
Be the Madam in a Wealthy Family

As someone who was sent to the heavens by her companions, Leng Sa realized that her life was still full of variables. She was engaged! She was turned down from her engagement! She was getting engaged again! She was about to marry a pervert?! Master Leng indicated that the only way to deal with a pervert was to fight! There was nothing that could not be resolved with a beating. If there was, she would beat them up twice! As a man who had undergone a drastic change and had his fiancée stolen by his younger brother, Fu Fengcheng thought that no one was in a worse state than him. Until he married a woman named Leng Sa. Young Master Fu's daily routine—get beaten up, bicker, take revenge, and beat his younger brother up! Young Madam Fu's daily routine—eat, play, bicker, beat her husband up! Fu Fengcheng, "Marriage is just a temporary solution. I won't fall for you." Leng Sa, "That's exactly what I was thinking. A handsome man has so much to be proud of. Why should he bow down to a tree?" Fu Fengcheng, "What?! Hold up, let's talk about this!"

Feng Qing · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

17. Holding a grudge

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"What does Sasa want to do in the future?" An Lucy asked curiously. Leng Sa replied lazily, "Eat, drink, and wait for death." She had had enough fun in her previous life and truly felt that she could just live a carefree life and wait for death in this life.

Song Xuan looked at her disdainfully. "I can see that. Otherwise, with your abilities, how could you be idling in the School of Liberal Arts?"

Leng Sa protested, "Are you looking down on our school? Do you want to experience the anger of the old professors from the faculty?"

Song Xuan said, "To be honest, Xiaoxiao wants to become a doctor, and Xixi… uh, Bai Xi, what can you do?"

Bai Xi said furiously, "I want to become a teacher! A teacher!"

"Alright." Song Xuan nodded. "Xixi wants to be a teacher. Sasa, what about you?"

"First Young Madam Fu," she said elegantly.

"…Can you have a little more dignity?" Song Xuan was speechless for a moment.

Leng Sa smiled slightly and said, "Okay, don't worry. Although I don't know what I want to do right now, I won't spend my whole life idling and waiting for death."

Song Xuan felt somewhat unwilling. "I think you're wasting your potential right now." This was her sincere opinion. Leng Sa was the smartest woman she had ever met, quick to learn anything. Despite being in the School of Liberal Arts, she would occasionally attend classes in the Medical School, probably not performing any worse than Lucy. She even went to classes in the Foreign Language School and the Business School.

However, she grew tired of things quickly. Sometimes she would stop going after attending a few times, wandering around aimlessly all day.

Leng Sa had such a face, but she did not have a strong presence in school. A big part of the reason was her elusive behavior, and many classmates didn't know her.

Leng Sa said helplessly, "Sister Ahxuan, I'm only 17 years old. I'm still a baby." Can you not be so harsh on minors?

Song Xuan was speechless. "Alright." Once she could make her own decisions, if Leng Sa continued to be so lax, she would force her to manual labor!

During their conversation, they had finished calculating the accounts. Song Xuan took them to consolidate and summarize, then said to the other three, "Last month, we earned a total of 6,000 yuan from the three shops. After deducting costs, salaries, and An Yuan's expenses, we have 3,208 yuan left. Each of us will get 800 yuan."

Bai Xi's eyes lit up. "Ah, finally I can buy the new jewelry from the Moon Star Pavilion!"

An Lucy was also very happy. "I want to ask someone to help me buy a batch of medical books from abroad."

Ignoring the two, Song Xuan calmly said, "I want to save money in case I need to run away from home and my family cuts off my funds."

The three of them turned to look at Leng Sa. Leng Sa calmly said, "I want a 1098J." It was known to be the best domestically-made sniper rifle in this era, but unfortunately, even with money, there was nowhere to buy it.

"What's that?" the three of them asked.

Leng Sa waved her hand and sighed, "A toy." Low profile, else she might startle her friends.


The group walked out of the small shop and headed towards the school, coincidentally encountering a crowd of people escorting several men and women dressed in luxurious silk garments, passing by grandly. Leng Sa and Song Xuan quickly pulled Bai Xi and An Lucy to the side of the road. An Lucy tiptoed to look at the passing procession with some confusion. "Those seem to be people from the Wei family. Who are they capturing?"

"Wei Changxiu's Wei family?" Leng Sa asked.

An Lucy nodded, "Yes, the one leading the group is the bodyguard next to the Wei family's general manager in Yong City. They've visited my grandfather together."

Song Xuan showed little interest, "Who cares about them? Who knows which unfortunate person offended the Wei family."

Bai Xi chuckled, "We don't know if they offended someone from the Wei family members or Wei Changxiu himself. If it's the latter, it'll be a disaster."

Song Xuan agreed, "I heard Wei Changxiu holds grudges. Let's go quickly. We don't want to be late."

"Sure, sure," Bai Xi nodded repeatedly. However, she couldn't resist glancing backward, obviously very curious about the person who was about to be unlucky.

Fu Family

"Bang!" The teacup in Madam Fu's hand was smashed to the ground, instantly shattering into pieces. "What did you say?!"

The maidservant standing nearby was startled, and she timidly said, "R-Reporting to Madam. Uncle's whole family has been captured."

Madam Fu said coldly, "Who dares to capture people in Yong City?"

The maidservant said, "The messenger said… it's Wei, someone from the Wei family."

Madam Fu said, "Call Chief Zhao, and have them release the captives immediately."


Madam Fu said impatiently, "But what?!"

The maidservant said, "But after those people captured them, they directly… directly sent them to the Warlord."

"What?!" Madam Fu's usually indifferent and calm face instantly changed dramatically. She stood up abruptly and said, "Why didn't you say so earlier?!"

The maidservant didn't dare to speak; she hadn't even had the chance to speak.

Madam Fu was about to walk out when she reached the doorway, but hesitated for a moment and turned back. She paced back and forth in the hall before saying, "Go get First and Fourth Young Masters to come and see me."

"First, First Young Master…" the maidservant hesitated. She wanted to say that he had refused to see anyone recently, even if the Warlord summoned him, he rarely went. Sometimes, if there was a real matter, the Warlord had to personally go to his courtyard.

Madam Fu apparently thought of this too, her eyes darkened slightly as she waved her hand, "Forget it, I'll go over myself!"

Fu Fengcheng watched as Madam Fu and Fu Yucheng hurriedly approached. His eyes slowly swept across the numerous bruises and marks on Fu Yucheng's face, sitting in his wheelchair without saying a word.

Madam Fu was a bit anxious, her eyebrows furrowed with a dark complexion.

"Fengcheng, I remember… you know Wei Changxiu?" Madam Fu looked at Fu Fengcheng and asked.

Fu Fengcheng lowered his eyes and said, "We're not close."

Madam Fu hesitated for a moment and said, "Your cousins have some conflict with the Wei family. Do you know anyone who can talk to Wei Changxiu?"

Fu Fengcheng looked up at Madam Fu and said, "I don't have a good relationship with Wei Changxiu. Moreover, with my current state, do you think Wei Changxiu would give me a face?"

Madam Fu paused, only to hear Fu Fengcheng continue, "Wei Changxiu's third brother, Wei Changxiao, is Fourth Brother's classmate."

Madam Fu's eyes slightly darkened. "Your brother is still young. What does he know? Besides… that Third Young Master Wei isn't even in the same school as him. How could they possibly converse? Fengcheng, although your uncle's family and ours aren't close, they are still relatives. We should still make some effort."

Fu Fengcheng looked up and said, "Mother, have you forgotten? Not only do I not have a good relationship with Wei Changxiu, but I also have a grudge against him. Are you sure you want me to plead to him?"

Madam Fu was taken aback for a moment, and Fu Yucheng whispered a few words in her ear. She then seemed to recall something, her expression becoming somewhat uneasy.

Madam Fu sighed, "I thought you were just young and impulsive back then, and that things would pass. How is it that after so many years, you're still holding onto it?"

"Wei Changxiu holds grudges. Mother, haven't you heard?" He held grudges too.

Madam Fu frowned and said, "Then, what do we do about your uncle?"

Beside her, Fu Yucheng sounded somewhat dismissive. "Mother, don't worry. I'll go find Father about this. No matter what, we're relatives. Can Father side with the Wei family?" However, at the moment, his face was still swollen and bruised, making his assertion a bit comical.

Fu Fengcheng lightly tapped the armrest of his wheelchair with his fingers. He chose not to comment on his brother's overly confident statements.