

Spending a night full of passion,desire and hot pleasure with Chen ai .Li fang feels the need make her his when a baby is involved.After a disastrous accident,Chen ai comes back with a new identify with a child of god knows who?, becoming untouchable and more beautiful .Li fang find it hard to stay away . what would happen when Chen ai doesn't want to be with him anymore?.

AzuraLuna · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Li fang looked at him with aroused interest."so you're interested in what I have to say now"mo lousaid calmly but seriously."speak "was all li fang said.noting rolled his eyes ,then he continued "it was said that she was spotted at the airport today.you know that's to bad I was planning on doing business with her."he said with regret in his vioce."you already have many business partners,what's so special about the chen's daughter "he said coldly,no luo shook his head and beamed a scheming smile at li fang."i heard she's beautiful and intelligent.beauty with brains "

He commentted smiling like he was in his own little dream world ."...name?"he heard the last word and snapped out of his seem world."ah~you seem interested in..." "shut up and answer my question "he said almost angrily."Woah ~there's no need to fret .I'll tell you... "mo luo said half laughing ,he loved teasing lifang.but there was something about the look on Li fangs face was not only of agitation but he also seem to know something about the Chen daughter.li fang looked at monluo who seemed to be hesitating."i don't think you're going to tell me "he said. "it's Chen ai."mo luo said.Li fang rubbed his hard jaw softly."Chen ai ."

Li fang repeated the look in his eyes were meaningful."its a beautiful name,I'm going to make sure she works with me "he said "you seem to be interested in her,when i see sister -in -law I'll make sure I report you to her ."he said jokingly but li fang didnt find it funny, he glared at mo luo who was smiling with cold eyes that made mo luo shiver a little bit "ah there's no need to be give me that ugly look right now"mo luo said then he pushed himself up to his full height,he readjusted his tie and well tailored suit "I'll get going now,I think I've had enough fun for today.send my regards to my sister in law ."he said as he pushed the door and left the board room.

Almost as soon as mo luo left ,li fang got a call from his secretary who informed him about the meeting that was suppose to be held by dinner time "do a back ground check on Chen xiu." he said cooly,his coolness sent a shrill to shi yang whole body ."uhm~mr Li I don't think she's hiding anything from you "he said after gathering some courage.li fang face darkened,he banged the table so hard that it leg broke."you want to defy my orders "

He asked coldly his voice unfriendly and filled with anger."n...n...no I...I'll get to work right away "shi yang said and quickly hanged up before li fangs hot lava anger will burn."i f I fond out you're hiding anything from me.I'll make sure you regret playing with me "he said clenching his fist.He looked at the time on his phone,it was already dinner time ,his mind went to the Chen ai,he remembered he naive behavior a small smile curved on his lips .

'At fang villa .'

Nanny shi who was busy arranging the dinner on the table got a call from li fang at first she stared at the phone she couldn't believe her eyes "hello" "i won't be coming home until midnight"he informed."and..." nanny shi asked eagerly."make sure she feels comfortable."as he said that he hanged up .nanny zhi smiled deeply at last someone was finally able to make him care about them."Nanny Zhi!"a voice called from behind,this made Zhi jump and she almost dropped the dish in her hand.

when she turned she put her hand on her heart and gave a loud sigh of relief,when she realized it was only Chen ai."you scared me "Zhi said "ah~i'm sorry,I didn't mean to scare you ."chen AI apologized quickly "it's okay why haven't you changed into a more comfortable cloth "Zhi asked drooping the dish in her hand .

"I'm not used to changing cloth before dinner "chen ai answered as she sat on the dinning table "ah ~okay "Nanny zhi said and opened the covered plate in front of Chen ai.Chen AI was eager,her eyes lit when she saw the content in the plate "yuck!"she exclaimed staring at the salad "what is it ?"nanny zhi asked "is Mr Li a vegetarian ?"she asked.

Her questions made zhi chuckle "No he is not I thought you would like it.vegetables will make you grow up faster.don't you like it ?"nanny zhi asked noticing how chen ai was looking at the food ."i don't...hum but I'll eat it on one condition "she said raising her index finger,smiling like a cute puppy."okay tell me "Nanny zhi asked.

"you'll have to prepare a good meal for me immediately after this and a lot if dessert " chen ai said"we only have cake "nannyzhi said "I'm going to takes that.I will enjoy your flower like meal now "chen ai said jockingly.Nanny shi chuckled and entered the kitchen.after an hour or two nanny shi came back with a sweet smell meat.Chen AI savoured the smell,Immediately it was served she dugged in .

After the she finished the red meat ,nanny zhi had to serve her some strawberry cake with lots of cream for dessert.she was beamimg happily until she finished her food and dessert.nanny zhi kept on smiling at the childish behaviour of Chen ai.something about this girls gives me good feeling nanny zhi thought."thank you for the sweet dinner nanny zhi. my belly is filled.now I can go a ng shower then go to sleep"she said to herself.

she stood up and bowed slightly at the front of the older woman "thank you for the food,I really enjoyed the second course more."she said .Nanny zhi gave her a heart warming smile."its my greatest pleasure to see you enjoyed it."she said "I'll get going now "chen AI said and fled into her room.nanny zhi smiled at chen ai."a perfect match for Mr li."she commented.