
Be my scars

When Bella lost her parents to the hands of death at a tender young age, she's struck hard into the reality of having to live on her own, with a step mother and a half sister who seemed to be down on earth just to add more miseries to her life. Everything seemed to change when she met the gorgeous, famous man who'd belittled her on their first encounter at the restaurant she worked at. Jason Garrix is the type of man who would make you stop to look again when you cross him on the streets. He's powerful and intimidating but knows what he wants when he sees it. Jason gets Bella weak in her knees, leaving a lustful want in her spine after every encounter. But Bella feels her life is finally getting together when she gets signed as the most paid model by a woman who has had a long history with Jason in the past. Bella leaves the shadows of her step family into the shadows cast by Jason's love and all the secrets in between.

Rofia_Yusuf · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter three

I squint my eyes like the squeaking sound of my house's gate could slice through them as I slowly closed it behind me, head tucked under my hood.

The universe must be laughing at me right now for my perfected art of slow motion. As quietly as I tip toed in, I shut the gate and jammed its knob quietly before half running and half tip toeing towards the lobby.

'Don't you come back here, Bella!' I shut my eyes tight as Cindy's words replayed in my head, one hand stopped half way to the door knob.

I grit my teeth, hand stopped in reluctance mixed with fear.

I can do this..... This is my house.

Taking a breath in and out, I grip the door knob and twisted. Locked. I twist again. Locked.

I cannot believe this! I've been locked out! After all the courage I mustard a second ago! I felt furious. Cindy really meant what she said! Oh she has got a lot coming!

I fist my hand and forced it towards the door but stopped mid way, and dropped my hand.

They are probably sleeping already and waking them up isn't a guarantee that I'd be let into the house. If anything, the only guarantee is that I wouldn't be sleeping even in this compound but outside those gates today.

I heave a long sigh before sitting on the lobby bench. Then out of nowhere, a thought crossed my mind in a scene form.

What scene? Me climbing up my window.

After countless minutes of climbing the bathroom's pipe line and the roof climber while being as quiet as possible, I slump down from my window into my bedroom. Good thing I don't lock my windows.

I rise up, picking thorns of the rambling flowers all over the roof ladder from my hair and dusting my body. I throw my bag away and tried to get a quick sleep.

Taking a shower wasn't an option as I've not and would never master the art of preventing the water from splashing noisily and waking the family up.

I just washed myself up with a damp towel and changed into my sponge Bob pajamas.

I slump on my bed and covered up, then shut my eyes only to open them back a minute after as thoughts invaded my mind.

I got a huge tip today. From a strange man.

'i was just lost between your cleavage'

I shut my eyes as his words replayed in my head like he was right in front of me. His sadistic laughter and endless chuckles, his amused eyes, the way he said all the wrong things with the biggest confidence.

I sigh again, hoping to stop thinking about him or what to do with his money which is now mine. Should in case he forgot the money there and came for it, I'm not returning it.

Though he didn't look like he carried a lot of money around and he definitely didn't look like someone who'd come back for a money he forgot at a fancy restaurant table.

Jack Michael? His name........


I walk down the stairs quietly. Since I'd snuck in last night, I might as well sneak out this morning. Surprisingly, the sitting room was as empty as a graveyard.

That's right. They are still sleeping. I'd woken up before my alarm clock goes off again and by the time I'm out of this house, it won't be waking me, It'd be waking them up. I smile grimly as the sweet thought occurred to me.

I tiptoe into the kitchen and grabbed a handy carton of milk and some leftover chocolate donuts from the fridge. Yes, trust me to eat all the junk foods.

I hurry out, and took the bus just before it left, satisfied with myself for going so early. Today seemed to be a good day.

"Goooood morning people!" I yell as I stepped into the restaurant, Evelyn at the table while Callie and Evan stood talking at the counter.

Yes, today is gonna be a good day. I could tell from just the smiles on their faces.

They greet back in unison, Evelyn walking towards me in an exaggerated manner, her heels leaving the thudding sounds behind.

"Somebody looks happy today" she stops to snake her hand into mine, dragging me along.

I smile back as we proceeded towards the kitchen, delicious aromas stinging my nostrils.

"It's a good thing," she adds, untangling her arm from mine as we got into the rest room " I for one is very happy today. Ask me why?"

"Why?"I give her a smile.

"Beck proposed to me!" She exclaims, flailing her ring banded finger in front of my eyes. The little jewel from the gold ring glittered, it could blind.

"Oh my God!," I capture her hand to look closer "This is so amazing! Did you say yes?!"


"I'm so happy for you" I open my arms and she embraces me.

I felt honestly happy for her. According to her, she and the said Beck had been dating right from college. They are such sweethearts. I liked him the first day I met him. I always saw how he picked her from the restaurant every time and how serious they were but I never thought he'd propose to her. I knew there was something good about today.

"I'm so excited, I have so much to tell you," she adds and we path "how about we talk over a drink at the bar for a little celebration tonight"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world"

She giggles more and I smile widely.

"Let's get things sorted out so we can leave early. Nemesis isn't gonna be here today" she pulls at my arm.

"He isn't? Why?"

"He said he had a 'thing' to deal with today. Who cares "

My smile widens as I thought of a work day without nemesis's prying eyes. I feel like Cinderella moping the floor in a dancing and singing style because the wicked step mother and sisters aren't at home. See? I knew there was something spectacularly great about today.

After two hours of joyous work-even the customers weren't rude today - I stood at the counter, talking with Tasha, the African American diva I worked with, the revolving door revolves open. There are only a few customers mostly occupying the back booths now and the place felt so peaceful for once.

"Excuse me miss?"

I turn around to find a fat-round like - man in front of me. He has his hair trimmed to the scalp and dressed in navy blue tuxedo and a burgundy bow tie with black pants.

"Yes, sir? How may I help you?" I reply him.

"I'm looking for a woman who works without a name tag"

The statement makes me squint my eyes in realization. Seriously that statement isn't hard to remember.

"um..... Yes I'm the one" I made sure he saw my tag now, situated right on my chest.

"Okay, somebody asked me to give this to you ma'am" he points a slim paper at me which I collect, eyes surprised.

"Have a good day then" he says before walking out. I eye the slim paper which I suspected to be a work card or something. I flip it to find a name written in black block letters.



that pervert. I grit my teeth in annoyance. I knew it was him. Almost getting typical of him to pull these kinds of strings.

He seriously didn't expect I'll call him did he?

I flip it over and over to maybe find more useful meaning to the card but there was nothing on the hard golden slim paper.

I shrug after several inspection and decided to dip it into my jeans back pocket, just in time for Evelyn to pull me from the back.

"Now what was that?"

"Nothing "

"Mmhm" she gives me the brow.

"Hey its just some dude sending me his number. I'll toss it at the end of the day"

"Some dude? Perhaps that fine butler came from Jason Garrix?"

"Shush! Okay yes it is!"

I run off before she could say another word, feeling my cheek heat up for God knows why.

But leave it to Evelyn to bug me about him for the whole day.

At 8:30p.m, Evelyn and I get ready to leave. Her favorite bar was just at the next street from ours, around a pretty quiet corner. It was a pretty old bar which she loved so much to my surprise. Evelyn was a sucker for fancy things. But when I asked her about it, she said the bar parlor reminded her of her grandfather. Who passed away a few years back. It was kinda easy to relate.

My only living grandparent, my maternal grandmother owned a small cake shop attached to her old house out in the north Carolina. Every little patisserie I went to reminded me of her. Especially in the raining seasons. I missed her, thinking about it now. The last time I'd seen her was 5 years ago, when I was 16.

I sigh.

"I can tell there's something going on in your head, Bella" Evelyn breaks the silence as we walked down the pavement. "You can tell me"

"I was just.... Thinking about my grandma, "I confess " I miss her"

"Go visit her. Semester's gonna be over in a month, girl. You deserve this"

"I can't "

"Why not?"

"It's complicated, Eve"

Silence. Footsteps.

"Well it gets better, Bells" she says with a small smile which I mouthed back.

We reach the bar and settled at the bar stools.

"What would you like ladies?" The young and quite handsome Canadian looking guy in an open button shirt at the bar smiles at us, eyes moving from me to Evelyn.

"Vodka please" she smiles at him. They must know each other.

"What about your friend? "He refers to me, bringing down some cups.

"She needs a 'bottle' of Scotch., " she laughs " and your number too. She's single" she winks at him.

I gasp in embarrassment before slapping her arm.

The bartender laughs, pouring her glass.

"Is that so?" He inquiries with quite a charmer smile, I'd give him that, pushing my drink to me.

"See, Daniel, " Evelyn says, watching me " she probably thinks you're handsome "

"Evelyn!" Okay, I did think he's handsome.

Daniel laughs and said "give the girl some breathing space, Evelyn"

"So you care about my friend's breathing space now" she laughs, pouring herself another drink.

I turn an embarrassed look at Daniel who gave me a look that said 'what's up?'

I give him a small smile before turning my gaze back to Evelyn. He soon goes back into sorting his drinks.

"So, "I pick up my drink and hold it up "To you Evelyn. And to Beck. To the both of you and to that beautiful ring, "she chuckles " to more happiness for the both of you. To a beautiful beginning. Congratulations Claire" we click our glasses in cheering manner and drink up.

And so we continued to refill and empty our glasses.

"I'm really happy, Bella," she says after a while of silently drinking "I plan to tell Beck about my plans to settle in California and get a job"

"That's great, Eve, and you have my full support" I assured her.

She nods " thank you, Bella, I'm so happy"

"I'm sure Beck would support your dreams all the way"

"Yes. I'm so excited. Jordan would be so thrilled to hear this. And mom and everybody "

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, girl"

She laughs and I join her. Soon the laughter dies down and I just sit there, peering into the air.

"You can talk about it, Bella" She breaks the silence once more and I look to see her.

I can't. I need to keep fighting it.

I look forward again and replied " I'm fine, Eve"

"When you walked into the restaurant yesterday I knew something went wrong. Come on, what happened? Don't tell me its that mistake of a woman you live with"

I smile plainly at her words and replied "yeah, Cindy happened. But its alright. Really "

"Listen I know living in that house with them has been your biggest challenge. And I'm telling you again, you can always move in with me, Bella"

"Thanks, Eve, "I look down, tears suddenly welling up on my eyes "its just..... I miss my parents"

I feel her hand curl back to smooth my back and I lay my head on my arms.

Whenever I felt this way, the night tends to get so long. And it's just begun.

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