
Beast Master Legacy

"YOU HAVE BEEN PRESENTED WITH THE LEGACY OF YUKON......DO YOU ACCEPT?" The ethereal voice asked in it's vague tone. "What?!" Peter had never been so confused in his entire life before. "DO YOU ACCEPT?!...." This time, the ethereal voice became slightly authoritative, as if daring him to say no. No matter what it was, whether good or bad, it was wise not to refuse a gift being presented, or else you'd risk the anger of the one presenting it. "Yes!" Peter replied as he held on for his dear life. "VERY WELL, YOU HAVE ACCEPTED THE LEGACY OF YUKON AND HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AS A PARTICIPANT IN THE CONTEST OF MIGHT AND MAGIC" ----------------------------------------- On a strange day and in a mysterious moment, Peter made a choice that would change his life forever. Find out how his choice affected his whole life. And what epic adventures or dangers awaits him.

Shadow_Darkstar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The Golden Staff


Peter couldn't understand what he was hearing, but that was not all, as a glowing group of words appeared in his mind;

Name ~~~ [Peter Watson]

Origin ~~~ [Otherworld]

Legacy ~~~ [None]

Class ~~~ [None]

Talent ~~~ [None]

_"What the hell?"_ Peter could still not understand what he was seeing as he clung desperately to the golden staff.

_{You have been presented with the legacy of Yukon.....do you accept?}_

The ethereal voice spoke again in it's vague tone.

_"What now?!"_ Peter had never been so confused in his entire life before.

_{You have been presented with the legacy of Yukon...do you accept?}_

The voice repeated again patiently.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" Peter had to scream out in frustration.

For God's sake, his life was in danger here and all he was hearing was something about legacy?

What's up with that?!


This time, the ethereal voice had thrown off it's patient facade, as it's tone became more deeper and slightly authoritative.....as if daring Peter to say no.

On hearing it's renewed tone, Peter froze and thought about his next reply.

He was not really the reading type, but he had read his fair share of manga novels, and he knew that when the MC comes across such a strange encounter, it means that something drastic was about to take place.

(Not that he actually considers himself as the MC of any story or anything like that...)

But he subconsciously glanced at his surroundings as he saw that parts of the spinning bus had already begun to get torn off as the passengers, both living and dead were already been thrown off forcefully to God-knows-where.

He saw the expression of terror on the faces of the living passengers as their scream still continued to echo in his ears as they were helplessly thrown off the bus by the spinning force.

Knowing that would soon be his fate, Peter nervously gritted his teeth and steeled his mind as he gave his reply;


No matter what it was, whether good or bad, it was wise not to refuse a gift being presented, or else you'd risk the anger of the one presenting it.

And in this situation, he had no choice.

As if expecting this form of reply all along, the voice began;

_{Very well, you have accepted the legacy of Yukon and have been chosen as a participant in the contest of might and magic}_

_{You will be summoned for training shortly as soon as the given time elapses}_

After the voice finished speaking, a series of numbers acting as a digital clock appeared before his eyes;

[ 18:00:00 ]

As Peter stared in befuddlement, he noticed that the digital clock began to countdown;

[ 17:59:57 ]

_"What the heck?"_ Peter thought as he wondered where all this was heading to.

_{Good luck}_ the voice finally said as Peter felt the golden staff, which was initially as stationary as a rock, begin to wobble greatly.

"No no no no!" Peter's eyes widened as he repeatedly cried out in alarm as he remembered the passengers whom were earlier thrown off the bus.

He couldn't imagine himself going through such terrifying experience as he pleaded with the golden staff to remain still;

But, life doesn't always give us what we want.


The golden staff finally lost its immobility, as a strange force sent Peter flying out of the bus!


He broke through a part of the bus metal structure and went crashing on the floor outside the bus, while rolling few meters away.


Opening his eyes gradually, his vision was initially a bit blurry as he tried to adjust his eyes to the brightness of his surroundings.

Raising his hands to shield his face from the brightness, he discovered that the back of his left hand had been bandaged and pierced by an intravenous syringe.


He was quickly jolted awake as he sat up from his sleeping position.

He glanced around sharply as he also discovered that he was in a hospital.

A hospital!

One thing Peter dreaded more than anything else, was being subjected to medical treatment...

Most especially because of...

He glanced at his hand which had the intravenous syringe....


He hated hospital needles so much that he swore never to visit a hospital.

And now, he was not just in a hospital, but was also being treated by intravenous fluid infusion!

Damn it!

Without thinking, he pulled the intravenous syringe from his skin and jumped down from the bed.

Glancing around in alarm, his eyes quickly fell on a nurse whom just walked into the room with a hospital pad in her hands. As their eyes met, the nurse froze for some seconds as she stared at him in surprise;

"Hey kid you should be lying down so your treatment would be more effective"

The nurse said as she walked towards him with a concerned look on her face, but then her concern changed to surprise again when she noticed the dangling intravenous syringe from it's fluid sac.

She stared at Peter whom quickly backed away in alarm.

"I---I am fine....I don't need any treatment!"

Peter said as he kept his wary eyes on the nurse and took gradual steps backwards.

His eyes quickly noticed his backpack, which was on a chair nearby. Picking it up, Peter stared back at the nurse whom seemed to be contemplating on how to handle him.

"Hey it's okay kid" the nurse said as she slowly walked towards him while gesticulating with her arms to calm him down.

"We just need to do some check up on you to be sure you're okay"

"No no no I want to go home!"

Peter shook his head stubbornly as he proclaimed.

While the drama continued, another nurse walked into the room and stared in surprise at the scene before her.

"Quickly tell the doctor that the kid from the bus accident has awakened"

The first nurse instructed the second one whom obeyed by leaving the room in a hurry.

Peter's eyes widened in alarm as a scary thought came to his mind.

A doctor!

Nurses were bad enough, but doctors were worse because they meant one thing;

More needles!

Coming to that conclusion, Peter swung his backpack over his back and stared at the window as a strange but bold thought came to his mind. Acting upon this thought, he ran towards the window and took up the glass.

"Ah wh--what are you doing?!"

The nurse cried in alarm as she saw the strange act of Peter.

Not willing to waste anymore time in this medical hellhole, Peter jumped from the window as he heard a shriek of fright from the nurse.

He was also finding it hard to understand where he got this strange boldness and daring attitude from.

It's like he was possessed!

Down below he fell, as his heart had gone up straight to his throat in fear.


He fell into a loaded dumpster, from which he jumped out and took to his heels, onwards straight home.


Two men and a woman walked into a police precinct as they were led straight to the office of the chief of police.

"Chief, we have agents from the domestic state security here to see you"

A young man opened the office door halfway, as he informed the bald man behind a mahogany desk. The bald man was on the phone as he blinked for some seconds before nodding his head in acquiescence.

Receiving the bald man's permission, the young man opened the door wide enough and stepped aside as the two men and a woman that he led earlier stepped into the office.

"Good day sir"

The woman was the first to speak as she stretched out her right hand which was holding an official badge.

"My name is Sarah O'Connor and this is Sean Keane and Terry wood"

She gesticulated at the two men by her left and right respectively.

"Good day, how can I help you?" The bald man behind the mahogany desk nodded as he dropped the phone in his hand and stared at the woman.

"We were earlier informed of a bus accident that occurred few minutes ago at the downtown area"

The woman began as she studied the bald man's face.

"Yes that's right" the bald man said with a straight face.

"We are also aware of a certain peculiarity that was noticed at the scene of the accident"

The woman said, still busy studying the bald man's expression.

"You'd have to be specific about this 'peculiarity' ma'am" the bald man frowned slightly as he shifted unsteadily in his seat.

"A golden staff to be exact" the woman finally said.

"Since when is the DSS concerned about antiques?" The bald man suddenly asked.

"Am sorry but that's none of your concern sir" the woman said with a slightly sharp tone.

"Well I'd hate to disappoint you, but the national museum had already sent its retrieval team to acquire the staff"

"Huh? When was this?" The woman quickly asked in slight agitation.

"Just few minutes ago"

The bald man had a sly grin on his face, which he tried to hide, but might have been noticed by the woman as she frowned at him.

The bald man and the woman at this point were already in a war of gazes as they both stared at one another challengingly.


Suddenly the office door was quickly opened as a young lady rushed in without waiting for permission.

"Chief we have a problem!" She said as she was observed to be panting slightly.

"What problem?"

The bald man instantly frowned as he stared at the young lady with a serious expression on his face. He has always known her to be a symbol of formality and decorum in the police force.

But to see her in such restless Manner, he knew that something truly serious had happened.

"The golden staff sir" she paused slightly in order to pass across her message explicitly;

"It's missing"


The bald man rose to his feet instantly as his eyes widened in shock due to what he just heard.