
Beast World Portal

Liss took her mother place as she was pulled into a world that she thought was a daydream of her mentally ill mother. Her mother wasn't delusional, she was telling the truth. Now she is alone in a new world where nothing makes sense and the only thing she can do is adapt. TW{Dead dove}

Mctunado · Fantasy
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30 Chs

You're beautiful

Out of the house, the bright light blinded her momentarily, moving away from her comfortable but unpleasant position, she was now sitting straight in his arms she rubbed her eyes with her hands. She couldn't see but their faces were inches away allowing Feng Huang to watch her cuteness.

"Can I refresh myself before? I feel dirty."

Liss had no appetite, she felt bad after yesterday and she missed her friends. Levi did say that Feng Huang paid no mind to females, that he was fickle, and that he was different from other beasts, but he was scaring her.

"Refresh yourself?"

Feng Huang took her to the edge of the cliff for her to see the view, she was so behaved now that he was holding her, looking disheveled from her sleep with her cheeks and eyes still reddened and her hair all over her while she stared at the horizon with a sad expression.

"I wish to soak in water... I want to take a bath."

"But the water is cold you could faint again."

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

He thought for a while about where would be safe to take the little one to bask in while avoiding any males or animals. 

"If it's okay, we could go to that lake... where we met."

Liss tentatively tried to see how serious he was about keeping her because, after yesterday, it was undeniable (to her only) that they were at odds and the tension was uncomfortable. So if she showed her interest in going back, maybe he would oblige. 

"Why would you want to go to the same lake when you can enjoy a new place, little one?"

Feng Huang caught her intentions immediately but he had no intention of taking her back so soon, he had to keep his word and go through the youngster's punishment and enjoy a little more of her reactions. 

"Because... I need to go there."

"Whatever for?"

"Feng Hu.."

Liss finally turned to see his expression just to feel goosebumps when she saw the morning light reflecting on his luxurious locks of hair and brightening his heavenly face. The eyes, which once shone in the darkness like a warning, now appeared gentle. In contrast to Levi or Ishid, who possessed masculine and sharply defined features, Feng Huang had softer characteristics. His less prominent cheekbones and less squared jawline set him apart.

"I wish I could take a picture of you right now."

Liss blurted out without thinking, a twenty-year-old virgin was in the presence of the most alluring being under the perfect lighting. There is no wrong big enough that she couldn't forgive when the other has a face like this.

"What's a picture?"

"It's a capture of the image, a memento of a moment you wish to remember forever."

Liss explained trying her best to make sense of something that is so beyond their years that it may be impossible to even imagine for them. She made an L with her index finger and thumb of both hands, joining them at their eye level framing the ocean as an example.

"You looked really beautiful just now. Even more than this view."

The girl said in a light-hearted tone, comparing Feng Huang with the beautiful view ahead while focusing on making a perfect frame with her hands completely oblivious to Feng Huang's reactions.

In contrast to the girl in his hold, he was a century-old virgin himself, but there was no innocence in his heart any longer, while the alien grew up with warm milk with honey before bed, Feng Huang fought wars, beasts stronger than him, he killed foes and allies, he lived the path of thorns countless times, there was no room in his heart for flowers and cuddles, the face of his affection was crude, dirty.

For Feng Huang the act of holding a female in his arms was unprecedented, something that was so normal for the average male was a clear sign of submission to him.

While the girl looked away, Felg Huang held back, he bit his lower lip but the edges of his mouth still twitched upwards, even though he is normally able to mask his expressions, his body betrayed his will and the face of a pervert appeared with veins popping and sweat on his face.

"So you wish to remember me forever, little one?"

"Only your face."

"My face is still me."

"Pictures don't talk."

Liss spoke while chuckling, she held onto the length of her hair to cover the lower half of her face when crossing her wrists under her chin hiding her mouth while laughing at her joke.

"Silly thing"

Said the orc walking away from the cliff and to the forest, the lighthearted banter between them kept both distracted as Feng Huang leisurely followed the trail of the smell of fresh water.

"Is it silly that I know how to appreciate beauty?"

"So you deem me as beautiful?"

"Only on the outside."

"My body?"

"Putting it that way makes me look like a pervert."

"You are the one lusting after my figure."


"How brazen of you"

"I simply said you are beautiful."

"Yes, you did."

"That's a compliment."


"I don't think I understand, are you teasing me?"

"Well, if you express appreciation for my completion in this manner I can only assume you are interested."

The talk was interrupted by their arrival, Liss became quiet at the sight ahead.


The alien murmured. The scenery was like something out of a fantasy romance: a hill with the loveliest shade of green, a water spring that formed a river at its base, and fertile land near the river allowing flowers to bloom and all plants to look luscious and healthy.

"This world is amazing."

Liss said in awe and Feng Huang allowed her feet to meet the ground.

"It seems shallow enough for you to play on it."

"Hm, unfortunately."


The orc turned the girl around by her arm, Liss wanting to be at least submerged till her waist spoke without much thought and caused Feng Huang to misunderstand. 

"Are you dissatisfied to the point of death?"

Dumbfolded Liss's expression changed from surprise to annoyance.

"How did you come to this conclusion?"

"Why do you wish for deep waters?"

"So I can take a bath."

"And end up drowning?"

"I'm not stupid."

"You're just a female."

"No, I'm a being who can think just like you."

"Who is weak."

His hold wasn't a strong one, with ease Liss shook his hand off, and stomping her feet she went until she was in the middle of the river.

"Not to the point of dying while taking a bath. This river only goes until my knees, see?"

"And what of it."

"I'll get cold, it's not efficient to clean my whole body."

Liss demonstrated by cupping her hands, filling them with water, and pouring it over her shoulders wetting her top.

"See? It's a misunderstanding, and I like it here."

The orc who was observing the female with a frown had no choice but to overlook her words. Entering the waters and letting out a defeated sigh, he stood near her while undoing the upper half of his hanfu.

"Good. The best place to be is beside me."

Perhaps Liss learned how to placate Feng Huang, maybe he was avoiding another fight but the matter was settled rather quickly.

"Yes yes."

Liss crouched while picking up rocks underwater with a smile. The month Liss spent with the trio indeed changed the focus of her worries, and she was reminded of her situation after meeting someone new. Understanding that like back on earth, everyone here has their own morals and personalities and she was simply lucky before, expecting every male to treat her kindly is innocence.

'I guess after the last month I unconsciously accepted the idea of needing a mate, but seeing how Feng Huang treats me without hidden motives there's a possibility of a relationship with mutual benefit.'

Weighting the benefits of staying under the wing of an immortal or exploring a romance with Levi Liss listed the pros and cons.

'If I go back there's no guarantee that Ishid and Semion will quietly accept not being accepted.'

'But Feng Huang doesn't care about me.'

'The trio do, but a little too much.'

I love reading your comments, so please leave one if you enjoyed the chap. Thank you.

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