
Chapter 24 Lure the Snake out of Its Hole

The night was the protective color of magical beasts and some animals.

Wearing this mysterious and murderous protective color, magical beasts kept the highest vigilance for the potential risks, guarding against the danger around them.

However, even so, the danger would still fall on the heads of the weak.

A rabbit, which was looking for food, jumped out of the grass and was swallowed by a huge bloody mouth.

Then, a long and thick black shadow moved quickly in the forest and moved towards the fire in the distance.

In the dim moonlight covered by the dense forest, under a pair of cold eyes was the swallowing tongue.


The snake tongue continued to swallow, like a skilled assassin hiding its existence in the shadow, waiting for the prey to come and give him a fatal blow.

"Uncle Buck, you don't need to come. You can have a rest tonight."

Standing beside the fire barrel, Grover looked at Uncle Buck and said.

"No! That's impossible! Among so many people, only I've faced that big snake! I'm afraid the person can't step forward if someone else comes!"

Uncle Buck patted his strong chest and laughed, not hiding his voice at all.

Seeing this, Grover smiled bitterly.

"Well, you have to stay away from me later. I have brought something special today."

Grover touched his waist.

Two grenades were hanging there.

In the daytime, Grover applied for the equipment in person.

Uncle Buck raised his eyebrows and continued to laugh.

"Don't worry. At that time, I will run far away from you so that you and Julian can fight without scruple!"

Uncle Buck wanted to mention the names of Ethan and Freya.

But Ethan had repeatedly requested that he and Freya's existence should not be exposed in case of any unnecessary accidents.

He understood that.

Standing beside the fire barrel and feeling the increasingly hot heat, Buck could not help but look around.

"Why hasn't that beast shown up yet?"

"It should be soon!"

Grover's expression gradually became serious.

According to yesterday's situation, it should be almost the time for the big snake to appear.


Suddenly, a strange sound came from the grass not far away.

"Get down!"

Grover and Buck were lying on the ground.

The unbearable stink of blood, accompanied by a strong wind that scratched people's faces and swept the burning barrel to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a sea of fire suddenly lit up in front of Grover and Buck.

"Uncle Buck, run!"

Grover reacted quickly and stood up. He pulled out his pistol and shot at the snake in a series.



With the shrill sound of bullets, there were only sparks on the snake's body. Besides, there was no sign of injury.

"Wow! Have its scales become harder?"

Gritting his teeth, Grover turned around and ran away.

The snake, which had withstood Grover's several shots, slowly turned its head and looked in the direction in which Grover had left.

It remembered that it was this human who broke its scales yesterday.


The huge snake had crossed the sea of fire and chased after Grover as fast as lightning.

It seemed that it didn't care about Buck at all.

"Is it a vengeful monster?"

Uncle Buck took a deep breath and turned away decisively.

He was going to find support!


The sound of the gunshot was so clear in the night.

It was so clear that the sound could be heard from afar.

In the bushes, Ethan waved his hand.

He believed that Freya could see his hint.

Then, there was a glimmer of light between the trees. And it quickly spread around.

They were little sprites that inhabited the forest.

Freya, who was able to establish a connection with them, finally used this power tonight.

In this way, they could control the surroundings while hunting the shadow snake.

They can also help to discover the appearance of the dark elf, Audrey.


Another gunshot.

This time, it was close!

"Hulk, go back to support Grover!"

"Got it!"

Hulk rushed out of the shadow of the bushes, holding his ax sword excitedly.

Finally, there was an opponent who could let it wave this new weapon freely!

When Ethan knew that the scales of the shadow snake had a strong defensive power, he immediately thought of Hulk's ax sword.

It didn't look like a blunt weapon. It was like an ax sword, which could deal with the scales with strong defensive power.

"Julian, get ready! When that snake is knocked down, it will be yours!"


Julian, who was on full alert, was stunned and didn't seem to react.

Ethan patted Julian's shoulder.

"Didn't you say that you wanted a new summoning beast? That big snake is enough. Don't you like it?"

"No! No! I'm not! But don't you need it?"

Julian shook his head, looking confused.

Ethan chuckled and said mysteriously

"No. I don't need that snake. I have a better idea."

Julian looked at Ethan suspiciously but found nothing.

"Well, Ethan, my good friend. If you have any problem in the future, just tell me!"



A huge roar suddenly came.

Even at night, Ethan and Julian could still see several trees falling in front of them.

A figure rushed out from the fallen leaves.

It was Grover, who seduced the shadow snake.

"Here it is!"

Grover looked around and found that Julian was waving at him. He immediately ran over there.

Along the way, the physical strength in Grover was almost squeezed out.

He finally saw how terrifying the shadow snake was.

Since the chase began, he had shot out all the bullets he had brought.

Except for the broken scales, Grover could not hurt the snake at all.

"Are there only grenades left? But the scales on its body are still a big problem!"


Another loud noise was heard.

A thick and long black shadow flew out. Under the gaze of Grover, it rolled a few circles and slammed into a huge stone.

The impact was so strong that several cracks at least half a meter long appeared on the huge stone.

The terrible snake, which could not be hurt with a pistol, was in such a sorry state in the blink of an eye?

How was that possible?

"Ha-ha! That's great!"

In the astonished eyes of Grover, Hulk, carrying the ax sword on his shoulder, walked out with a comfortable face.

"Hey, big snake! Let's have a few more rounds!"