

The moonlight coming through the windows illuminated the room. Juho took a clip from her vanity and tied her hair into a messy bun. He snaked his arms around her waist resting his hands on her stomach. Kamou patiently observed him, the reflection of them together looked so perfect.  "You looked stunning today. Let me show you what effect you have on me." Juho whispered into her ears. Juho held out her left arms, he planted a soft kiss on the back of her arms. Leaving small kisses, he made his way up to her shoulder. Kamou saw it all unfold in the mirror, the change in her expression, the goosebumps appearing on her skin, the neediness in her eyes.  "The day I first saw you, you were wearing the same color. I couldn't take my eyes off you that day. Now you are in my arms, I still can't take my eyes off you." With that he attacked her neck with his mouth. Sucking it hard, he left a red mark as Kamou whimpered in pain. "I crave you so much. I need you more and more every day." he seductively said in her ear. A small moan escaped Kamou's lips. Juho licked her earlobe making her give up. Feeling weak in her legs Kamou rested her head on his chest. "Juhoo..." she looked at his reflection. The intense look in his eyes was turning her on. Seeing her reaction, a smirk appeared on his face. He was enjoying it, teasing her, leaving her helpless. "Patience my love." ********************* Park Juho, a twenty-four-year-old singer, very attractive, confident and talented. Falls in love with Kamou a rising actress. As their relationship grows memories form the past start to haunt them. Will there love be strong enough to go through the hardships life throws at them or will they fall apart? How far are they willing to go for their love? Experience a passionate love story between the two most desired people in the nation.

LeeSakuto · Urban
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60 Chs

One Night Stand

There she was standing at the door wearing a pink robe, made of silk. Under it was a black sleeping gown which could be roughly seen. And yes, she looked sexy. Hot enough for a man to lose control and take her. Juho was awestruck for a while, controlling himself he managed to utter a small 'hey' to her.

"Hi, come in. I thought you were not going to show up." She invited him in with a casual smile on her face.

She seemed quite calm and confident while she talked. The situation wasn't bothering her much as it did for Juho. Or maybe it was the alcohol speaking which she ran down her throat before Juho's arrival.

Once Juho entered the room they sat opposite to each other with a small coffee table between them. Kamou offered him wine and poured out some for herself as well. There was an awkward silence between them.

"I am sorry, but I didn't quite get why you invited me here." Juho tried to break the ice.

He tried to act dumb, he clearly knew what the reason was. He was not a kid or something, but he wanted her to say it out clear. He didn't want to take any chances by assuming things because the woman sitting in front of him was the one, he held so dearly. To him whatever happens today, was the first chapter on how their love story started. Even if they did end up having sex today, that's if she wants, he will not let his lust overshadow the love he feels for her.

"Hmm. Acting naive, aren't you. Don't you know what this is." Kamou mocked. "I want to sleep with you. Don't tell me this is the first time someone reached out to you."

"Not the first time, I had received such offers before. But why you? You could get anyone else if you want. " He tried to counter.

"Because I think you are hot." She spat out. "Walking around with that body, topped with that sheer shirt you are wearing. It turns me on."

Juho was taken a back, he wasn't expecting that kind of graphic details. He was the one to ask such stupid questions. Obviously, the poor girl had to say things like that. He tried to pretend he wasn't bothered by it but deep down he wanted to dance like crazy.

'Ahem! So, she thinks I am hot. Going to the gym paid off. Yeah! Baby, you see this hotness, this body, you could get all this once you start dating me.'

"Well, I agree with you on that" Juho replied trying to hide his true emotions. "But what will be our status if we go through with it tonight?"

"Just a casual one-night stand." She replied. Juho's hope went down the hole hearing this.

"But how would I know what the future holds for us." Sipping her wine, she added. And hence, his spirits were lifted again.

"Enough about me, why are you here?" she teased.

"Soon you'll know." Juho said moving towards her. "You are a mystery that I would love to solve."

They were in such proximity; she could feel his breath brushing on her lips. Knowing that it could happen any minute now she kept her eyes shut. Juho didn't make any move which forced Kamou to open her eyes to see what was wrong. Her eyes were met by his intense gaze.

"I want you to look in my eyes as I make love to you." Saying this Juho pulled her closer by the waist and captured her rosy lips. Just as their lips touched a strange overwhelming feeling ran through their body, like their energy was becoming one.

The kiss turned into an intense make out with neither of them wanting to resist their desires. Soon all their clothing was gone, their bodies mingled with each other. The room was filled with their pleasured moans.

Once the night activities were over, Juho covered her tired body with blanket. Pulling her into his arms, he gently placed a loving peck on her forehead. Kamou squinted her eyebrows due to his behavior. She wanted to get out of his embrace but it felt so safe and warm, she couldn't let go.

Within minutes, Kamou fell asleep in Juho's arms. That night was one of the best nights of his life. A quiet night and your loved one in your arms. Juho looked at her sleeping peacefully for hours. Her delicate features shinning under the moonlight that came in through the window. This is all he wanted for the rest of his nights.


The morning after, Juho had hardly slept. He didn't want to waste his precious time with her sleeping. Getting up he decided to get back home early. He wanted to leave before Kamou woke up to avoid any awkwardness between them two. This was the last thing he wanted.

He had plans to slowly win her heart and confess his love to her. Till then he needed to make sure that things ran smoothly between the two. Moreover, they needed to spend more time together and lay a foundation for their relationship.

Juho took the pen and paper from the side table and wrote his number down. Almost ready to leave, he turned around to look at her. She was sleeping peacefully; he went up to her. Bending down to her ear, he started to whisper something.

"Don't you worry love; I don't have casual flings. I will treat you like the queen you are. One day I will make you mine." finishing his words, he left the room.


Waking up, Kamou found herself alone in the room. Rubbing her eyes, she searched the washroom for him. Seeing Juho had left already, a small sigh escaped her lips.

'He could have said goodbye or something before leaving. That's kind of a general courtesy.' she thought disappointed.

'Maybe that's what people do after one-night stands. How would I know it was my first.' she thought.

Dressing up, she was about to leave when her eyes feel on the note Juho left behind. She opened it and started reading.

'I didn't want to make it uncomfortable for you so I left early. Kamou I would like to know you more. Here's my number.' That was it.

I would be releasing more chapters soon. Stay connected for further updates.!

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