
Be Yourself, Unless you can be a Dragon

People have always told me to be myself. There was no fault in being my true self, but really, when given the chance to be a dragon. Who would refuse. After all, if I can be a dragon, then there was no doubt that I would choose such. As everyone else should as well. Though that didn't explain why I was treated like some sort of demon god. I mean I am and always will be a dragon now. So why is it that everyone in this world has such a bias against dragons. What, did they like slaughter a whole continent or something. Either way, I was a dragon now, and that was all that mattered. I would grow my hoard, take all the treasures in the world and retire to sit on my gold. Yeah, that would be the life.

SpacesSnips · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Blue - 7

I stood upon a facade, made in the image of a great beast. A golem that walked side by side. Fearing not the sun, nor the sand that threatened - with each step - to consume it within the endless specks.

The same desert that beat upon my fur with such energy that even I found myself to have sweat slightly. Not in the traditional way that most thought of. But within my tongue, a slight pant as my ears stood over themselves, to disperse heat with every bounce and step.

A breeze wafted over, slight with its power, but in that coldness it brought a blessing from the very gods as it touched upon my overheated fur.

I looked up, eyes wide as I felt Irene hold me even closer. There was no doubt that I was hot. That every speck of my being radiated heat. Yet still… still she held me closer, as if in fear of ever… ever…

I scoffed. Despite the heat I radiated. She still held me closer and closer. Trying oh so hard to pet me even further. Like some sort of beast.

Only ever concerned with their own pleasure. Amongst even faker skin.

"There you are."

Her voice rang sweetly. A tone that brought such joy to my life. A hop, skip, and step. And once more I was within her arms. 

Moments later I found myself wrapped around her shoulder. It was surprisingly cool. Like an ice pack in of itself.

It cooled me significantly, a smile bright within my eyes as I looked up to her blue hair. Mouthing a 'thank you'. For she had freed me from the hands of that beast.

"Ah~" she rang, her voice sweet. All as Eryn placed a hand over my ears. 

Ruffling them down as Irene had. But I didn't mind. Not her at least. For she was worthy of touching a being such as me.

For the very reason that she was mine. A part of my very own hoard. A part of my own retinue. I breathed a little sigh. A yawn that woke me from the heat.

As with a barely audible scuttling. Something woke from the ground. It tore through the cover above us with a great roar. A sound that put the others around us into great fear. 

For we had been within cover, a hanging something that blocked the truly deadly rays of the sun. They had been moderately rich, so they had never known unprotected fear.

Would today be any different? I thought not, as with an equally great whirl. That golem, made of pure sand… it bound from its spot, a glint within the eye of the golem-mancer within sight. Sweat, more than usual, pouring down his face.

For he must have had trouble controlling both his body and the golem. Either way I scoffed. Feeling the wind blow past me.

It was quite pleasant, but that was an aside.

As the golem was quite proficient. That… would be called a centipede. It looked quite like one. WIth the same faceless look, a rounded rectangle with legs.

I scoffed. Felt the gaze upon my back and shook my head. Erryn was the one that wanted me to stay hidden. And as such I would.

I had my own pride. Even if this was just my human arrogance telling me to strictly adhere to her words. A sort of malicious compliance that appealed both to my human and draconic sides.

They were both in agreement to let Erryn - Irene too I guess - to be in fear. Not knowing whether that golem was going to win or not.

Yet judging by the fight, it was quite clear that even if the golem won it would be a pyrrhic victory, with one side losing so much in victory.

"Should we?" Erryn spoke, taking some object from her sleeve and putting it to bear. It looked like nothing more than a particularly fancy stick.

But because I existed, it meant that magic did too, not discounting the golem.

So it would not be wrong to say that she might just be a spellcaster.

"You can. Go be a hero. I'm going to negotiate a prize for us."

Erryn nodded and dropped me to the ground. To the fear of those rich folk within.

"Wait!" One yelled, seemingly convinced by their confidence, "Why don't you be my own bodyguard. I can pay double what that merchant is going to."

Erryn raised an eyebrow before merely turning. I snickered and climbed to a better vantage point.

Watching as Erryn raised her wand. Muttering something to herself. It was not quite clear what she was saying. But what was, was the effect. A whirlwind of air that rushed towards the centipede.

It looked deadly, but who was I to judge when I knew it would do nothing to me. Not because it was weak, but because it was lightning.

The air sparked and with it a rudimentary version of my own breath, containing within the spark of lightning.

And when it ignited.

A world of light that burned the centipede. Making it echo out a great roar of pain. 

That was when the golem took its chance, grappling it. Making it easy for Erryn to summon something.

They looked like orbs of magic energy that twisted and twirled. Until they were sent towards the centipede.

A moment later and they drilled through. Killing it. 

I jumped from where I was sitting. Letting Erryn catch me. A giggle on her lips as she collapsed against the carriage. Letting herself be carried by the camels that had been carrying us further and further.

Only I cared not for her exhaustion. My eyes sparkled with curiosity. She was the same as me~ Harvesting the energy of lightning.

And the draconic part of me wanted nothing more than to wrap myself around her, from head to toe within my tail. Only I wasn't big enough to do that.

So I merely pouted and burrowed into her. Like the fox I was pretending to be.