
Be the Madam in a Wealthy Family

As someone who was sent to the heavens by her companions, Leng Sa realized that her life was still full of variables. She was engaged! She was turned down from her engagement! She was getting engaged again! She was about to marry a pervert?! Master Leng indicated that the only way to deal with a pervert was to fight! There was nothing that could not be resolved with a beating. If there was, she would beat them up twice! As a man who had undergone a drastic change and had his fiancée stolen by his younger brother, Fu Fengcheng thought that no one was in a worse state than him. Until he married a woman named Leng Sa. Young Master Fu's daily routine—get beaten up, bicker, take revenge, and beat his younger brother up! Young Madam Fu's daily routine—eat, play, bicker, beat her husband up! Fu Fengcheng, "Marriage is just a temporary solution. I won't fall for you." Leng Sa, "That's exactly what I was thinking. A handsome man has so much to be proud of. Why should he bow down to a tree?" Fu Fengcheng, "What?! Hold up, let's talk about this!"

Feng Qing · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

8. Not interested in garbage

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Zheng Ying and Fu Yucheng were here too? Leng Sa felt a little surprised. Didn't they say that Fu Yucheng was beaten by Warlord Fu again just yesterday? Was he too used to being beaten, or was he so deeply in love with Zheng Ying that he didn't care about his injuries? Or… was Warlord Fu feeling sorry for his son and was putting on an act? Seeing Leng Sa's stunned expression, Zheng Xian raised her chin proudly and said, "Leng Mingyue, you've been engaged to Fourth Young Master Fu for so many years. Has he ever accompanied you shopping?"

"…" Actually, he had not. Of course, Leng Sa wasn't interested in having an immature kid accompanying her to shop. Although she was just two years younger than Fu Yucheng at her current age, when they got engaged three years ago, Fu Yucheng was only seventeen, while Leng Sa remembered being twenty-five years old, a grown-up.

So, she didn't have the same taste as Green Fox when it came to relationships; she didn't just pounce on good-looking people.

The girls who had been choked up by Leng Sa's words just now also snapped back to reality and said one after another, "That's right, Sister Zheng comes from a good background, she's beautiful, good-tempered, and talented in many ways. No wonder Fourth Young Master is so devoted to her." In contrast, Leng Mingyue, apart from the fact that the Leng family's Old Master had once been a royal teacher, what else did the Leng family have to boast about? Even in school, Leng Mingyue had always been low-profile.

Zheng Xian chuckled softly and said, "Sister Ying and Fourth Young Master are currently choosing wedding jewelry. How about we go over and take a look?" After speaking, she stared arrogantly at Leng Sa, waiting for her to refuse.

"Sure." Leng Sa smiled.

The smug smile on Zheng Xian's face froze halfway. "What did you say?"

Leng Sa tilted her head and looked at her in confusion. "I said sure. Let's go take a look."

Upon hearing this, Zheng Xian's complexion changed involuntarily. "You're not still holding out hope for Fourth Young Master, are you? Let me tell you, stop dreaming. I…"

Leng Sa frowned, a bit impatient. "I know your cousin is pregnant. What's there to be proud of? Don't worry, I'm not interested in leftovers… trash that others have used." It was only because of the current liberal thinking and the tremendous influence of the Fu and Zheng families that this sort of situation was tolerated. Otherwise, if it were decades ago, those two would have been thrown into a pig cage and drowned.

"W-w-what did you say?! How dare you!" Zheng Xian pointed at Leng Sa, almost incoherent.

"Who's the bold one now? If I remember correctly, even if those two get married, they would still have to address her as 'Sister-in-law', right?" Bai Xi came out wearing the clothes she had just brought in, her tone displeasing.

These people blocked the store's entrance, and their voices weren't exactly low. At this moment, quite a few people had gathered around, but many of them didn't dare to offend the Zheng and Fu families, so they pretended to shop nearby. The stores on both sides of the one they were in were also now crowded with people.

Leng Sa sized it up and nodded with a smile. "This dress is not bad. Come, let's go next door and look at the jewelry."

Bai Xi, who had heard Zheng Xian's words from inside the fitting room, frowned and said, "Do we have to?" If they encountered that pair of b*tches, the numbers might not be in their favor. Being outnumbered was a definite disadvantage. She wished she had brought others with her.

Leng Sa smiled and said, "Isn't it your birthday soon? I've made a few good incomes these days. Let's pick your gift in advance."

Bai Xi blinked and clung to Leng Sa's arm coquettishly. "Sasa, you're so nice!"

"Good girl!"

She pulled Bai Xi into the jewelry store. As expected, she saw Fu Yucheng and Zheng Ying sitting at a counter, choosing accessories. When they saw Leng Sa enter, both of them paused and their expressions changed.

The store attendant noticed a large group entering and quickly approached. "Hello, ladies, what are you looking for?"

Bai Xi pointed behind her. "It's just the two of us. We're not with them."

"Alright. I'll get someone to entertain the others."

Zheng Xian snorted. "There's no need. We came with Fourth Young Master Fu."

The attendant hesitated before nodding respectfully. "Please go ahead."

Then, he guided Leng Sa and Bai Xi towards the counter. "What would you ladies like to see?"

Leng Sa thought for a moment. "I heard that you just released a new bracelet?"

The attendant smiled. "Indeed. We just launched a gemstone bracelet at the beginning of the month. It would suit two young and beautiful ladies like yourselves."

"Let's take a look."

Hearing this, Bai Xi couldn't help but tug at Leng Sa and whispered, "Sasa, you don't have to get me something so expensive." She knew about that bracelet; it wasn't incredibly pricey, but it wasn't cheap either. She liked it, but she had spent a considerable amount on a birthday gift for her family's elders earlier in the month, and she didn't want to ask her parents for more money. She planned to buy it when she had the money in a few days.

Leng Sa chuckled. "It doesn't matter as long as you like it. Besides… if I run out of money for food, I'll let you support me."

Bai Xi couldn't help but laugh. "Sure, I'll support you." Their relationship was so good that they didn't need to care about such things. Bai Xi's family was well-off, and she wasn't concerned about financial matters. She was already mentally calculating that she would buy something Leng Sa liked on her birthday.

As they chatted, the attendant had already taken out the bracelet from the glass display cabinet. There were four bracelets of the same design but in different colors, laid out on a black velvet box. "Feel free to try them on, see which one you like?"

Bai Xi blinked her eyes as she looked at the bracelets. Delicate patterns were entwined on the slender silver chains, adorned with seven small gemstones. Because the gemstones were quite tiny, the price wasn't excessively high, yet they looked exquisitely charming. Older noblewomen might not appreciate them, but they certainly captured the hearts of these young girls.

"It's so pretty. Sasa, I want this… the blue one!"

Leng Sa nodded. "Yes, it's lovely." She then turned to the attendant. "I'll take all four."


"For Ahxuan and Xiaoxiao. Otherwise, they'll accuse me of favoritism." Leng Sa tapped Bai Xi's forehead.

Bai Xi blinked. "What about the birthday gift you promised me?"

Leng Sa chuckled. "That's a matter for next month."

"Well, that means I have another gift!" Bai Xi exclaimed excitedly, hugging Leng Sa and nuzzling her. "Sasa truly loves me the most!"

Leng Sa couldn't help but smile and reached out to stroke her soft hair. Among the people she had come to know over these years, she genuinely liked Bai Xi the most. Seeing Bai Xi's carefree demeanor always reminded her of Lan Meng. Of course, Bai Xi was different from Lan Meng. Bai Xi was straightforward, outspoken, and adorable, yet surprisingly intelligent.

Lan Meng… she was probably born with her imbalance skill points, a genius in one aspect and hopelessly foolish in others. Most of the time, she was a soft and adorable little angel, but occasionally she transformed into a walking Tyrannosaurus. From that perspective, Bai Xi's safety factor was multiplied, a 100% pure natural, soft, and cute little sweetheart.

Like a little sun, Bai Xi was always easy to approach.

"Alright, please wait a moment, ladies. You can also take a look around and see if there's anything else you like. We introduced quite a few new items at the beginning of the month," the attendant said, surprised by how quickly these two young ladies were making their selections.

"Leng Mingyue." Fu Yucheng's voice came from behind.

Fu Yucheng hadn't intended to approach them. He assumed that Leng Sa was here to cause trouble for them. To his surprise, Leng Sa didn't even spare them a glance and was busily choosing items by the side. If he was alone, he would have preferred peace, but her presence was affecting Zheng Ying's mood, so he had no choice but to step in.