

Some Animals, their Hunting Strategies, I may or may not mention their Unique Body Adaptations but will definitely explain their Quirks and the Type Of Martial Art derived from the Animal's Hunting Technique.

Edwin_Bozie · Book&Literature
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28 Chs



1. Fairies are in a 'sense' Parasitic Beings whose power only has value when applied in the Service Of Others.

2. There is a reason with all the Power they grant you to face the Final Boss, some being very effective against him, they 'technically' don't go up against him themselves but set up Recruitment Camps for 'Hero Wannabes'.

3. The Good Fairy Federation are typically 'Symbiotic' in nature since they 'amplify the abilities of their Host in Proportion to the Benefit they derive from their Host'.

4. The Evil Fairy Federation are 'Saprophitic' in Nature. Their relationship with any being is exactly like the relationship between a leech and any other Mammal hence they specialize in 'Drain Spells'.

5. Aside from Symbiotes, most fairies tend to be very territorial in Nature. If you choose to violate their space, I want you to understand full well a few of the Evil Curses they can inflict upon you.


1. Temporal Loop: This Fairy Curse locks you in a Time Space Paradox that forces you to relive certain Events of your life you take for granted until you learn the lesson they wish to teach and understand the Core of its essence.

2. The Spatial Loop: This Curse binds you to a 'Spatial Location' in which there is no exit. Every exit you walk through leads you back to the Point Of Origin of your journey within that Map. Until you understand the Essence Of Stellar Maps and comprehend the meaning of the Warning preventing you from violating their Space, there is no exit.


1. Fairy Circle: A Circle formed from a 'Bond' of 'Multiple Fairies' that creates a 'Special Space' within which the inhabitants are granted special Buffs and are immune to Debuffs related to that Buff for as long as they remain within that Space.

2. Lumen Histoire/History Of Light: Only occurs when a Fairy is stressed to the point that they bend enough Space to materialize Spiritual Energies making those energies visible even to the 'Ordinary'. This typically results in a 'Circular Formation' but the Fairy does not end it there, they 'fragment the Circle at one point' and 'extend its circumference' while 'simultaneously extending its diameter' transforming the 'Circle' into a 'Spiral'. Normal People would then perceive them as 'Repetitive Beings undergoing the same old routine following predictable patterns' when in fact by 'altering a single figure in the diameter of the Circle, their actions are not a hundred percent repetitive but will always contain some degree of Variation. What that means is they now 'stand at a temporal point at which all flows of time connect' and as such are 'impervious to any act of History that is damaging to their Agenda'. They as such are immune to all forms of 'Astral Projection' and 'Telepathic Powers' as well as those that rely on 'Stealth' since they have 'witnessed every possibility that History can generate'. They thus become the result '1' to a 'Probability Equation' in which all the fractional possibilities lead however this technique is reserved for the 'Most Virtuous Of Fairies'.

3. The Parable Of Talents indirectly hints at the ability of Fairies to act as 'Amplifiers'. In other Words they are the 'interest' on any 'investment'.


They can be 'Potent Allies' or 'Fatal Adversaries'


Evil Fairies are typically beaten at their own Game when 'Lions' or 'Felines' enter the Picture since they tend to forget the 'Value Of The Power' that comes from the Passive Skill 'Fairy Bond'. 

Virtuous Fairies have no such vulnerabilities. Ezra's vision of the Eagle and The Lion is a 'Hint' at 'This'. The Question becomes 'how does a 'Lion', ruler of the 'Terrestrial Forest' beat a 'Fairy King Of The Skies'. The answer…when the Fairy King forgets that his power comes from his sense of Justice.