
Chapter 815: Divine Favor, Position Fruit?

The brilliance of the stars and moon shifted, and the billows surged silently, reaching their peak before breaking into a spray of silver-white.

The gaze of the White Ape blazed like torch fire.

General Zhenhuai!

From Secondary Second Rank, a leap to the same level as Su Guishan!

Of course.

In terms of real power, not the slightest.

In terms of benefits, perhaps the salary might be relatively higher.

But considering all aspects together, definitely not as good as Su Guishan's position as Patrol Inspector of Water and Rivers.

As the Patrol Inspector of Water and Rivers, Su Guishan's true jurisdiction was not limited to just the Fishing Tax Office of Pingyang Prefecture, but since Pingyang was the most important, he stayed there all year round.

Liang Qu often saw documents regarding other prefectural governments on Su Guishan's desk.

Yet an official position, the announcement was not yet complete.

The Upper Envoy's gaze moved downward.