
Chapter 66 The Best Sacrifice!_1

"Stab it, for the crevices! Don't hack it!"

Liang Qu held the Mountain Ghost firmly in place and bellowed.

The Mountain Ghost was not without weaknesses, its formidable defense all came from its skin as wrinkled and fissured as tree bark!

Such hard skin wasn't conducive to movement, that's why it resembled the craggy texture of tree bark, creating gaps for mobility, and that was its greatest vulnerability!

Upon hearing this, Li Libo and Chen Jiechang changed from hacking to stabbing.

The bloodletting blade was already narrow and sharp, well-suited for piercing; the two had trained at the Martial Arts School for two months, not in vain. Their energy was as thick as chopsticks, and they were much stronger than the average adult, not to mention at this desperate hour, and the point of the knife plunged halfway in, in an instant!