
Chapter 351 Arms Race_1


Very good, very good!

Liang Qu was overjoyed with the manuscript in hand.

Previously, there had been no progress in deciphering the Only Knowledge Method for a long time. He hadn't expected that after a brief departure and his return, there would suddenly be two more methods!

Eye Knowledge, Ear Knowledge, Nose Knowledge, Tongue Knowledge, Body Knowledge.

Of the five senses, three had already been gathered!

The old monk brought his hands together in prayer, "Breaking down the cultivation technique has no fixed time, sometimes quick, sometimes slow, all require karmic connection."

"Thank you, Master, for your hard work!"

Liang Qu gripped the manuscript, intending to read it on the spot, but then remembered that Lin Songbao and Fan Xinglai were still waiting for him outside.

He had been so engrossed in conversation with the old monk that he had completely lost track of time, so he hurriedly put away the manuscript and apologized.