
Chapter 768



Billowing white smoke tumbled as the fish skin wrinkled and yellowed, frying in the scorching oil and releasing a burnt aroma, while in the iron box next to it, dim sparks floated, scorching the white flesh.

Otter Kai flipped the treasure fish in the iron pot with his left claw, expertly turning it over, and with his right claw, he opened the iron grate, picked up a brush dipped in oil, and basted the fish roasting over the charcoal fire.

He multitasked skillfully, proficient in the two methods.

The big river beaver, who had been focused on gnawing wood, put down the stick and drooled. Scarface's family of little otters, smelling the delicious scent, rolled up into furballs, formed a line, and trundled into the yard from the house. Long Li, passing through the courtyard, playfully tripped one, and then allowed the outraged, snapping otters to "frighten it off."