
Beast Evolution MMORPG: Reincarnated as a Void Dragon

Enzo climbed his way from a low-level grunt of the Pantheons of Damora guild to being a legend in the game. He was at the peak of his life when the VR game he was playing, Beast Evolution, had it’s first, and last, update. Revealed that the game was created as a tutorial for Earth, Enzo soon found out that Earth wasn't alone in the great multiverse and that soon the Apocalypse would start. Enzo stepped up to the challenge. He was crushed. Left with no other option, he activated a mysterious item that sent him back in time. Armed with the knowledge of the future, Enzo will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. But to do so, he has to forsake his humanity in the process. And become a race everyone else shunned as being the worst. He would have to become a Beast. === New Chapter EVERY DAY! (12:00 PM EST) === Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/RAfNjEGnEQ

2Big2FitIn · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Alfonzo Mangano

Enzo followed the Italian guard through the iron gates and up a winding cobblestone path. The estate towered ahead, an expansive Southern European-inspired residence boasting clay-colored shingles and immaculate cream-hued exterior surfaces. Lush gardens flanked the path, filled with exotic flowers and meticulously trimmed bushes.

As they approached the grand entrance, the heavy wooden doors swung open, revealing a marbled foyer with a crystal chandelier hanging from the vaulted ceiling. The guard led Enzo through a series of opulent rooms, each more lavish than the last, until they reached a study at the back of the house.

"Wait here," the guard grunted, leaving Enzo alone in the room.

Moments later, the door opened, and in walked Alfonzo Mangano. He was a young man, no older than Enzo, with slicked-back dark hair and piercing green eyes. Despite his age, he carried himself with the confidence of someone twice his years. He wore a tailored suit that probably cost more than most people's monthly salary.

"So, you're the one who claims he can get me to level 20 in Beast Evolution today?" Alfonzo's voice was smooth, with just a hint of skepticism.

Enzo nodded. "That's right. I have a proposition for you that will let you gain much more than those measly twenty levels. But, if you're interested in levels, I can certainly accommodate such a request."

Alfonzo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "I'm listening."

"Beast Evolution isn't just a game." Enzo smiled slightly, his grin carrying his arrogance that rose from the dragon blood running through his system. "I'm sure you've realized that with the real-world currency exchange, it's a goldmine that is waiting to be tapped."

Alfonzo nodded, gesturing for Enzo to continue.

"But what you might not realize yet," Enzo started, trying to sound as respectful as possible while still maintaining the dominance that his dragon side demanded. "Is that it can offer other things to your family than just money. It can offer strength."

Alfonzo smirked. "Strength, eh? Do you think you know anything about strength, boy?"

Alfonzo snapped his finger, and two dozen red dots appeared on Enzo's body.

The guards had been hiding in wait, waiting for their boss's orders to show that their guns were pointed right at Enzo, and he didn't even know.

Well, of course, Enzo knew.

It was comically obvious for someone with his stats to see the twenty-four men crouching, lying, standing, or otherwise positioned.

They were in between the walls, some above in the ceiling rafters, and even a couple with snipers that looked through windows that seemed suspiciously placed at odd angles inside the room.

Enzo let out a deep chuckle. "I think I know better than anyone what strength really is."

When the last words left his mouth, Enzo disappeared. What followed were shouts and screams that lasted a brief moment before they faded, followed by more screams.

Alfonzo stood, stunned, with his mouth hung open, but only for a moment.

Even in such a situation, he didn't falter long.

He was a Mangano, after all.

"Enact protocol two, Simon. Get to the bunker and-"

Enzo appeared before Alfonzo just as fast as he had disappeared.

Alfonzo reached for his gun, which he always kept tucked into his suit jacket holster, and unloaded the entire clip into the man standing before him.

Enzo let the bullets hit him and harmlessly bounce off, their frames forever bent and destroyed by impacting with a surface much stronger than its own.

"Is this how the famed Alfonzo Mangano treats his guests?"

Enzo smirked and gestured toward two chairs.

Alfonzo shook for a moment before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I see. May I ask what you've done with my men, sir?"

"Oh, please call me Enzo. I hate all the formal talk among friends." Enzo smiled.

Alfonzo shivered more than he had when Enzo had dispatched all his men while looking at that ice-cold smile. Just standing in the man's presence made him want to run away and cuddle under his blanket.

"And if you must know, they're all fine. I just tossed them outside and left them for your cousin, Loue."

Loue was the Italian guard who had let him inside Alfonzo's gate and led him to Alfonzo's house.

Alfonzo breathed a sigh of relief and nodded his thanks.

Enzo and Alfonzo settled into the plush leather chairs, facing each other across a polished mahogany desk. The tension in the room slowly dissipated as they began to talk business.

After a moment to reorganize his thoughts, Alfonzo said, "I would ask you what you are or how you got your powers, but as I don't want to die, I will simply ask why you've come and what I can do for one as powerful as you."

"Mr. Mangano, I'm offering you and your family a unique opportunity," Enzo began. "In exchange for you and your family's loyalty, I'll provide you with knowledge and power that will make your family rise like a comet."

"You'll finally be able to get your revenge against the Gambino and Lucchese families.

Alfonzo, for the first time that night, lost composure. He had seen this mysterious man seemingly teleport, block bullets with his body, and exert power beyond his scope of understanding.

But this…

"How could you possibly know that? I haven't told anyone about that night."

Enzo's cold demeanor cracked for just a second, showing a hint of pity, "I have my ways, Alfonzo. But it doesn't matter. If you want to get revenge for your parent's deaths, I will give you that chance. All you have to do is give me everything."

Enzo's pity was gone, and his cold demeanor returned. If an outsider heard and saw Enzo, they would think he was the devil and scream at Alfonzo not to take his deal.

That this had to be the demon's trap.

Alfonzo leaned forward, his face showing no emotion. "What kind of knowledge and power are we talking about?"

Enzo smiled in his mind.

Step one was complete.