
Chapter 307 Substitution for the Sect_1

On the water, there are strong men, beneath the water, there are sprite monsters.

Unless Lu Xinqing sprouted wings, there was no escape either in the heavens or on the earth, and he could only obediently answer questions.

Liang Qu recorded each detail on the pages of the register.

He was accustomed to noting key information on paper, as reviewing the documented facts made it easier for him to deduce clues and patterns than mere speculation in his mind.

"Hold on, you mentioned earlier..."

Using his Langhao Pen, Liang Qu circled two places, prompting Lu Xinqing to elaborate.

Lu Xinqing, breaking out in a cold sweat on the spot, kowtowed vigorously, rattling off his words like spilling beans, saying everything that came to mind.

Having traversed beneath the water, Lu Xinqing dared not deceive, but amidst his terror, he still intended to reveal as little as possible of his own evildoings to cling on to life.