
Be the Madam in a Wealthy Family

As someone who was sent to the heavens by her companions, Leng Sa realized that her life was still full of variables. She was engaged! She was turned down from her engagement! She was getting engaged again! She was about to marry a pervert?! Master Leng indicated that the only way to deal with a pervert was to fight! There was nothing that could not be resolved with a beating. If there was, she would beat them up twice! As a man who had undergone a drastic change and had his fiancée stolen by his younger brother, Fu Fengcheng thought that no one was in a worse state than him. Until he married a woman named Leng Sa. Young Master Fu's daily routine—get beaten up, bicker, take revenge, and beat his younger brother up! Young Madam Fu's daily routine—eat, play, bicker, beat her husband up! Fu Fengcheng, "Marriage is just a temporary solution. I won't fall for you." Leng Sa, "That's exactly what I was thinking. A handsome man has so much to be proud of. Why should he bow down to a tree?" Fu Fengcheng, "What?! Hold up, let's talk about this!"

Feng Qing · Urban
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

13、Too useless

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

On the other side of Yong City, the Fu family wasn't peaceful either. Similar to the Leng family, the Fu family didn't reside in the modern, fashionable multi-story villas favored by the affluent today. Instead, they lived in the old residence in the courtyard. Warlord Fu and his wife were not young anymore so they still preferred to live in the old residence they had occupied for decades

Since Fu Fengcheng's injury, he had virtually become a recluse, rarely leaving his quarters. Even Warlord Fu had to depend on his mood if he wanted to see him. Thus, when Fu Yucheng came to complain, Warlord Fu's initial reaction wasn't anger but surprise. In his astonishment, Warlord Fu decided to personally visit Fu Fengcheng's courtyard. Accompanying him were his wife, Fu Yucheng, and also present were Third Young Master Fu, Fu Yingcheng, and their sixth daughter, Fu Annie.

"I have something to discuss with your Big Brother. Why did all of you come along?" Warlord Fu looked at his children following him and frowned.

Fu Annie, with her arm around Warlord Fu's, coquettishly replied, "Father, it's been months since we've seen our Big Brother. Can't we go see how he's doing? Right, Second Brother?" Fu Annie was one of the twins born to Warlord Fu's third concubine, Lin Yousheng. She was not even 15 years old and was usually well-liked by Warlord Fu, so she had no fear of him.

Fu Yingcheng nodded, "Sixth Sister is right, Father. Since Big Brother is willing to go out, his mood must have improved a lot. Shouldn't we, as younger siblings, go and check on him?

Madam Fu calmly interjected, "Warlord, we're all family, and they're his younger siblings who share a loving relationship. Shouldn't you let them go?"

Warlord Fu rarely refuted Madam's words in front of his children, so he did not say anything else and walked towards Fu Fengcheng's courtyard.

The courtyard seemed desolate, as if devoid of any life. If not for the vibrant flowers blooming in the garden outside the gate, one might think it was winter instead of late spring. There had been minimal decoration in Fu Fengcheng's courtyard before. However, back then, it only conveyed the image of a young marshal with a cold and stern military demeanor. Now, it only gave off a sense of loneliness and desolation.

"Warlord," Xu Shaoming approached and nodded respectfully at him. His gaze lightly swept over Fu Yucheng before returning to Warlord Fu.

Warlord Fu asked, "What is he doing?"

Xu Shaoming replied, "First Young Master is in the backyard."

Warlord Fu was a little surprised. "Oh? He's willing to come out of that dark study?" Could it be that he could get over it after going out for a while?

Of course, Warlord Fu was happy to see this development. He truly loved and felt guilty towards his eldest son, Fu Fengcheng.

When Fu Fengcheng was young and the country was unsafe, with Madam Fu having two even younger children to take care of, they sent their eldest son abroad for education. It could be said that before Fu Fengcheng's return to the country, hardly anyone cared about him, apart from his deceased grandparents. Yet, his excellence was enough to make any father proud. With the eldest son turning like this, Warlord Fu couldn't possibly remain indifferent as a father, especially considering the deep concern expressed by his parents on their deathbeds.

The corners of Xu Shaoming's mouth twitched, but he kept quiet. He merely gestured and said, "Please, Warlord. Madam, please."

The backyard wasn't any better than the front; it remained just as desolate and quiet.

Fu Fengcheng was seated by the flowerbed in the courtyard, reading a book. He looked up at the sound of footsteps and gazed at the approaching group.

"Big brother," Fu Annie stepped forward and whispered, "How are you?"

Fu Fengcheng's gaze paused on her for a moment before he nodded slightly without saying a word.

Fu Annie couldn't help but hold her breath, standing there motionless, afraid to speak again.

Fu Fengcheng was twenty-six years old this year. When he returned to the country, Fu Annie was just four years old. Although he had spent most of his time in the capital after his return, he gradually shifted his focus to Yong City in recent years. In her memory, her Big Brother had always been so stern and cold. Although he wasn't mean to her, she still felt somewhat intimidated by him.

"What's the matter?" Fu Fengcheng asked Warlord Fu.

Under normal circumstances, Warlord Fu would have exploded at such an attitude from his son. However, due to Fu Fengcheng's injury, his patience with him was better than ever before. He rubbed his forehead and said, "Old Four said you went to see that girl from the Leng family?" Fu Fengcheng nodded silently.

Warlord Fu carefully observed him for a moment and then chuckled, "It seems like you are not opposed to this marriage anymore. I told you, that girl from the Leng family is good. Your father has good taste."

Beside them, Madam Fu slightly frowned and said, "Master, I think that girl from the Leng family has a rather bad temper. Matching her with Fengcheng… I'm afraid it might not work well."

Warlord Fu was momentarily taken aback and then remembered the incident where Fu Yucheng was kicked and Zheng Ying's matter. He looked at Fu Yucheng, who seemed a bit displeased and thought about the girl from the Leng family. While she wasn't exactly short among girls, she was still half a head shorter than Fu Yucheng. How could she have managed to kick him down?

Was he the son of his? How useless!

Fu Yucheng naturally caught the look in his father's eyes and felt incredibly frustrated. If it weren't for his injury, how could he have been kicked so easily by Leng Mingyue?

Warlord Fu could not help but turn to look at Fu Fengcheng, his heart filled with regret.

How could his firstborn son… at his age, finally he realized how important it was to have an outstanding son? Thinking about the next meeting in the capital, he was probably going to be teased by Long Xiao. Warlord Fu's dissatisfaction with his fourth son grew even stronger!

Southern Phoenix, Northern Dragon; the 'Twin Gems of An Xia'.

Long Xiao's son was doing just fine, but his, Fu Zheng's son, was ruined! If he weren't unable to resort to doing despicable things against the younger generation, Fu Zheng would have wanted to send someone to take down that kid from the Long family.

"Enough! Big Brother, what do you think?" Warlord Fu frowned at Fu Fengcheng.

Fu Fengcheng glanced indifferently at Fu Yucheng and said, "Fourth brother should learn how to respect his elders."

Beside him, Xu Shaoming hurriedly quickly stepped and recounted what had happened in the department store. He was impartial and did not deliberately favor Leng Sa.

Fu Yucheng's face reddened, and he couldn't help saying, "Big Brother, Leng Mingyue is already so arrogant even before entering our family. Does she have no regard for our Fu family?"

"She's your future sister-in-law," Fu Fengcheng said calmly.

Fu Yucheng couldn't hold back and retorted, "Zheng Ying is also a future daughter-in-law of the Fu family. She's even carrying the Fu family's child. What does Leng Mingyue have?"

Fu Fengcheng's cold gaze fixed on Fu Yucheng. His eyes devoid of warmth made Fu Yucheng want to retreat. However, he seemed to have thought of something and forcefully restrained himself.

Fu Fengcheng's voice was chilly as he said, "The child born from an illicit affair is worthy of such high regard from the Fu family?"


"Leng Mingyue doesn't need to have anything more than that," Fu Fengcheng said. "It's enough that she has a clean reputation and upbringing."

"…" Was he saying that Zheng Ying had a bad reputation and lacked a proper upbringing?

"That's enough," Madam Fu's voice sounded calm. "The matter has been settled; let's not bring it up again. If Ahying is fine after today's incident, forget about it. However, Fengcheng… have someone speak to the Leng family. Miss Leng needs to change her temper. If she's going to become a daughter-in-law of our Fu family, she should exhibit a more gentle and refined nature."