
Be My Strength

/// Note from Author : How often have you made a negative opinion about someone based on first impression? I hope that when you get to the end of this story, it might change how you think. /// Excerpt : With a frown, she said, "I don't think it would be comfortable to sleep on the couch." "I thought you have a bed here?" asked DX. "I do but it's a single bed." With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he smirked, "We can share." Pretending to be affronted, Kai Xin scoffed, "President Du! Behave yourself! Did I say that you can share MY bed?" ///// Synopsis : She was a brash, kind and brave child, but most importantly, she was always full of confidence. No matter what happened to her, she always faced her conflicts head-on. However, an incident in high school changed her life. The course of Kara Zhen Kai Xin's life had drastically changed because she placed her trust in the wrong person. Consumed with despair, rage, and fear, she became suicidal. However, she forced herself to live on with only one thought in her mind: Revenge. Along the way, she encountered people who would be her friends, comrades, mentors...and even lovers. With their guidance, she advanced one step closer towards her goal. President Du XiAn of the Du Corporation had chanced upon her while he was escaping the woman who was forced upon him by his mother. With a single glance, Kara Zhen Kai Xin was forever etched in his mind. Unable to forget about her, he spent the next few years searching for her all across the world. Yet ultimately, fate played a prank on him. It turned out that all along, she was based in the same city as him. When she rejected his advances, he proposed a contractual relationship; To become her sugar daddy. Desiring to hold her in his arms in any way he could, Du XiAn was willing to do anything, even if it meant that he could only have her body. Over the years, his desire led him to the point of no return. No longer a simple infatuation, he found himself to be hopelessly in love with her. With his help, would Kai Xin be able to exact her revenge or would she lose what she holds dear in her quest for vengeance? /// (Imperial Series) Book 1 - Be My Strength - COMPLETED Book 2 - The President's Man - HIATUS (Fantasy) The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel - ONGOING /// Discord: https://discord.gg/2vKSvmu If you would like to financially support the production of BMS, please consider buying me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/luoyeyouling ///

LuoYeYouLing · Urban
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448 Chs

Papa Du?

Once he was done going through the checklist, Han Ye told the truck driver to unload the presents.

While the truck driver took down the gifts that President Du ordered him to get last night, he whistled to get the kids' attention.

The kids who were spread all over turned when they heard the sharp whistle.

The moment they saw the presents of various sizes and shapes on the ground, they ran over and surrounded Han Ye.

Their small faces beamed with excitement as they asked in succession,

"What's this?"

"Is this for us?"

"Is it the latest Lego?"

"Can I have the biggest toy?"

"But christmas is not here for at least 3 more months!"

As he stood between the children and the presents, Han Ye cleared his throat and announced loudly,

"Children, these are presents from your Mama Zhen...and Papa Du!"

The children exchanged curious glances as they questioned in unison, "Papa Du?"

Han Ye pointed his chin towards the direction of DX who was chatting with Kai Xin.

When the children saw his arms around Kai Xin, they cooed.

"Are we having a new Papa?"

"Mama Zhen has good taste!"

"But he's old!"

"Is he a nice guy?"

"If he brought us the presents, then yeah!"

Tian Le knocked on the head of the kid who said the last sentence and said sternly,

"We do not sell our Mama Zhen out for mere presents."

When they heard him, the kids looked down at their feet as they reflected upon their actions.

Those who had picked up their gifts placed them back down.

Han Ye smiled at the innocent children who were pouting,

"Even if you don't accept him as your Papa Du, you can still have the presents. It is also from your Mama Zhen."

The children glanced at their leader and waited for his approval.

With a sigh, Tian Le nodded. It was rare for the children to get a treat.


Kai Xin overheard Han Ye and with a brow raised, she questioned, "Papa Du?"

DX grinned as he replied unapologetically, "It's bound to happen. They might as well start calling me that now."

Slapping his shoulder, she scowled at him, "You are bribing them with gifts..."

He embraced her before resting his chin on her head and said, "They can use a bit more gifts in life."

Kai Xin nodded in agreement. Most of the children in Zi Han's Orphanage were not orphans due to the demised of their parents.

They were abandoned. Some, like Caleb and Tian Le, were abandoned at birth because of their disabilities.

Due to the heavy medical cost, Kai Xin was only able to send them gifts during Christmas and birthdays.

DX looked at the children who were happily choosing their presents and frowned, "There's one missing."


"There should be another kid. I met him last night."

Kai Xin counted the numbers of children who were picking out the presents and told him,

"They are all there. Are you sure the kid you saw is one of the kids from the orphanage? The neighborhood kids dropped by to play sometimes."

DX cocked his head and thought about the possibility,

"You might be right. I thought he went back into the orphanage when he suddenly disappeared but he might have gone back to his own house."

When he was done speaking, he saw Tian Le walking towards them with the help of a crutch.

Tian Le went over to them with a gift he chose and in a curtly manner, he said, "Thank you, PRESIDENT Du, for your present."

DX knew that the kid was closest to Kai Xin and he might be defensive over losing his favorite person in the world to someone, so he did not mind the thank-you.

Instead, he nodded in acknowledgement before saying, "You are welcome. I hope you kids would be able to enjoy the presents."

Tian Le turned to Kai Xin and asked, "Mum, are you leaving now?"

"Yeah..." said Kai Xin sadly.

She pulled him into a hug and said, "I will miss you, my little brat. Remember, if anything happens, give me a call, alright?"

Tian Le nodded sadly.

Kai Xin smiled and ruffled his hair, "Don't look so down, you silly boy. I will see you again on your birthday."

Tian Le hooked up his pinky finger and asked, "Promise?"

"Promise." said Kai Xin before hooking their pinky fingers together, "Now go get ready. It's about time to go to school."


As the car drove out of the driveway, DX saw the boy from yesterday.

He was leaning against the adjoining fence and he had a smile on his face as he waved goodbye to the car.

DX smiled back at him.

When the car turned into a junction, he turned to Kai Xin and told her, "I just saw the kid again."


"At the fence outside the orphanage. He was waving us goodbye."

Kai Xin smiled, "Oh yeah? He must have like you then. What does he looks like?"

DX tried to remember but no matter how hard he tried, he cannot seem to remember the kid's face.

However, he did remember something. Turning to take a good look at her smiling face, he said, "He has your smile."

"Really?" asked Kai Xin. Chuckling, she joked, "He must be a very handsome boy then..."

She peeked at him and giggled, "...because I'm quite beautiful myself."

"Yes, you are...." DX leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.

With their faces inches apart, he whispered, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

Kai Xin blushed at his declaration and glanced down. However, she was secretly smiling to herself.


An obviously faked cough came from the front.

Kai Xin chuckled, "DX, better sit down quietly or you would distract our poor driver."

Since it came from her, DX sat back down on his seat but he glared at the back of the driver's head throughout the entire journey.

Han Ye glanced at the rearview mirror and gulped.

He shivered slightly when he glanced at the mirror again not long later and saw that his boss was still glaring at him with hatred written all over his face.

With a silent prayer, Han Ye thought, "Dear Lord, please grant me the wish and let the journey be smooth..."

Oh no, Sunday is here. That means Monday is coming. sigh.

PS : Don't forget to vote/comment/review.


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