
Chapter 74 Vision

"Haaa...." Ray shouted.

"What is going with Ray" Leia rushed over to his bed.

"Bro wake up" Ivan shouted.

"Haaaa" Ray's body jerked up. Sweat was running down his face as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" Ivan asked.

"I had the strangest dream, not a dream more like a vision," Ray said.

"What happened?" Sofia asked, Ivan and Sofia stood in front of him while Leia sat beside him.

"The capital was attacked"

"What!... by who," Leia asked.

"A strange man with golden hair, he's not ordinary," Ray said.

"It's just a dream, the capital is an impenetrable fortress, surrounded and guarded by royal knights, it can't be possible," Sofia said.

"How did you know it was the capital and not somewhere else, it could have been anywhere cause it was a dream," Ivan said.

"No, this felt too real and I saw myself there, helping out civilians as beasts chased them"

"Did you see the man's face?" Leia asked.