
Chapter 856: Everyone Knows

His heart tensed up.

His lips were dry and cracked, peeling white skin.

A full round of orange-yellow sun hung high in the middle of the sky!

Invisible pillars of Qi rose, centered on the Moon-watching Tower, massive patches of dark clouds rapidly split and dissipated, just like early spring when the layer of ice covering the earth cracks and melting snow water flows through the crevices, trickling down in a shower.

The clouds broke, and the sun emerged.

The muddy land was once again exposed to sunlight.

Bubbles drifted and popped in puddles, lush grasses breathed freely, and grasshoppers jumped to the tips of the blades.


The common people lifted their heads.

A rainbow bridge of seven colors stretched from east to west, spanning the entire Accumulated Water Pond like a ladder to the heavens.


The sound of an elephant trumpeted through the sky, its long trunk sucking up water.