
Chapter 21


"Best of luck, Bella," Daniel muttered, lightly squeezing my arm. I took a deep breath, exhaling quickly, trying to calm my nerves.

There he stood, right in front of me, one of the biggest names in the industry. It was hard to believe that I was actually meeting someone of such importance. David Ketch didn't attend just any event, and he was notoriously difficult to meet.

"Well, if it isn't the man of the moment!" David exclaimed with an excited expression as Daniel and I approached him.

"Great to see you again, David," Daniel replied, and I observed their interaction closely. It seemed like they were quite friendly, despite Daniel's previous remarks about David's rudeness.

"Likewise, my dear friend. The last time we met, things were quite intense, but I'm glad to see you hold no grudges," David remarked, leaving me slightly puzzled. However, I decided to continue observing quietly, waiting for the right moment to join the conversation.

"I don't believe in holding onto meaningless grudges, David. As a businessman, I understand that certain unfavorable situations arise in this industry. It's all part of the game," Daniel responded, and I realized that their earlier pleasantries were mere formalities. There was an underlying tension between them, but it didn't seem personal. It was more like they were treading carefully, avoiding any potential conflicts.

"Regardless, I appreciate the invitation and hope we can maintain this working relationship. I look forward to collaborating with you in the future," David added, and Daniel smiled warmly.

"I hope so too, David. The truth is, besides wanting to speak with you and catch up, which we'll have to do during your short stay here in LA, I also wanted to introduce someone very important to you. I hope you don't mind because you know I wouldn't introduce just anyone to you," Daniel explained, and I immediately realized he was referring to me.

"Is this she?" David asked, finally turning his gaze toward me.

For a moment, I thought he hadn't noticed me at all, as he had been ignoring me deliberately. Just as Daniel had mentioned earlier, David knew I was there but chose to pretend otherwise.

It was exactly what I had expected from him.

"Good evening, Mr. Ketch," I said with a smile, though his expression didn't seem pleased.

I wasn't usually someone with low self-esteem who easily got intimidated, but lately, being around individuals I perceived as more successful and respected made me feel small. It had started with Daniel, and now, standing before David, that same feeling of insignificance resurfaced.

It wasn't that I was scared, but rather, I felt extremely nervous. David Ketch had the power to make or break my career. Having someone of his status endorse and acknowledge me would mean the world.

The thought of potentially messing up and failing to impress him as I wished terrified me and heightened my anxiety.

"Good evening, and you are?" he inquired.

"Bella Cruz. Please forgive me for not introducing myself sooner, but I didn't want to interrupt your conversation with Mr. Russo. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ketch. I'm a huge fan of your work," I responded, and he smirked.

"Almost everyone here will say the same thing, my dear. I wouldn't expect anyone here not to be a fan of my work," he replied, and I noticed Daniel's gaze shifting toward me.

However, I maintained my smile, knowing that nothing David said tonight would affect me or ruin this opportunity.

"I acknowledge that everyone in this room is likely a fan of yours, and my expression of admiration may not make a significant difference. However, that doesn't mean I should refrain from expressing how much of a fan I am, simply because others feel the same. I don't compare myself to you in any way, but I'm an artist myself, and I draw inspiration from your work. You're one of the artists who motivate me to strive for excellence and the fact that I'm fortunate enough to meet you in person

and convey my appreciation for your artistic brilliance, which is something I'll always cherish," I replied, and he chuckled.

"Ah, you've brought me a sweet talker, Daniel," he responded, laughing.

"Permit me to say, I've been in this business for over twenty years now, and in my experience, I've encountered many artists like Bella here. She's not the first sweet talker I've come across, and she won't be the last. You see, they all claim to be huge fans, drawing inspiration from my work and aspiring to be like me. What they all have in common, besides their flattery, is the underlying motive of using me as a stepping stone to boost their own careers."

"Now, don't misunderstand me. I don't mind if you decide to use me as a stepping stone and elevate your success. What I do mind is when, once you reach a certain level in your career, you start disrespecting and mistreating me, thinking I'm no longer of value to you," David continued.

"Don't bother trying to deny it, claiming you're different. I've had this conversation with people who came before you, and they all said the same thing. In the end, they turned out to be just like the rest, or even worse. I don't blame them for letting success get to their heads, as it happens to everyone. However, I've decided that I won't allow myself to be used again, only to end up disrespected," David concluded, leaving me taken aback.

Even though I hadn't even broached the topic of my career or sought his assistance, he had already dismissed me entirely. It was evident that he had no intention of changing his mind or giving me a chance. Surprisingly, instead of being upset by this, I could understand where he was coming from.

I couldn't condemn his perspective because, at that moment, I was playing the role of a date with someone I didn't genuinely like. The only reason I was doing this was to use him as a stepping stone for my career. Reflecting on this, I realized that if I were to attain what I wanted from him, there was a high probability that I might end up disrespecting him in the future, just like the other artists who had done the same to David.

"I would be dishonest if I said I wasn't affected by what you just said, but the truth is, I comprehend your viewpoint. I won't attempt to convince you otherwise, as it's not my place to do so. I can't claim to be any different from the other artists you've helped. I, too, am seeking a way to surpass my current level of success and aiming to find a stepping stone to reach the heights I aspire to," I responded, and a frown appeared on his face.

"Shouldn't you at least pretend to be different? Or do you believe your words will impress me?" He questioned me, and I chuckled.

"Forgive me, Mr. Ketch, but I don't see a reason to impress you. I will never pretend to be someone I'm not just to receive a favor from another person. I didn't come here to impress or convince you that I'm worthy of your time. Instead, I came here to make you aware of my name and to express my gratitude for having had the opportunity to meet you, even though I'm a nobody compared to you," I explained.

"Receiving help from you would be fantastic, but the knowledge that I've encountered someone like you and had the chance to converse with you and hear your insights is more than enough. I am determined to achieve success, with or without anyone's assistance. Your words to me right now are something I will remember and apply as I progress further," I continued, sensing that my response had surprised him.

I sincerely hoped that my words didn't come across as rude, as it was never my intention to be disrespectful. However, after listening to him speak about other artists who had disrespected him despite his assistance, I realized that nothing I said would convince him.

If I had tried too hard, he might have walked out on me or even insulted me, which would have made me feel even worse.

"Where on earth did you find such a girl, Daniel?" David inquired, directing his gaze at Daniel, who wore an inscrutable expression.

I remembered Daniel's warning that David wouldn't be easy to handle, and he had specifically asked me not to act out. I didn't want to behave foolishly, but now I doubted whether my response to David was the appropriate one or if it would be perceived as acting out and disrespecting him.

Seeking guidance, I glanced back at Daniel, hoping to discern his reaction from his face. However, he remained expressionless, leaving me to speculate the worst.

"She's a student of Mary Wilfred, whom I met at an exhibition. Believe me, I was just as astonished as you are right now when I first encountered her. She's quite intriguing, wouldn't you agree?" Daniel replied, then turned to me with a smile on his face, instantly relieving my anxiety that he might be upset with me.

"A very intriguing young lady indeed. What was your name again?" David inquired, facing me directly.

"Bella Cruz," I responded cautiously, trying to temper my expectations despite David's seemingly nonchalant response.

"You're an intriguing woman, Bella, and I appreciate that. You know what? I'll keep an eye on you because I have a fondness for intriguing individuals. If you manage to impress me, I might just have a surprise in store for you," David replied, causing my jaw to inadvertently drop in astonishment.

"I'll exceed your expectations and surprise you, Mr. Ketch," I managed to reply, and he simply chuckled before walking away. I turned to meet Daniel's gaze.

"Thank you, Daniel."