
Be Very Afraid Act 2: Revenge From Hell

5 Years After The Burning Of Doug's Burger Barn, Andrew Has Tried To Now Live A Happy Life Along With His Wife (Sayu) And His Child. Although When A Pawn Shop Owner Creates A New Horror Attraction Featuring The Corpse Of Dog Man A Rogue AI Implanted By Zlatko Before His Death Activates Ready To Start Killing Again. Theme: Horror, Supernatural Age Rating: 16+

TheUnknown_goat · Horror
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Chapter 8- Lullaby Dies:

Meanwhile, Andrew Was Walking Home After The News About Makis Death Hit Him, It Hit Like A Truck She Wasn't A Close Person To Andrew However Her Death Was Only The Beginning Of The Torment He Would Endure. As The Rain Droplets Fell On His Face, He Took A Deep Breath, "When Will This End God Tell Me..." He Thought To Himself.

He Was Afraid He Would Lose Everyone Like Last Time, Like Sunny Sure He Was Annoying But He Actually Cared For Andrew And Didn't Betray Andrew Like Zlatko Did In The Past. He Had To Think Of A Decisive Plan Or He'd End Up Replaying A Nightmare. But Then He Remembered A Key Person He Could Speak To For Answers, June The New Detective.

He Quickly Got Out His Phone And Dialed The Phone Number As He Waited For The Phone To Pick Up Giving Off An Echo From His Phone. She Then Picked Up, "Andrew? What Do You Want?" She Asked, "Hey June Perhaps You Could Give Me Info On This Colt Guy And Maybe I Could Exchange Some Evidence With You" He Replied With Determination. "Hmm I Don't Normally Give Out Information To Civilians But I Can Make You A Deal You Wanna Hear It? " She Asked With A Grin On The Other End Of The Phone.

"Alright What Is It?" He Asked Hesitatingly,

"Well There's Gonna Be This Big Anniversary In The Mansion For The Station Being 5 Years Old Now And I Don't Have A Dance Partner For The Ball So I Don't Want The Other Detectives Laughing At Me I Want You To Be My Dance Partner" She Explained. He Face palmed Almost Instantly "You Do Know I Have A Girlfriend Right And A Kid" He Sighed Heavily.

"Well It's Only Pretend I Promise" She Reassures Him, "Fine I'll Come But You Better Exchange The Evidence With Me Or Else" He Commanded. "Yeah, Yeah I Understand" She Replied With Glee, She Then Hanged Up Which Led Andrew To Quickly Rush Home And Get Changed As He Looked Through His Wardrobe Like A Raccoon For A Perfect Combination Of Attire.

He Opted Out For A Yellow Tie, White Shirt And Sleek Lavender Purple Suit. He Looked In The Mirror One Last Time And Applied Hair Gel To Make Himself Look More Pristine And Clean. As He Walked To His Car He Was Having Second Thoughts About This But To Get The Information He Needed, This Would Be Key To Taking Colt Out.

As He Drove Down The Street To The Prestigious Mansion He Saw She Had Long, Thick Black Hair, Which Was Styled In A Loose Braid. Her Face Was Beautiful, With Bright Green Eyes And A Wide Friendly Smile. Even Though She Was Wearing A Black Dress, Her Appearance Was Not Cold Or Dark. Instead, Her Face Was Filled With Warmth And Light, And She Seemed Like An Uplifting Presence In The Dark Night. When She Smiled, It Was As If The Darkness Just Melted Way, And The Night Became Bright Once Again. Her Presence Was Like A Beacon Of Hope In A Dark World.

"Hey Andrew Quit Gawking At Me And Get In Here" She Sighed Shaking Her Head, As She Lends Her Hand Out To Him With A Nervous Smile, Andrew Nodded Before Taking Her Inside, The Inside Of The Expensive Ballroom Was Filled With The Sounds Of Music And Laughter. The Room Was Adorned With Expensive Decorations And The Lighting Was Perfect For An Atmosphere Of Elegance And Sophistication. The Dance Floor Was Packed With People, And The Air Was Filled With Champagne And Expensive Perfume. This Was A Night To Remember, And Everyone Was Determined To Enjoy Every Moment. This Was A Place Of Luxury And Comfort, And There Were No Limits To The Fun That Could Be Had.

"Damn This Place Is Beautiful" He Looked In Amazement And Awe. "Hey Andrew I'm You're Main Focus Today So Don't Get Too Distracted" She Giggled Dragging Him Onto The Main Dance Floor Near Them Were Many More Detectives. Both Of Them Were Dancing Together In The Ballroom, Both Smiling And Enjoying The Moment. They Had Been Friends Ever Since The Dog Man Incident, And They Knew The Other Like The Back Of Their Hand. No Matter What The Situation, They Were Always Able To Count On Each Other And Have Fun Together. It Was A Beautiful Moment Of Friendship, Sharing A Moment Of Joy And Celebration. As They Danced, Their Laughter Filled The Room, And Everyone Else Seemed To Be Caught Up In The Joy And Merriment. It Was A Magical Night For Everyone Present.

As They Danced For An Hour They Later Were Tired Out And Sat Outside Having A Nice Drink Of Red Wine. "A Toast To Still Being Friends Haha" He Laughed As Both There Glasses Did A "Clink" Sound. "Yeah You're Right Hehe, Andrew" She Replied However Her Laughter Was Slurred. "June How Much Have You Drunk?" He Asked With A Sigh. "Hmm Maybe Four Glasses But That Isn't Much" She Giggles With A Hiccup Her Cheeks Growing Rosy.

"So Andrew... " She Gave Him A Soft Nudge, The Heat Instantly Growing Around Andrew As He Knew This Moment Was Going To Be "Interesting". "How Have You Been Since Our Last Meeting?" She Asked With A Flirtatious Giggle, "I-Its Been Good, Got A Good Job And Everything" He Stutters Nervously, A Warm Blush Growing On His Cheek. She Leaned In Closer Until There Was No Space Between Them, "Don't Be Such A Scaredy Cat" She Smiled Before She Pecked His Ear Which Instantly Gave Him Goosebumps Down His Neck.

"Let's Get Going Home We Need To Share Our Evidence Remember Hehe " She Smiled Tugging On His Arm. Andrew Was Still Bewildered By The Kiss He Got On His Ear Since It Was Unexpected.