

The moonlight coming through the windows illuminated the room. Juho took a clip from her vanity and tied her hair into a messy bun. He snaked his arms around her waist resting his hands on her stomach. Kamou patiently observed him, the reflection of them together looked so perfect.  "You looked stunning today. Let me show you what effect you have on me." Juho whispered into her ears. Juho held out her left arms, he planted a soft kiss on the back of her arms. Leaving small kisses, he made his way up to her shoulder. Kamou saw it all unfold in the mirror, the change in her expression, the goosebumps appearing on her skin, the neediness in her eyes.  "The day I first saw you, you were wearing the same color. I couldn't take my eyes off you that day. Now you are in my arms, I still can't take my eyes off you." With that he attacked her neck with his mouth. Sucking it hard, he left a red mark as Kamou whimpered in pain. "I crave you so much. I need you more and more every day." he seductively said in her ear. A small moan escaped Kamou's lips. Juho licked her earlobe making her give up. Feeling weak in her legs Kamou rested her head on his chest. "Juhoo..." she looked at his reflection. The intense look in his eyes was turning her on. Seeing her reaction, a smirk appeared on his face. He was enjoying it, teasing her, leaving her helpless. "Patience my love." ********************* Park Juho, a twenty-four-year-old singer, very attractive, confident and talented. Falls in love with Kamou a rising actress. As their relationship grows memories form the past start to haunt them. Will there love be strong enough to go through the hardships life throws at them or will they fall apart? How far are they willing to go for their love? Experience a passionate love story between the two most desired people in the nation.

LeeSakuto · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


The movie set was quieter now with many people gone. The conversation with Taehee gave Kamou a certain level of comfort. She was more focused on work and eager to wrap it as soon as possible. Her scenes rarely needed a retake and if she maintained the same trend, she would be able to leave sooner than expected.

After that day she didn't have any further conversation with Taehee. She was busy shooting and Taehee was caught up in his own work. But one day out of nowhere Taehee texted her. He didn't say anything but it was a ten second video of Juho sitting in his studio, working. It looked like he was editing his song maybe for his new album. A serious look on his face engrossed in his work, unaware that he was getting spied on.

It made Kamou happy that the two best friends were still sticking together. What happened between her and Juho didn't have any effect on how Juho treated Taehee. They were still close, neither did Juho question Taehee. She knew Juho would never say anything to Taehee. Seeing them together made her really happy.

'At least you have Big Brother Taehee with you. I know he would look out for you while I'm away.' she smiled.


Days passed by and it was time for Kamou's return. Since it was her last day, she decided to hit the market. It was the first time she was out of Korea for shooting and she wanted to get souvenir for some people. Accompanied with her manager she went from shop to shop trying to find something unique.

She entered a jewelry shop, there was a necklace in the display that caught her attention. It was a gold-plated necklace, nicely polished with small butterfly pendant. The blue and purple colored butterfly reminded her of Gina.

'I found it. Gina would love this one. It's perfect.' she smiled.

Kamou had so much to talk to Gina about, she missed hanging out with her best friend again. She asked the shopkeeper if he had an extra piece of the same necklace. One for her and one for Gina, perfect twinning. She was lucky they had the same necklace but the color of the butterfly was different though. It was a black and white butterfly pendant, but it was beautiful. Kamou happily bought both the necklaces.

As she turned around to leave the store, her eyes fell on something. It was a really cool silver bracelet. Most of the bracelet was composed of silver chains but the part which showed upon wrist was a thin metal bar. The symbol of infinity was engraved on it.

Kamou reached out to hold the bracelet in her hand to get a better view. It would suit Juho perfectly. She imagined how the bracelet would look on his muscular right arm.

"That is a limited edition, pure silver bracelet madam. Only few of these are left." The shopkeeper spoke.

"I will take this." She replied happily.

Upon leaving the shop, Kamou walked a bit looking around. She spotted a beautiful bakery at a distance which made her remember that Gina once said European countries make the best chocolates. She went inside to buy some boxes of chocolate.

Once done with her shopping spree, she went to her hotel and prepared for the flight. Her flight was scheduled for that very night. Excited for her return she boarded her flight.


Kamou reached Seoul in noon and was greeted outside the airport by some reporters. Greeting them she gently got into her car and headed home. Miss Min dropped Kamou home. There was nothing to do for the rest of the day. The director gave them two days off to rest before resuming the filming in Seoul.

"It's good to be back." she said looking around her in her apartment.

Kamou took a refreshing bath, changing into her sleeping gown. Her relaxed body fell on the soft bed, rolling around, she got into a perfect position to sleep.

"I missed you, my bed." she said snuggling into the covers. Peaceful snores surrounded the room as Kamou slept.


In the evening when Kamou got up she saw a text from Taehee. She quickly opened it thinking it might be urgent.

'I talked to him and confirmed he is at his apartment. I think you should go there.' He texted referring to Juho.

'But he isn't expecting me. It would be awkward showing up at his door unannounced.' she replied.

'Yes, surprise him. He would be caught off-guard and have a tough time ignoring you.' Taehee suggested.

'I never knew you could come up with come thing this clever. You are great.' she replied teasingly.

'Aishh, go now. You have a boy to chase.' Taehee replied.

'Yes sir. I'll report back to you soon.' Kamou said ending the chat.

Kamou rushed towards her closet, getting ready with lightning speed she left for Juho's apartment. She kept a box of chocolate and his bracelet in the back seat. Kamou got into the driver's seat and entering the location in the map she drove off. She had only been at Juho's place once so she wasn't very sure about the directions.

On her way she spotted a flower shop and she pulled over. She went into the shop looking for tiger lilies. Kamou wanted a bouquet of tiger lilies specifically, she knew Juho liked them. With the bouquet in her hands, she happily walked out of the shop.