duko's groans drowned out the silence of their room, as life beyond their shared space seemed to continue on without them.

Rae continued to cling to her husband her unable to concentrate on anything aside from the immense sensation of pleasure passing between them. His touch, his scent, the noises that their bodies made while intertwined only seemed etch itself into her memory as she felt the intensity of her lover's passion for her like nothing she'd ever known.



The early hours of the next morning caught them still engaged in the act as Duko finally started to show signs of his imminent release. Rae had been unable to keep track of her own, as per the usual whenever Duko took the lead. She was still gasping from the rush and her body heated all over as she gripped him soaking his appendage as a result of her agonizingly slow built release finally coming to the forefront due to his precise and focused thrusts once she'd finished. He smiled against the slickness of her skin and she gasped for breath moaning in reaction to the sensation filling her body. Rae recalled a time when she had begged to feel him inside her and how long it had been since their marriage occurred to make it a reality.

Duko's heavy sweat slick body remained on top of hers as they continued to share kiss after kiss as his pelvis thrust slowly into her warmth driving her need for another measure of release before he had reached his own. Rae suddenly clamped her legs around his waist and pulled him close to her as her body convulsed in the wake of the waves of pleasure that shot through it causing her to lift up off the bed a bit as she clung to her husband moaning louder and louder as Duko's deep feral growl signaled that he had reached the point of no return, his cock pulsing inside her warmth and the subsequent bursts that flowed from it caught Rae off guard as she gasped her body tense with need as he filled her.

Duko's eyes seemed to darken further as he lost himself in the aftermath of his release filling his young wife as much as possible before his strength gave out and he collapsed onto her sweat slick and panting in her ear as she too found herself winded and given to a lack of strength.

Rae stroked her husband's cheek apparently sated and visibly exhausted as they shared another kiss before he pulled her close to him and held her as both drifted off unable to keep their eyes open. Their bond seemed to only strengthen as the days passed and intensify with every act that solidified their strange yet welcome union.