
Chapter 651 Three Punches and Two Kicks


The world was shrouded in gray, the cold wind howled.

Lead-gray waters surged and swelled, mountains rose and collapsed, and crystal-clear white snow blanketed a thousand miles, falling straight down.

The entire marsh seemed to flicker with white blossoms that bloomed in an instant, melting into the water, then blossoming anew amidst the melting.


The water's surface rose abruptly.

The huge soundwave scattered the snowflakes drifting in the air, and a giant snake with half its head missing burst forth from the water, screaming in agony. Its back was covered in white blooms; it soared a hundred feet into the sky before crashing heavily back into the water.


Waves soared high and then settled back down.

The rich hue of black and red swirled and churned, mingling blood with the cold wind.

Water birds cried out, braving the wind and snow, pulling in their wings, extending their claws, and diving.