
Beard Full of Happiness

This is story about warrior who carried the entire universe on his shoulders. A story about a knight who puts honor above all else. Story about a man who lost everything. A family that became his air and everything he dreamed of. This is a story about Alexander Raev, known in the universe as "Valor Broadsword", also the grandfather of the wonderful girls Anne, Sasha and Marcy, and many others *** I apologize for the mistakes, if you somehow do not understand what is written in the work, then please let me know I will correct myself and, of course, it would be nice if someone wanted to become a Beta Reader, it would help a lot. After all, English is not my main language and Native Speaker's help would be perfect.

RockSaur · Fantasy
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5 Chs


It's a beautiful day outside. Bugs come out of the cracks, flowers are blooming, and someone will finally get such a welcome hug. For one, it may take several years, but it feels like at least a hundred. And for another, it's a millennium. Both literally and figuratively. If one could not stand it and accepted it as something that she can't change, then the elder one, held on to the goal until the very end.

How many tears and cries of sadness they shed, countless nights spent in "solitude", how much moral pain they endured, wishing to see each other again at least once.

A girl lacked the kind hand of a family member, and the old man needed an innocent child that would soothe his weary soul. Teach them, tell them fairy tales and all kinds of stories, or just spend time with them, because for him this is the meaning of life, no matter how strange it may sound. This joy cant be conveyed with a word or a pen to describe. In the end, a part of your soul returned and took its rightful place.

That's how old Alexander and his granddaughter Anne felt. If happiness was water, then this dungeon would have already been flooded. Happiness poured out of them like a torrent. They just couldn't get enough of the hugs they were in right now. Neither grandfather nor granddaughter wanted to disrupt this process, but, to their displeasure, they were interrupted by a small tadpole with a bow on her head.

« I can't believe it... You are "Valor Broadsword» ! I know so much about your adventures, thanks to Hop-Pop. Also, I also found out that you are in our genealogical bush! » – shouted a small tadpole with increasing decibels, and at the end screamed with joy.

The two long-lost relatives looked down at the tadpole and then at each other. The granddaughter raised an eyebrow questioningly, but gramps laughed nervously, at the same time combing his beard.


Anne rubbed her eyes, clearing them of tears, leveled her voice turned to grandpa, she joked:

« Valor Broadsword? Grandpa, I see you've done a lot here.»

Whether from shame, or from merriment, Alexander's laughter spread through the empty room, echoing far, far away. Alexander realized again how happy he was. How he missed his granddaughter's voice. If all his grandchildren were here, he would definitely start dancing with them in his arms. But even Anne was enough for him at this moment. And after all, this is the only such case of the appearance of hyper emotions in his entire life.

« Heh...You have no idea, my dear. » – Alexander turned away from them and walked into his room, where a powerful blow against the wall was immediately heard and the whole room was instantly illuminated. « Well, come in, kids! » – calling them to his abode, Alexander disappeared somewhere around the corner, leaving them to look around.


This room was something unprecedented, surrounded by all sorts of swords, shields, maces, hammers and armor. This place resembled a weapons depot, however, the most expensive and beautiful warehouse, so to speak. The gold-colored walls gave notes of wealth, the smooth stone under their feet spoke of the importance of this place. The installed chandeliers felt almost the most dangerous. After all, their edges were sharp for some reason, and on top of them there were mushrooms that gave light in the room. Suspended on chains and covered with silver color.

Each type of weapon had its own stand, and some were hidden behind thick glass (Anne assumed that these were the best).

Where did all this come from? How long has he been collecting all this? How did Grandpa get here in the first place? Why is he a huge lizard on two legs?! More and more questions popped into Anne's mind. And with each new one, it became more absurd. Although... she's in the world of talking frogs, so she shouldn't be too surprised. So the naive girl thought. If she had known the whole truth, she would have passed out for sure.


«Just look at that! Pollyanna had all sorts of stuff, but here... Am I dreaming?! » – and the little tadpole still couldn't figure out where he was.

« I agree with you, Polly. It's unrealisticly beautiful here, I would even say beauty from outside of this world. Hmm~... » — making his way through the huge door and at the same time looking around, Sprig said.

«Pfft, calm down Sprig, Grandpa won't hurt a fly...» – Anne reassured them, « Although, now I have no idea.»

« By the way, Anne, was your grandfather always so huge? He's a newt, right? You're human, and you don't look much alike...Are you sure it's your grandfather?» Sprig asked.

Boonchuy shook her head in displeasure, she knows several things that prove something completely different. «Poor Sprig, let me explain it to you.» — she put her hand forward, clenched into a fist, and then raised one finger starting the countdown. « Firstly, this is how he called me, name "Bushy", and I warn you right away, if you call me that, I won't talk to you. Understood?

« Sure I do! »

« Good. »

Ann raised her second finger: « Secondly, this is his name, Alexander Raev. It's about his surname , of course, very old, judging by his stories, and add to this the fact that most, if not all, pronounce it incorrectly, but he repeated it correctly and with a clear accent. He also pointed out the surnames of Sasha and Marcy, here's another proof for you.» She held up her third finger.

« And thirdly...I had a feeling...I felt longing for myself, don't ask me where it came from, I just felt it. »

A nostalgic smile appeared on her face, remembering that when she was very young, she always liked to jump into the arms of her grandfather.

« Oh... wow, you figured it out... Amazing! I didn't know you could do this.»

« Of course! I've watched so many movies about cops for a reason!»

« Umm, what movie mean? »



And while the children were ranting, Alexander was arming himself. It was in no way hostile towards children. He has never raised a hand against a child in his life and can swear on his honor that this will not happen. He always believed that children are the flowers of life. It doesn't matter what kind, race, size or any other distinctive features.

For many years, he did not leave his base. The wound received in the last battle was the reason for such a long recovery. He doesn't know whether to thank for that or not.

As it turned out now, to his surprise, there is still a plus in the wound. The first and main plus; he did not have to spend so much time on his feet, with painful thoughts about his family, who had long gone to another place, to which he could not get access in any way, no matter how hard he tried. But in fact, Alexander tried a huge number of options. From technological to magical.

The leading scientists of this world tried to destroy the gap between the worlds, but either their knowledge was insufficient, or some deity didn't want it.

Then he had to resort to magic. This path turned out to be more fruitful, but in the wrong direction. From his native dimension, he received only a photo of his granddaughters hugging him.

Alexander's familiar wizard could not explain to him why this happened, because, according to his spell, this nonsense was supposed to be a kind of window through which he could see anything, but he did something completely different by delivering just a piece of paper. After several further attempts, which led to nothing, they gave up, perceiving it as a failure. But for Rayev, it was quite the opposite.

This time the gods took pity on Alexander and gave him the best gift he could imagine. After that, with another wizard, he somehow managed to open a "portals" to different dimensions besides besides his own. But this is a story for another case.

And today one of those whom he always wanted to see came to him by herself. His Bushy, his Valkyrie and his Little Scientist. Together they are "Tadypoles" for him. Always was and will be forever.

Alexander's innermost desire was to see his granddaughters. At least for a little while, for a second, and even just to find out their condition. What are they doing? What they want? Are they happy? Alexander always put other people's lives above his own, always worried about others, and when tadypoles appeared in his life, attention was focused only on them. There was simply nowhere to put his love for them. And imagine how such a person felt when he couldn't even hear about his granddaughters. Neither describe it in words, nor write it with a pen.

But that was a long time ago, many years have left. In one of his campaigns, in a mystical cave, hidden from prying eyes. He found those who gave him hope. Olms, namely, Mother of Olms. She told him about the prophecy and the saviors of this world, adding that perhaps they could help him.

And since then, hope has not left him. He believed and continued to believe. Rayev has not met these heroes yet, but he already liked them, since they brought his granddaughters here. Alexander thinks so.


«Anne, look at how many there are here!» , as if Polly couldn't stop jumping, Pollyanna's room was great, but this place is beyond her imagination. « Look at this, at that! I have no idea what it is, but it looks dangerous! »


Anne has to admit that this place looks amazing, even for her. If Polianna's room was, in her opinion, a little old and more like a kind of training hall, then her grandfather's "warehouse" is much cooler. This room didn't really match the style of the other rooms. Here, unlike in the past, the technique caught the eye. You could say a more technical, more futuristic room. Despite this, weapons were displayed on every corner. Some of them are behind glass, some are completely closed, only the drawing of the device itself is visible. Literally, there were drawings on the lids of the chests, and upon closer examination it became clear what it was.

« Heh, good old grandpa. He has always been a collector, and weapons in general are his passion. Although he wouldn't let us near his collection...» – crossing her arms over her chest, Ann said « You know, it was the right thing to do. The main thing is to keep children away from this dangerous place... POLLY, GET OUT OF THERE! »

Polly, in some unimaginable way, with such a small body, was able to tear off the wire that ties the weapon to one of the exhibition stands with her bare fin . Not knowing that this was the main link. After a moment, she, as the guns near her, began to fall. And the stand was

The stand was high (for them, it's like a workbench for Alexander). The height, plus the weight and size of the gun could well crush a baby.

«Aaaaa! I'm falling! »




She never fell to the floor, because she landed on a huge hand. Polly turned to her rescuer and saw Alexander himself.

A Titanic scaly warior in dark armor. The knight's plate armor, which has a black color, and the knee pads, like the plate shoe, stood out in a special golden color. Huge shoulder pads with their amazing size created the illusion of danger, not only that, but two wide horns protruded base of each shoulder pad. The head was open, but in fact it was not left without protection either.

After all, it was decorated with two turned up horns, which also complemented the majestic and mighty appearance of Alexander. In one hand he held a titanic tower shield, while on his back was a hilt with a red ruby on the rim of his massive sword. And in the other hand he held a baby.

« Valor, you look awesome! Can I take a sword too? »

« Ha-ha-ha, so small, and already want a sword , you gonna be a powerful warrior in some day. » – Alexander said with a good laugh, but lowering the girl to the ground, he looked into the eyes of his granddaughter, « Bushy, I know you have so many questions and I will gladly give you answers to them, but it's better for us to get some fresh air first.»

«Heh, alright Grandpa, we'll talk tonight. » Anne smiled.

«Okay, come on, we'll show you the way out!»