
Be the light on my heart

Have you ever experienced hell before? A life full of pain and suffering, where death is a relief Have you ever sunk into an abyss?  A dark and lonely place with no end to it. where no one hears your scream.  You must have ever had a nightmare, right?  But I bet you never had an endless cycle of killing your beloved. Coming back from the future seems cool, right? But it's not for me, because I'm tired of it; at least let me die as a human. However, my story doesn't end here, because God brought me hope, and you are my hope.  You save me from hell; you bring me out of the abyss; you are the joy of my life; you heal this broken man piece by piece. You're my everything, baby. You're the reason for my existence.  So please be the light in my heart forever.  This is a story about a reincarnator and a regressor fighting to survive in a chaotic world.  (MxM) ~ This is my first novel, and my English is bad, so please give me a lot of advice for my writing T_T

zzzzzzzzzzz_123 · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 - The light

There's blood everywhere, countless mutilated body scattered in the field, none of them resembled a human anymore, they became a lump of meat.

Nauseating smell filling the air, a mix of rotten meat and blood.

The blood keep flowing endlessly form the dead body, forming a massive pool of blood covering the whole area.

Something started to emerge from the pool of blood. A middle aged man rose from the middle of the pool, everything about this man is normal except a hole at his chest that leaking blood.

The moment our eyes met his eyes turned bloodshot, full of hatred and madness, he pointed the sword in his hand and staggeringly walk toward me. The man keep screaming with angry voices, " you killed me! ".As he got closer to me, his body started to rot, his eyeballs fall form his socket, while maggots eating his body.

It only took some moments until his body disappeared, leaving only his bone that crumbled and swallowed by the blood pool. After the last bit of his bone gone, the pool started became restless. Figure of humans started to rose one by one, they had various degrees of wound on them.

Every of them is familiar to me, they're the friends and family that gave warmth to my life, but now it's all gone.

Because I killed them, they all died in my hand.

Their cry keep ringing in my head begging me to stop.

But I can't stop slaughtering them.

Madness always filled my head, the desire for blood alway burn inside me.

This time is no exception, black mass run down from my heart toward my hand forming a black sword, it's so dark that it seems there's a hole in the space.

Voices start appear in my head, they scream crazily,' kill, kill, kill! ". Their horrible shrieks making me dizzy. At the same time, my body is in great pain, experiencing all kind of torture, being broken and broken again.

My eyes became blurred, the peoples in front of me is gone, replaced by hideous looking spirits, the exact one that killed my parents.

My angger keep getting amplified, the only thing in my head is 'kill' as if killing the monster in front of me gonna relief all the pain.

I'm not the same as the past, the one who will tricked by this, this sheer pain can't make me succumb, I don't want to kill anymore.

But it didn't stop, sensing my resistance, the pain keep getting stronger and stronger, I keep trying to resist.

I started to lose my consciousness, half awake, I see my leg moved by it own closer and closer to the monster, Everything I do is pointless, I can't stop the step.

My legs keep walking to the monsters. This time, I didn't completely lost my consciousness like in the past, instead the monster started to turn back to the previous figure, their face became clearer than before, they have a face full of smile in their face, greetings my arrival, unaware the fate awaits them.

The sword in my hand trembled with excitement, as my hand making a stance. I began to struggle crazily, but nothing changed, I can't stop the sword. Even my eyes can't be closed, as if it wanted me to watch their miserable death.

I'm filled with despair as the sword keep getting closer to them. Nothing changed, I'm still powerless in front of my power, I can't even protect them.

It's pathetic that I only can beg for miracle to happens.

For the first time in my lives it happened, a burst of light appeared in front of my eyes, repelling the sword in my hand. The light keep intensifying, while forming a boy figure.

His body is made of golden light, he has a bright smile with a hint of innocent in his eye, with no fear he stretched his hand and touched my cheeks, than started to move his face closer to me, putting his forehead to mine. That touch feels heavenly, it eradicated all the torture in my body replacing it with warmth, my mind become clear and relaxed, I feel like all my burden been taken away.

Sadly this moment doesn't last forever, since I was awake and greeted by the dazzling moonlight, it just a dream afterall, and somehow I feel reluctant about it, wishing the dream would last longer.

The past me would thought I was insane if he know about this, there's countless sleepless night I experienced only to avoid the dream that always haunting me.

I can't help it, that touch is so addicting to me, someone who experienced those hellish torture, never once it crossed in my mind that I could felt something like comfort, but now it's here, and I can't get enough of it.

Even though it's just a dream, my encounter with him before, the light at my awakening, it's something that's completely different from my previous life. All those coincidence give me a glimmer of hope, a part of me still willing to believes in miracle, for me to live normally. After all I have nothing to lose any more, even if things doesn't work out, I could just end it before it's getting worse.

The moon still hanging in teh sky, it's only 2 Am, five hours away from school time, but I didn't feel like sleeping anymore, this time it's not because of fear. There's a strange feeling in my body, it's like there's infinite amount of energy injected to me, my fatigue just washed away.

Is this what they called as anticipation?

yes, probably? because I'm excited to meet that boy again, there's thing that I wanted to comfirm.

Late night is probably not the perfect time to meet, I didn't even have his address, I can only wait till the school time.

To waste the time, I started to do the meditation instead, its better to reach the first level a.k.a the entry-level as quick as possible, atleast I would not be powerless when the disaster comes.

The first level is known as entry-level because it's an entrence for human to utilize the supernatural power of soul artifacts. By reaching the first level you will gain soul energy, only by then that you have the fuel to activate the skill. There's also some other gain for our body that differ between each person.

However reaching the first level is time consuming, because to reach the first level, our sub-core and main core to merge as one, and we can only wait for it to integrate naturally, the time consumed is unpredictable for some people it's only need a month, worse case scenario it could reach a year.

At least that's the knowledge the teachers teach to students nowdays, because in the future someone discovered that's the integration could be accelerated, the process is extremely painful and tiring so this method is not popular amongst people.

The metod is actually simple and blunt, since we only need to push the sub-core to the core of our soul.

Entering the meditation I found a huge transparentl ball with a web that cover my whole body with multi coloured ball as the core, sticking to it there's a black ball that's supposed to be my sub core.

A little percentage of my core already have murky black colour, while my sub-core is melting little by little merging with my core, but the process is too slow, it's almost been a day since my awakening but not even a percent of my sub-core melted.

In my previous life it took me around three months till it merge completely, but obviously I didn't have that much time. So I gritt my teeth and push my sub-core, and that's how the torture began.

Even though the pain is bearable for me, enduring it for hours still makes me numb, the clothes I'm wearing is soaked with sweat, and my muscle is sore because of pain, but the rewards is quite gratifying, these four hours of torture speed up the merging by 20 days, the gain for my body is not small either, at least I'm 10% stronger than before.

My body is dead tired, but I must see that boy today, so I drag my body to prepare myself.

' Luke... will he be the one who save me ? '