
Chapter 880 A Lifetime of Fishing

Waves crashed against the shore, a cold wind howling.

A massive shadow glided silently beneath the water, terrifying fishermen enough to grab the gunwales of their boats, holding fast, not daring to create a single ripple until they witnessed the dark shape swim toward the shore.

No good!


The water bulged, foam rolled back, birds took off in alarm!

The fish fin emerged first from the water, a streak of variegated brown and green tore through the surging veil of water, fully breaking the surface as if a lake island had materialized out of thin air!

Sharp teeth interlocked, taller than a man, fish scales reflecting the daylight, a bone-chilling aura, and within the hollow fish eyes lingered a residual ferocity, a terrifying visage!


The demon has come ashore!


Benches toppled to the ground, tavern flags knocked over by the wind, no one moving to pick them up.