
Briefing...and Arrival

Devin Locksdale was given a briefing by her boss that the family's oldest daughter turns into some sort of beast during the sunset. She is tasked with finding out why and how to reverse the change, or at least protect others before the girl hurts someone. The last information she was given was that she is restrained and contained indoors during the change, and so far, luckily, nothing tragic has occurred, only minor injuries and a few broken bones to the mother according to the report.

Sitting in her little black coupe, Devin drives up to a house two houses down from the family's home. She parks and turn off the engine, stowing her sparse keys in her pocket. Leaning back, she stretches her long legs from the extended drive. Ten hours behind the wheel with only food and bathroom breaks stiffens a person up.

Devin looks down at herself, taking in her pale gray button up top, fitted to accentuate her natural curves, and black slim fitting slacks. 'I hope I am not overdressed,' she thinks to herself. Devin rolls both of her ankles, her black ankle high low heel boots reflecting matted light. She looks in the rear view mirror, and is satisfied with her light makeup.

Devin is naturally pretty, and she has just enough makeup on to make herself a little more easy on the eyes. Her face is heart shaped with almost perfectly balanced eyes and a cute nose, and her full lips are a matte burgundy, making her steel gray eyes pop with their light smoky brown eye shadow frames. She takes a deep breath as she gets ready to open the car door, when she sees the family coming out of the front door and down the driveway.

Devin decides to observe the family before introducing herself and diving in headfirst. After all, she remembers what happened the last time she just waltzed up and met the family of the last...erm...changer. She almost lost her life, or at least the daylight portion. Plus, she doesn't really fancy having to live off blood for the rest of her life at night! Taking her hand off the door handle, she sits back and focuses on the scene unfolding in front of her.

She watches from her car the mom leaving for work, telling everyone bye, like any normal family. Business attire on, hair pulled back in a clean, professional bun, she smiles at her family. Hugs, kisses, and goodbyes are exchanged between the husband and wife, and the two daughters, including the oldest Devin read about in the manila folder on the passenger seat beside her. Nothing is out of the ordinary for a busy family's morning routine. The oldest daughter Devin is to try to save she notices, the girl seems, however, to be almost antsy about being outside. The younger daughter seems oblivious to all of this. There is love in the air among the family, as well as a spark of tension.

One thing Devin notices is that the mother seems to have something distracting her. She has a glass jug with her and says that she is going to pick up some more milk from the local dairy farm on her way home, and she will try to get back before sundown. Well, at least she doesn't want to be out past sundown with the family's current predicament...

After this, Devin gets out of her car, deciding that it's better to leave it parked a bit away, so that if there is something just not right about the situation, she will be able to take her car and leave, and they won't necessarily know what her car looks like. She walks down the street to the house and up the driveway, noticing that it is a seemingly normal house, from the green lawn, to the slightly inclined driveway.

The house has three windows on the front, outlined in the same cream-colored paint as the house. The brick is a true brick red, and the shingles of the roof are a steel gray. The flower garden and square deep green bushes are well-kept, pale peach roses in bloom in unison with a multitude of mums creating a beautiful rainbow of reds, oranges, and yellows, all this making Devin a bit jealous with envy. How could this seemingly normal home be hiding something so sinister? She is in a regular, cookie cutter type of neighborhood that regular families strive to live in. Devin isn't regular though…

Before Devin can knock on the gray front door, it opens and she is greeted by a middle aged, weary looking father. His demeanor is nothing of the happy person she saw telling his wife bye for the day. His dark brown hair is sprinkled with gray, the wrinkles around his blue eyes and edges of his mouth tell that his heart is filled with worry and fear.

He gives Devin a false smile and welcomes her to his home. "Come in, come in. I'm glad you are here. Although, I don't think you'll be able to help. No one has helped yet," he sighs, his body relaxing into a familiar sense of weariness.

"Why do you say that?" she asks. Devin pushes a strand of her dark red hair from her face.

The father looks into her and simply says, "You are not the first one to come here, nor do I believe you will be the last." He beckons Devin to come into the living room from the foyer she was standing in," Oh, and one more thing; my wife doesn't know that you are here to help. She thinks she can fix the problem with that milk she buys."

This causes Devin to pause, but she brushes it off as just this woman's irrational belief that she can save the world when, in reality, she needs help. Her version of a cure is the most far-fetched Devin have ever heard of. Devin also wonders what the hell she is doing here if the woman doesn't know that she is here to help.