
Be My Strength

/// Note from Author : How often have you made a negative opinion about someone based on first impression? I hope that when you get to the end of this story, it might change how you think. /// Excerpt : With a frown, she said, "I don't think it would be comfortable to sleep on the couch." "I thought you have a bed here?" asked DX. "I do but it's a single bed." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he smirked, "We can share." Pretending to be affronted, Kai Xin scoffed, "President Du! Behave yourself! Did I say that you can share MY bed?" ///// Synopsis : She was a brash, kind and brave child, but most importantly, she was always full of confidence. No matter what happened to her, she always faced her conflicts head-on. However, an incident in high school changed her life. The course of Kara Zhen Kai Xin's life had drastically changed because she placed her trust in the wrong person. Consumed with despair, rage, and fear, she became suicidal. However, she forced herself to live on with only one thought in her mind: Revenge. Along the way, she encountered people who would be her friends, comrades, mentors...and even lovers. With their guidance, she advanced one step closer towards her goal. President Du XiAn of the Du Corporation had chanced upon her while he was escaping the woman who was forced upon him by his mother. With a single glance, Kara Zhen Kai Xin was forever etched in his mind. Unable to forget about her, he spent the next few years searching for her all across the world. Yet ultimately, fate played a prank on him. It turned out that all along, she was based in the same city as him. When she rejected his advances, he proposed a contractual relationship; To become her sugar daddy. Desiring to hold her in his arms in any way he could, Du XiAn was willing to do anything, even if it meant that he could only have her body. Over the years, his desire led him to the point of no return. No longer a simple infatuation, he found himself to be hopelessly in love with her. With his help, would Kai Xin be able to exact her revenge or would she lose what she holds dear in her quest for vengeance? /// (Imperial Series) Book 1 - Be My Strength - COMPLETED Book 2 - The President's Man - HIATUS (Fantasy) The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel - ONGOING /// Discord: https://discord.gg/2vKSvmu If you would like to financially support the production of BMS, please consider buying me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/luoyeyouling ///

LuoYeYouLing · Urban
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448 Chs

President Du's Birthday Party (Last)

On a darkened street somewhere in the Imperial City, Ye Tian was racing with some of his friends when he kept receiving calls from Luo Yin.

Since it was dark and there was barely any cars, they had decided to race against traffic. To up the thrill they often gained from dangerous activities, they agreed to race without headlights.

Ye Tian glanced at the speedometer of his blood red Bugatti Chiron and smiled when he noticed that he had almost hit the maximum speed.

When he heard his phone rang again, Ye Tian got annoyed and without a care for his safety, he picked up the call and placed it on speakerphone.

In an irritated tone, he snapped, "What now?"

Luo Yin heard the loud background noise and knew that Ye Tian was racing illegally again. He chuckled, "Aren't you afraid your father will kill you?"

Ye Tian steered to the left sharply to avoid the incoming Subaru. As he glanced at the Subaru that was totalled by the racer behind him, he laughed gleefully, "Someone's in big trouble~"


Realizing that Luo Yin was still on the phone, he answered irritably, "My father would be less likely to kill me than yours. Uncle Luo wants to know why aren't you answering his calls?"

"He's fucking annoying. He keeps asking me to go back and takeover the company!" Luo Yin cursed at his father before calming down again, "Anyway, did you really skipped Du XiAn's birthday party?"

Before he can answered, Ye Tian saw a Mini Cooper heading towards his way. He quickly swerved to avoid the Mini Cooper, "Not interested."

Luo Yin laughed, "You are really something. Aren't you afraid Old Madam Du complains to your father? I heard that you told him that you would attend your cousin's party."

"Wait..." Ye Tian noticed that an orange McLaren was driving towards him and he decided to play a game of chicken with the driver. As he focused on the car in front of him, he whispered, "5...4...3...2..."

The driver of the McLaren made a quick left turn and skidded on road. Luckily, other than his ego, he was not injured.

Luo Yin was saying something but Ye Tian was too excited to hear him.

As he drove off, he glanced at the angry driver from his rearview mirror and smirked, "Chicken."

Luo Yin groaned as he repeated, "Xiao Tian, did you hear me or did you not?"

"Fuck Du XiAn and his entire family. I don't give a fuck what he and his mother do."

"No, I'm asking you what do you meant by your cryptic message. In your last message, you said you found something fun enough for you to stay in the country."

Ye Tian passed by a flag and drifted to a stop. The loud screeching sound from the tyres was like music to his ears.

Few seconds later, three powerhouse drove past him and halted to a stop not far away from him.

He laughed when all the cars stopped. One of them was definitely in trouble. He cannot wait to see how the guy's father going to keep him out of jail this time.

With the way the Subaru went flying, there was no doubt that there would be no survivors. Even if there was, he or she would probably be in critical condition.

He finally picked up the phone and answered Luo Yin, "Something fun is something fun. Come back quickly if you want to join."

A shorter than average chapter. I want to end the Birthday Party Arc compilations at a nice number.

Ps : Don't forget to vote/comment/review so that I know what you felt about this story. ^.^

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