
Be Yourself, Unless you can be a Dragon

People have always told me to be myself. There was no fault in being my true self, but really, when given the chance to be a dragon. Who would refuse. After all, if I can be a dragon, then there was no doubt that I would choose such. As everyone else should as well. Though that didn't explain why I was treated like some sort of demon god. I mean I am and always will be a dragon now. So why is it that everyone in this world has such a bias against dragons. What, did they like slaughter a whole continent or something. Either way, I was a dragon now, and that was all that mattered. I would grow my hoard, take all the treasures in the world and retire to sit on my gold. Yeah, that would be the life.

SpacesSnips · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Blue - 1

Gray reigned supreme. A world of colors, be that the silver of a cave… the blue of the sky, painted red by the sun beating down with gracious fists. Life giving light. A world of sand and paper that seemed to only burn with every bladed thrust.

A war that never seemed to end. An academy that spoke of secrets and treasures, behind ears of gold… warring over small bouts of territory. Where each and every skirmish brought ruin to one or the other.

A yell that echoed through this world - "Work… please work…" - A desperate plea that broke through my thoughts. A power that should… never can be a part of this world.

One time.

That was all it was. An eldritch power. A call of the void. Beyond the crystalline gray… the emerald greed that seemed so petty within the realms of the outer. It echoed.

And when it reached my ears. Among all that could be reached.

It whispered within my ears.

A one time call that forced me to take in her circumstances. An elven girl. Aqua hair that draped over her back. Long ears that reddened with effort and the cold of the cavern she found herself trapped within.

A circle made of her own blood, a mixed crimson… tints of gold speckled through. Tears within her eyes as she desperately shouted. Only the air around her faded, her own eyes closing. Lilac eyes that screamed out her desperation.

A final cry that woke me from my observation.

"If that is truly what you want… then so be it."

I spoke, my words a mere whisper. But to the colored world below my realm. They were gospel. Taken in and placed amongst the natural laws. History rewritten to accommodate my voice.

And so that world of color changed. An eldritch void of black once more coming into existence.

But with that interference… with the small touch of that eldritch void. I spoke within the ears of another. One so far from that world. A choice made for me. For beside me… and surrounding the infinite halls of this realm.

Came that little trickster. Her voice intertwined with mine. Making sure that the human I called upon… would be interesting.

With a smile that reached through dimensions I called forth. Heeding the trickster gods voice. Overlapping into a singular tone.

"Hey you" 

Amusement rang through my mouth. Through my tone as I looked within that soul of his. The pristine greed that he held. Yes he would be perfect.

But was that my own thoughts. Or was it Tricksters.

"Huh me?" 

He was able to respond. A worthy soul.

"Yeah, wanna be a dragon."

"Hell yeah."

"Cool" I curled my fingers into what other humans would call a sign. A little 'o' with my thumb and pointer and the others held taught.

I smirked as I snapped my fingers.

"Good luck, you'll need it."

A startling gasp echoed through my mind. For in the confines of the world. That darkened place… I found only death. Blood that spurt from the small girl around my cla-


I found myself staring, beyond the shock of my body. I turned and whipped around, a most natural move that curled my tail around my body. A growl echoing through my mind.

'She is useful' 

I growled back, trying to understand what had happened. A voice. A proposition. What had… I remembered it slightly.

Some sort of being… an entity I could only call eldritch appeared within my room. As I was… as I was… I couldn't even remember what I was doing before.

Not my personal life… not my family. It was gone. A blank hole within my heart that clenched and hurt. A tear that shouldn't - that voice told me, that draconic greed of mine - have been possible. For dragons did not cry.

I once more turned my gaze back to my claws. To the girl, so frail between my limbs, there was an almost electric connection between us. A voice within me telling me that… that she was my summoner.

'Summoner… so she…' 

No, it was a completely different feeling. She was not that same eldritch entity. Neither did she have that tinge of black. Consuming in its color.

She was but a girl. One that I found an ultimate connection with.

All as she woke. A furrow of her brows. The only sign, one I picked up on immediately. And for some reason my pride spoke for me. 

A ringing tone that spoke in words and phrases I had never heard of. It wasn't English, that was for sure. But with every word, with every phrase. It became clearer and clearer to me.

The hidden meanings, the metaphors and double speak, the flowery talk. I could decipher it with but a thought. Like some second nature.

"You." My voice growled, that same language echoing from my mouth. Startling the girl.

A hand reached to touch me, faint in its warmth. Yet with every inch it took, another inch I closed. And eventually… slowly… I reached her hand with my snout. 

It felt natural, almost destined. The feeling of companionship as I crouched. My body - small for a dragon, I was young - curled around her. My tail protecting her from the influences of the cavern we were in.

"Yes, I." She spoke. Utter confidence within her voice, "I am Erryn, your summoner. Please…" In that one moment, between her introduction and the shake within her voice. It was clear, even to my addled mind, that something had happened.

What that something was… well I was unsure of that. Only that my instincts themselves were pushing me towards helping her.

Whether that was because of our connection, that electric feel between the two of us. Or the greed I felt well within my soul. A part of me I knew… came long before this transformation of mine.

It was only a moment later, when I strode towards some unknown goal… that I found myself truly looking upon the girl. The iridescent blue hair of hers, a color that seemed to match my own scales with scary accuracy.

The way that her lilac eyes shimmered, even within her own addled state, as she lay over my back. Carrying herself with such grace.

And… and the most jarring… was that instinctual - draconic, my mind supplied - language I spoke, that I knew without a doubt. She spoke it with perfect fluency. With not even a stutter