

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 23: WIld Hearts Breed Wild Desires

The Penthouse Suite, The Silverwire Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada....

Nightfall brought forth the moon and the cooling of the atmosphere Duko awoke to find he'd once more been in bed with his young wife. He smiled amid the semi-darkness and slowly began to kiss the exposed chest of the sleeping Rae whom had smiled in her sleep at the touch of his lips against her skin. He inhaled her sweet scent finging it all the more appealing as he began to kiss along her round breasts and lick at the tender flesh causing her to moan in her sleep. Duko enjoyed the sound as he moved along her body kissing and biting as a means of reestablishing his claim over her. Rae returned his kiss despite not being fully conscious as he pressed his larger olive oil tanned muscular frame between her slender pale thighs and felt the sensation of her breasts being pressed against his chest. When she felt his hard abs against her smooth flat belly she moaned a second time shifting her position in her sleep to wrap her legs around him.

Duko kissed her neck as he lined up his rapidly engorged appendage with the slickness he sought time and time again and eased his way inside causing Rae to grow tense for a few moments due to her lingering soreness and the stretching effect his length had on her as she took him in. She let out a small whimper from the pain as he continued to stretch her thrusting forward slowly as she enveloped him causing him to grunt from the added friction.

The heat and the previous slickness from their first encounter added to the sensation as Duko continued to slowly thrust his hips forward in a brutal fashion and pulled them back hitting every nerve inside her warmth causing her to moan more frequently into the open night air as he pinned her smaller frame to the mattress and continued to trail long slow kisses along her exposed flesh.

She was as beautiful to him as she had ever been while his dark blue eyes drank in the sight of her panting below him, aside from heavy breathing and the creaking of the bed springs there was a steady silence between them as he viewed her once more in the soft white glow of moonlight that entered the suite bathing both their exposed bodies in it's essence as if it had been an act of fate that brought them together.

Duko grunted enjoying the sensation of her warmth and tightness along his enormous cock and slowly began to increase his pace which ensured that Rae's smaller body jolted along the nearly bare mattress. Despite the soreness from the previous encounter, she seemed to be enjoying this as she opened her eyes following a particularly abrupt thrust and could barely bite back her moan as it erupted from her throat caught in the haze of what her lover was doing to her body. She clung to her husband never taking her eyes off him as he stared back down at her, their eyes locked in the same manner as they were upon their first meeting. Intense and unyielding they continued their act well into the remainder of the night.

She knew he wanted to take her in this manner upon their first meeting, but he managed to stopped himself and guide them down a less messy path to what they both wanted from the very beginning, now he had her and all the time in the world to be with her.

"Duke..." she breathed into his ear causing him to slightly increase his pace as he continued to tower above her.

Everything in him screamed for her, her scent, her touch, the tone of her voice, even the way she clung to him when he lost all control of his senses. He knew marrying her was the right choice as no other solution would have appeased the beast that dwelled within him until he claimed her as his own. It was a struggle to keep from doing so the first night they met as his being warred against itself to have what it had known to always belonged to him.

Rae moaned again as Duko's pace increased. She felt him deep insider her pulsing and plunging and hitting places only he could reach and she was overwhelmed by the intensity of pleasure that came from it. He knew her body all too well it seemed, the ins and outs of it better than even she as she continued to grip him digging her fingernails into the tight slick muscle that lined his back. As much as it had caused her pain, the pleasure was what she'd been after and it seemed she was addicted to the sensation of it as Duke's enormous appendage continued to batter the very fabric of her insides.

The sweet slick friction only seemed to make her want him all the more the deeper he had gone. The stinging sensation remained a constant in the background as she was still quite tender from their first encounter but didn't want him to stop despite the discomfort. He felt much too good to have him end it and she was nearing a much needed release that he'd been casually building up for her.

Duko grunted as his pace continued to increase jolting her along the bed as much as before and slamming the headboard that lined their luxury bed into the nearby wall echoing the sounds across the room along with the blatant sound of flesh slapping against flesh as he continued to thrust into the moaning redhead below him.

The eerie glow of a yellow hue took over Duko's eyes as he found himself unable to control the urge to dominate his mate and his pace increased further. A deep growl escaped him and his teeth shifted into razor sharp fangs as he continued to pin the panting younger woman down and thrust rather brutally into her inviting warmth desperate for release and intoxicated via her scent and arousal.

The tearing of the fabric beneath his fingertips had occurred due to his elongating claws and Rae took note that his cock seemed to be growing in size while inside her. Duko only growled as he thrust his eyes leaving his wife as he closed them tight hearing the beckoning of the beast inside eager to have more of what his young wife was offering.

The beating of his heart matched her own as she found herself panting and unable to take her eyes off him despite the strangeness of his eyes changing color and his teeth growing sharper as he gritted them driven by an instinctive impulse to claim her that seemed to border on madness.

She wasn't afraid of him despite the strangeness, in fact she seemed to crave him all the more tightening her hold on him as his thrusts got deeper and much more powerful on impact. Her desire continued to match his as the full on rutting became of their casual enjoyment and prompted Duko to withdraw from her and flip her onto her belly as he impaled her from behind like a wild animal he began thrusting into her and holding her hips in place as she moaned and attempted to see his face.

Duko growled once more his eyes blazing with a darkened yellow hue and his cock once more seeming to grow inside her as she gasped from the sensation his constant drilling of her insides had been subjecting her to. Rae managed to arch her back and crawl onto her hands and knees amid the mattress and tossed about sheets. Sweat drenched her as well as Duke, but it did little to alter their act as he bit down on her shoulder with his fangs drawing blood as he continued to thrust himself into her causing her to full on scream from the sensation.

Rae had not known how long they'd been at it as she saw the first lights of dawn appearing over the horizon when she peered out the large windows that lined their suite, but she knew Duko was on the verge of release due to the pulsing and his aggressive thrusts becoming more desperate.

She felt the rush of it and one of her own as she found her vision blurring and her legs going numb in the process and collapsed onto the mattress faced down as he collapsed onto her back still pumping his hips as his cock pulsed and she panted from the loss of breath. Duko seemed to be panting as well as his thrusts died down and his body grew heavy.

After a few moments of mutual panting Duko climbed off her withdrawing all together and scooped her off the bed and into his waiting arms. She leaned against his chest smelling the scent of sweat and sex radiating off them both as he carried her into the bathroom.


The Bathroom, The Penthouse Suite, The Silverwire Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada....

Duko carried the exhausted Rae into the bathroom spa and eased her into the tub as he began running water for the two of them. She watched him attentively as she sat amid the cold marble stone cared into the tub for use as a seat of sorts and found she'd been even more attracted to him since they'd been intimate. His large muscle bound frame was impressive but not off putting as moved with ease climbing into the tub beside her splashing a bit of the water as he approached her. She could see his cock very much aroused as he stood amid the clear water still slick from sweat as his messy unkempt hair stuck to his face and neck. She could see the five o' clock shadow starting to make itself known on his face and the intensity behind his eyes.

She thought it strange that he always seemed to be at peace with his nakedness moving about as if he had not a care in the world, of course one look at his appealing body and one could hardly blame him for not having any cares. She by contrast was quite small, even for her age and even more so compared to him. She supposed it was the lack of nutrition in her diet while being subjected to living with Ed Earl and the stripper but she always felt insecure about it growing up.

It was the very reason she wore baggy clothes and hooded sweatshirts. Her breasts were the most underdeveloped thing on her body for a time barely sprouting as she grew and even now they'd been small compared to most of the girls on campus. She was often teased for it and even attempted the embarrassing practice of stuffing her trainer bras for weeks in a bid to keep the teasing at bay.

Boys tended to either put her in the friendzone when meeting her or ignore her all together aside from Brody Davis whom had been a creep obsessed with obtaining her virginity for the sake of his clout meter. He'd been a real jerk feeling her up and remarking how she had "the tits of a baby".

Rae found herself annoyed at the memory until Duke approached her. He sat beside her on the stone bench an maneuvered her into his lap. She moaned when she came in contact with his aroused appendage and curiously started fondling it while the water covered them. Duke let out a grunt at the sensation of her touch and held her close.

"I don't know what it is about you." his deep baritone voice rumbled with desire unmatched by anything she'd ever heard before. "From the moment we met I've wanted to fuck you until your legs went numb and it seems that I want nothing else apart from it even now."

Rae's cheeks turned red which was amusing considering she'd been stroking his cock for several minutes and sitting naked on his lap as if she had not a care in the world. His vulgar words tickled her ears as she sat with him trailing long slow pecks along her exposed flesh and trying his best to keep control over his creeping lust. She inhaled the scent of musk that seemed to linger on him from the moment they met. It was a pleasant and very masculine scent, one she seemed to like more than any fragrance she'd ever inhaled before. To her, he smelled good, even more so than usual despite the sweat and scent of sex that lingered in the room following their frantic coupling. She leaned closer to him still fondling his cock and inhaled the scent of her lover once more. He seemed to be doing the same to her as she felt him kiss the top of her head before grunting in reaction to her constant fondling.

She felt him twitch in her hand, the hard warmth that appeared soft at the same time was confusing against the flesh of her palm and she had not known what to make of it. Duko grunted needing more friction as she teased him with her hand and thrust forward in reaction to his need. She smiled before climbing onto his cock and easing it inside her. He hissed at the sensation of being ridden and she did as well not realizing how sore she'd still been, but she ignored it seeking the sensation of pleasure despite herself.

Duko groaned thrusting upward into her slickness as he held her via her hips into his lap while they sat on the stone bench surrounded by warm water and rose scented soap bubbles. Rae let out another moan as she found herself clinging to him with her arms wrapped around his neck. Duke closed his eyes enjoying the simple sensation of them being united once again as Rae begna to set the pace bouncing up and down on his cock and whimpering in his ear. The water gently splashed about wetting their already sweat slick bodies and adding to the relaxation of the moment.

Rae set the pace this time working herself into a rhythm as she enjoyed her husband's thrusts while she rode him threw yet another wave of release amid the warm water. He felt good, so good that she couldn't seem to help herself as she rode him harder. He didn't seem to mind having the same idea as he continued to grip her hips.

She began to lose all control as the intensity of his desire seemed to ignite her own and she continued to ride him harder and harder desperate to get him to release and even more so to achieve another of her own.

"Rae...." he groaned loving the feel of her as she continued to ride him harder and his thrusts began to pick up intensity. "Fuck....Rae...."

"Duke..." she whimpered losing herself in the sensation she was creating via her spirited riding. "Duke don't stop....oh...Duke...mmmm."

He stood up feeling the onset of his release and held Rae's smaller body to his as burst after burst of his seed filled her once more and she screamed feeling it coat her womb uninhibited as it had the other times he'd taken her since they'd been married. It set her off as well and she clenched onto his cock and clung to him via her legs and arms as she panted through her release. Duko groaned kissing her lips as he carried her back to the stone seat and they collapsed into the water.

Both of them burst into laughter at the absurdity of it all and splashed about for several moments before turning their attention to actually bathing.

Duke lathered up a fresh cloth and began scrubbing Rae's back as she relaxed amid the warm water contented for the time being as her husband saw to ensuring she'd been clean. He kissed her exposed shoulder despite the soap and whispered in her ear.

"How would you like to go shopping?" he had said causing her to perk up in wonder.

Duko had planned to use the money he'd taken from the cheater after his visit and with it he vowed to buy Rae whatever she wanted on the dead beat's dime. She seemed to delight in that idea and he made up his mind to take her out on the town once they'd finished bathing.

"I could definitely use a new wardrobe." she said with a small smile.

Duke chuckled at this and continued to wash her back. She returned the favor before they concluded their bath and got dressed kissing and staring at each other as they finally made it out of the penthouse and down to the elevator before reaching the main lobby and taking a walk amid the vast casino structures and restaurants that populated the area.