
Bear Universe:The Unwritten

A blank sheet of paper that creates a world after receiving a work from the author.

TTYL · Fantasy
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27 Chs


After Anwar and Miftah finished their conversation, Miftah led Anwar to a narrative layer known as Foruxsphere, a vast void-like space that exceeded the Void. Anwar was puzzled and asked, "Why have you brought me here?"

Miftah smiled mysteriously, "I shall present to you a pyramid."

Anwar looked around, amazed by the towering and expansive pyramid before him.

Miftah explained, "This is the Pyramid of Forux. It has three levels of profound complexity. The bottom level represents Aleph 2, the middle level represents Aleph 1, and the top level represents Aleph 0. What's even more astonishing, its pinnacle penetrates the ground and casts an identical shadow of the pyramid itself."

Anwar was intrigued, "What does this pyramid contain?"

Miftah replied earnestly, "It stores nearly every concept and idea of thought entities that have ever existed or will exist in this narrative. However, the number of entities influenced by this pyramid remains limited according to the cosmological constraints."

The two friends gazed into the pyramid that held the thoughts and ideas of entities within this narrative. Anwar was astounded to discover a script that described himself, yet there was none depicting Miftah.

Anwar inquired, "Why is your thought script not here?"

Miftah smiled, "I know you know why my script is not here, but you still ask."

Miftah then explained, "I am not an ordinary entity in this narrative. I am far more powerful than the entire existence of the world, even the cosmology of this world itself. What you see now is just a narrative representation of me, who is much more potent."

Anwar was curious, "How do you feel with this extraordinary power?"

Miftah then granted Anwar a portion of his power. Although Anwar gained the same power as Miftah, he realized that Miftah was still far stronger in some aspects. Anwar felt interconnected with all the systems, hierarchies, entities, and structures within the vast cosmology.

However, Anwar made an odd discovery. When he attempted to erase his own storyline, he remained in existence without the concept of the storyline. Miftah reappeared and said, "I have given you this power; use it as you wish."

Anwar was overjoyed and in awe of this incredible power, believing that their story would continue to evolve in an endless adventure.