
Be my Sword and serve me

A young gamer died and was stabbed; he ended up in another world and was given a chance to start over.   He will meet new faces. How will our hero make his journey to the new world?

Lodemer_J · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: The first Warrior

"Young man, what do you mean by another world? Isn't this the paradise of brave warriors?"


No, Mr. Leonidas, this is the other world, and I called you here if you intend to ask what happened in the kingdom of Sparta; everything is fine even in the future."


Then, young man, What world is this? "


"Right now, Mr. Leonidas, I can't answer that. I'm sorry."


"Young man, why did you call me to this world?"


"I'm not going to prolong what I'm going to say, Mr. Leonidas; I want you to become a spear that pierces the enemy, a shield that protects his comrades, and I want you to serve me as your new king."


"Young man, the warrior of Sparta will not bow down to a weak king; show me that you deserve to be my king; show me that you are strong; and only then will I give you the answer you are looking for. Fight me, young man."


"Is that all you want, Leonidas? I am Neo Ben-Greg, and I accept your challenge."


Leonidas had his shield and spear in position and was ready to fight at any moment.


Leonidas stared at the young man and shouted, "Attack me with your strong attack, young man!"


Once Leonidas was in position, Neo took his sword and ran to Leonidas' position, charging with all his might.


Neo attacked it, but it was easily defended with no effort. Leonidas returned the attack to Neo.


"It's not bad, young man; you're strong, but you lack training; you can't defeat me that way. Yes, I admit you're strong; out of the many I've fought, you're the only one who can take my attack with full force."


Neo was thrown by the force of the impact, but he still stood up, even though he had already sustained a wound from the attack he received.

"I'll still fight, even if I'm weak. I'll still fight until the end."


In Neo's eyes, you can see his determination to fight and dedication to stand up again—a burning determination that cannot be extinguished by anything.


"Give up, young man; you can't fight in that situation."


"I will not give up, no matter what happens. I will fight as hard as I can. I will do everything to protect what should be protected, even if I die."


Leonidas saw the young man's determination in his eyes, like a burning furnace. He sees himself as he fights the Persian, a fight that even if he can't win and they won't be able to live again, the one who fought without giving up still prevails in their hearts.


"Even though he had no chance of winning, he still fought and accepted my challenge. You are a worthy king, young man."


The king decided to bow and pay respect to the young man as a sign of his trust in him, and he spoke.


"I, Leonidas, promise to serve you honestly and truly. I will be your Shield as strong as a wall, and I will be your spear that can kill hundreds of enemies. Accept my Loyalty, Your Majesty."


"I accept your loyalty; take care of me, My first and brave general."

Neo fainted, and Leonidas quickly approached him and brought him to the house. When Leonidas entered, he was amazed at what he saw. It was a very beautiful and elegant structure.


He almost forgot that he was there with a wounded man when he entered and carefully placed Neo on the sofa.


Leonidas was very surprised when Neo's wounds suddenly healed.


While looking at Neo, he couldn't stop looking at the beautiful interior of this house, as if he were in paradise.


Neo woke up.


"Don't get up yet, Your Highness; your wound is not completely healed yet."


"Don't worry, I'm fine. Thanks for bringing me."


While the two were talking, Leonidas noticed that danger was approaching in the distance.


In the distance, there is a girl running in the direction of Neo and Leonidas.


"Your Majesty, I feel ten presences heading towards this house."


"Do you think you can fight them?"


"What are you saying, Your Highness? Do you think the Spartan warrior is weak? I can easily defeat them."


And on the other side,


Where are you going? Do you think you can escape us? Do you think you won't be caught?


The young lady ran and ran until she reached the house, where she quickly shouted for help.


"Help me! Is there anyone who can help me? Please have mercy!"


Those who chased the young lady laughed.


Do you think a simple farmer can help you unless there are warriors living in this house?


Suddenly the door of the house opened, and two people came out.

While those outside looked at the two people coming out of the door.


He is wearing armor; his posture is elegant; his body is handsome; he is carrying a spear and a shield; and he is tall.

While the other is wearing elegant clothes like a general, skin as white as snow, a handsome face like a prince, and a handsome body like a king.



Huh, who are they?"


"Can't you see from their clothes that they are the people we can't fight?


"What are you thinking about there? Go after those two!"


The five people rushed at Leonidas at the same time, but in the blink of an eye, he killed them all.


They were shocked.


"Huh? What happened? Why are they all lying on the ground? I can't see anything from this person's quick actions. Who are they?"


"Your Highness, I didn't even break a sweat. Are we really in another world? Their strength is not enough to fight me."


"They're not weak on purpose; your strength is forty times stronger than when I fought you, or it's just that they're really weak against you.

What technique did you use?"


"Valiant Hundred Spears First Form"


"It looks like you have developed a new technique, even though I just called you here. You can be called a Genius."


"It's not finished yet, Your Highness; it's still in its first form. I'm just finishing it, so I'll try to make it complete.

What am I going to do with these people, your majesty?"

"I'll just think about it for a moment."

To be Continued....

What would happen to those people in?

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