
Be the light on my heart

Have you ever experienced hell before? A life full of pain and suffering, where death is a relief Have you ever sunk into an abyss?  A dark and lonely place with no end to it. where no one hears your scream.  You must have ever had a nightmare, right?  But I bet you never had an endless cycle of killing your beloved. Coming back from the future seems cool, right? But it's not for me, because I'm tired of it; at least let me die as a human. However, my story doesn't end here, because God brought me hope, and you are my hope.  You save me from hell; you bring me out of the abyss; you are the joy of my life; you heal this broken man piece by piece. You're my everything, baby. You're the reason for my existence.  So please be the light in my heart forever.  This is a story about a reincarnator and a regressor fighting to survive in a chaotic world.  (MxM) ~ This is my first novel, and my English is bad, so please give me a lot of advice for my writing T_T

zzzzzzzzzzz_123 · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Day of Awakening

I ended up sleeping that night; my brain is a little bit tired after thinking about all those complicated things. 

And yeah, this day is supposed to be my birthday, but the world only knows about the me whose birthday was two days ago. This is my birthday, and I'm supposed to be happy right now, but why is my chest hurting so bad?

"Aaarggh! I shouldn't be a crybaby. I got a second chance with the same family; what else should I ask for? I don't want to be ungrateful."

There's a heaviness in my heart because, deep down, I know this is still a different world; not everything here is the same. Even if this body is still named Luke or the family that similar from my original world. There's always been a slight difference, and it's bugging me. 

"*sigh* I can't be down any longer; I still need to go to school."

I try to wake up from my bed, and as I am preparing myself for school, I walk downstairs for breakfast only to find the dining room empty. 

There's only a sandwich and a note left on the table that my mom left. It feels lonely eating alone in this room; my father left for a task, my brother is aboard for study, and my mom is probably still sending my little sister and brother to school because it is located quite far from home. I'm glad that my school is just some distance away from my house, so I didn't need to wake up early. 

After a tiring journey I finally once again stepped in my school.   The school doesn't change that much from my original world; the only thing that's different is the course, which has changed to be "spirit"-based, with some addition of facilities like an arena for fighting purposes. 

The coolest part is that there's a barrier protecting our school, and only someone with an ID could enter it.

The barrier was put up five years ago because of an incident in which a school was targeted by an army of spirits led by an upper-level powerhouse. As there's no preparation from the human side, there are no survivors left from that incident. Since that day, the World Association has set up barriers at every school in the world to protect the future of the world. 

The school bell rang, and I hurriedly went to my class. Today's first class is history taught by Mrs. Smith, who was known for her strict teaching, so I better come on time because I don't want to be punished. This world's punishment has been upgraded from my previous world; it's become more like military training, where you need to do hundreds of pushups or sit ups and other hellish punishments, so it also serves as a way of physical training, killing two birds with one stone.

I don't know who invented that idea, but I bet that person is a psychopath trying to torture us, the students. 

I was lost in my imagination while running through the corridor toward my class, and just after I made a turn to enter my class, I saw a person right in front of me, and I tried to reduce my speed, but I couldn't stop in time. 

So, I crashed into that person with a bang. It was really, really painful; that person's back is like an iron wall—super, super hard. I think I can't feel my nose right now, but that person doesn't even lose a single step; he's just standing like a pole. 

This incident drew a lot of attention from my classmates, but I paid no heed to them because I was too focused on the person in front of me. 

A man with dark silky hair and clear black eyes, a nose as straight as a bridge, and his lips adding a touch of sexiness, he had a perfectly sculpted face. This handsome man in front of me is a celebrity at our school. He had a godly face, a genius mind, and was good at sports too—a dream man for girls and gays.

Most importantly, I got a crush on him too. I know there's no hope for my love, but seeing him in front of me almost makes me have a heart attack. My brain just stopped functioning, and my body just froze like a statue.

That man just keeps staring at me without saying anything, making things more awkward for me. A second passed and another, but he didn't do anything; he didn't talk or move and just stared at me. 

I have a cold sweat running through my whole body; this silence is killing me. I tried to muster my courage to break this stalemate.

However, just as I opened my mouth, I felt something rush through my body, and it gathered around my heart. A light shone around me. It was so bright that it made everything white, but the light didn't hurt my eyes. This phenomenon only led to one thing: awakening.