
Be the Madam in a Wealthy Family

As someone who was sent to the heavens by her companions, Leng Sa realized that her life was still full of variables. She was engaged! She was turned down from her engagement! She was getting engaged again! She was about to marry a pervert?! Master Leng indicated that the only way to deal with a pervert was to fight! There was nothing that could not be resolved with a beating. If there was, she would beat them up twice! As a man who had undergone a drastic change and had his fiancée stolen by his younger brother, Fu Fengcheng thought that no one was in a worse state than him. Until he married a woman named Leng Sa. Young Master Fu's daily routine—get beaten up, bicker, take revenge, and beat his younger brother up! Young Madam Fu's daily routine—eat, play, bicker, beat her husband up! Fu Fengcheng, "Marriage is just a temporary solution. I won't fall for you." Leng Sa, "That's exactly what I was thinking. A handsome man has so much to be proud of. Why should he bow down to a tree?" Fu Fengcheng, "What?! Hold up, let's talk about this!"

Feng Qing · Urban
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40 Chs

11. Talk to each other

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Ahem, First Young Madam, aren't you afraid… that something will happen to that person?" Xu Shaoming coughed lightly and couldn't help but ask. Leng Sa said, "If something happens, would the Fu family not have to marry her? I don't think Warlord Fu will blame me. After all… I didn't touch her. Miss Zheng has a sense of shame. When she saw the victim, she felt ashamed and devastated that she lost her child in sorrow. Does she still want to make false accusations?"

Is the Fu family lacking a Chief Financial Officer's daughter to become a daughter-in-law? The reason Warlord Fu stepped back wasn't because of Zheng Ying's status, but because of the child in her womb.

Warlord Fu still had five sons and four daughters who were alive, but three of them were illegitimate.

In the present day, being illegitimate was even worse than in ancient times. Nowadays, the law explicitly states monogamy. Warlord Fu's illegitimate children were all born after the new law was enacted. Although no actions were taken, these children still did not have proper legal status. Unless they're recognized under Madam Fu, these children would always be considered born by concubines and have no legal inheritance rights.

When it came to the younger generation, the concept of concubines didn't even exist. Even for the current royal offspring, monogamy was practiced. No matter how promiscuous one was, they could only keep their lovers outside, without the possibility of bringing them home.

On the other hand, although the Second Young Master and Third Young Master were already married, the second son had no children, and the third son had only a pair of twin daughters. The Fifth Young Master was only 14 years old; it might be many years before he would be married and have children. However, Warlord Fu was already 58 years old; he was not young anymore.

That's precisely why Fu Yucheng used the child as leverage and with Madam Fu's plea, Warlord Fu reluctantly accepted this daughter-in-law.

If Zheng Ying was smart, she would never let anything happen to this child.

Xu Shaoming had to admit the legitimacy of her argument, "You're right, First Young Madam."

"Please address me as Miss Leng, I haven't married into the Fu family yet, so don't take advantage of me."

Xu Shaoming sighed quietly inside. How blind are the people of Yong City to think that Third Young Lady Leng was docile and virtuous? If this is considered as being one, then the First Young Lady Zheng would be a chaste and righteous woman.

"First Young Master would like to have a chat with Miss Leng. Is it convenient?" Xu Shaoming asked.

Leng Sa glanced at Fu Fengcheng. "Of course."

Xu Shaoming had arranged everything thoughtfully, "There's a cafe on the second floor. Would Miss Leng like it there? This young lady can also take a rest or stroll around. The Fu family will cover all the expenses today."

Bai Xi waved her hand, saying, "No need, no need. I'm a bit tired. It's good to grab something to eat." She shouldn't take too much advantage of the Fu family, just moderately.

So the group moved to the cafe on the second floor. Xu Shaoming accompanied Bai Xi, sitting at a table that was separated by two tables from Leng Sa and Fu Fengcheng. It was a perfect distance, close enough to see each other, but far enough that if they spoke softly, the other party wouldn't be able to hear what they were saying.

Stirring the coffee gently, there was a quiet and strange atmosphere between the two.

It was not until Leng Sa felt that the coffee in her cup was about to turn cold that she heard the man opposite her say calmly, "Miss Leng doesn't seem to be an impulsive person."

Leng Sa put down the coffee spoon and looked up at him, saying, "Mr. Fu doesn't seem to be someone who goes with the flow either."

Leng Sa was a bit curious about why Fu Fengcheng had agreed to marry her.

"What were you expecting from a cripple?"

Leng Sa propped her chin up with her hand and scrutinized him, her gaze brushing over the scar at his eyebrows.

Sensing her gaze, his eyes darkened.

Leng Sa raised her hand and lightly touched the spot between her brows, "Back then, what were you thinking?" She certainly knew what had caused that injury and the danger of the situation. If it had been half an inch closer, he might not have survived.

He remained silent for a long time before finally saying, "Staying alive."

Leng Sa remarked, "Very well, I also believe staying alive is crucial. But I'd prefer to live well. The Leng family won't give up the engagement with the Fu family, Warlord Fu doesn't want to sever ties with my grandfather. Given that… to me, marrying either the First or the Fourth Young Master Fu doesn't make much difference."

Fu Fengcheng squinted slightly, "I thought you still had some feelings for Fu Yucheng." Even if he wasn't concerned about these matters, Fu Yucheng was still his younger brother. He heard about the rumors that the Fourth Young Master Fu and the Third Young Lady Leng were a match made in heaven. However now, these rumors seem quite unfounded.

She chuckled. "After all, he's my fiancé. I can't just kick him twice as soon as I see him, right? Mr. Fu, I'm a civilized person."

"…" Remembering Fu Yucheng lying on the ground unable to get up… he didn't see that coming.

"You don't mind either, marrying a cripple?" he asked.

She blinked, it took her a moment to register what he was saying. She laughed lightly, "Mr. Fu, rest assured. I won't cheat on you."

"…" His gaze turned icy, and the temperature around them seemed to drop visibly fast.

"S-Scary…" Bai Xi, who had been watching them from a distance, nervously tightened her grip on the spoon in her hand, as if preparing to throw it if Fu Fengcheng made any sudden moves. "First… First Young Master really won't hit Sasa, will he?"

Xu Shaoming was speechless, "First Young Master never lays a hand on women." Besides, he was more concerned about whether the Third Young Lady Leng would hit their First Young Master. After all, she was the kind of woman who could kick a grown man out with one swift motion.

Bai Xi was a little depressed. "First Young Master Fu is so good-looking. He looks very compatible with Sasa. Unfortunately…"

Xu Shaoming reached out and lightly tapped the table, reminding her that he was still there.

She glanced at him and rolled her eyes dramatically.

Although this surnamed Xu seemed kind, as long as she thought about Sasa marrying Fu Fengcheng, she couldn't bring herself to like him.

Innocently caught up in it all, Xu Shaoming sighed and said, "Our First Young Master… is good."

"That's right. It's a pity that… a beauty's life is short…"

"…" Was this Miss Bai a university student? Didn't the students of An Lan University study Chinese literature?

While the two of them were talking, Leng Sa had already stood up.

When Bai Xi and Xu Shaoming saw this, they hurriedly stood up and went over. "Miss Leng, are you done talking?"

Leng Sa nodded and said, "We're done. Mr. Fu, until we meet again?"

Fu Fengcheng remained silent, his aura still cold and solemn. It was obvious that the conversation just now hadn't pleased him much.

Leng Sa didn't mind. She waved to the two and pulled Bai Xi along, signaling her to leave. Bai Xi looked bewildered and hastily waved to Xu Shaoming before following Leng Sa.

"Miss Leng, it's the Fifth Young Master and the Sixth Young Lady Leng's birthdays in ten days. The Warlord plans to hold a ball. We hope you can grace the occasion with your presence."

Leng Sa waved her hand to indicate that she understood.

"First Young Master?" Xu Shaoming hesitated and looked down at Fu Fengcheng.

"Let's go back," Fu Fengcheng said calmly.

Xu Shaoming asked, "Did the First Young Master have an unpleasant conversation with… Miss Leng? If you're unwilling, maybe you could talk to the Warlord about it. He probably wouldn't force you."

Fu Fengcheng said, "No need. Let's go back."

Was he willing to get married?

"Get someone to investigate."

"Investigate what?" Xu Shaoming was stunned.

Fu Fengcheng shot him a cold glance, causing Xu Shaoming to shiver and hastily say, "Yes, I understand."

Investigate First Young Madam.

This future Young Madam was indeed far from what the rumors said!