
Be Mine: Nicole and Nathan

I couldn't help but stare at the handsome guy standing in front of me. I wasn't expecting him to notice me, let alone dream of him talking to me. He had a typical bad boy's look and a toned body like he hits the gym 24/7."Look at me, Nicole. Tell me how I make you feel." Nathan said, pulling me closer into him. My mind was blank, cause I wasn't expecting him to notice me. "I hope you won't kill me when I do this..." Nicole , a beautiful brown skinned girl, gets the attention of Nathan, the handsome tattooed guy, when having a girl's out with her best friend, Clara, at the ice cream shop. Is it love at first sight? Will Nathan be able to save Nicole from her crazy ex? Will they be able to fight against all odds? Will he make Nicole happy again?

Ayisha_Yargata · Realistic
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three

Nathan's POV

We got to my side, with Nicole sleeping. I think there are sleeping pills in her prescription. Collins had our room cleaned up. I placed the sleeping Nicole in bed, tucking her in.

"Everything is set now. You need to sleep," Zac said.

"But.." I started but he wouldn't listen.

"I'm not taking any no's and buts. You haven't slept in a week, didn't have a proper meal until today and you're planning to skip sleep again. How do you think Nicole would feel?" He asked.

"I haven't really thought of that," I honestly answered him.

"Take of your shoes," He said.

I did as he said, taking of my clothes piece by piece as he instructed. I was left in my briefs.

"Now be a good boy and just sleep. Unless you want us to drug you," he said.

"Okay." I said, carefully lying in the bed.

Zac and Collins left, making sure the curtains were drawn close. I was really tired, and sleep overtook me as soon as they closed the door.

Kenneth's POV

"Who did that to her?" I roared to the guards I asked to watch over her.

"I have no idea sir. I ..." Steve began, but I was red with rage.

"You had one simple job, and what was the outcome?" I said, tapping the gun on the table. There was silence.

"I hope I'm not talking to a tree," I asked.

"No sir," he answered.

I shot right between his eyes, his body dropping like a sack of potatoes. The others cleared up the mess as I placed the gun on the table, stretching on the chair. I was still furious. If I couldn't harm her, no one has the right to do anything to her.

I was lost in thought. Would they think it was me who did that to her? To hell with whatever they think. If I don't get her back, I'd have no choice but to kill her. But it won't be long.

Nicole's POV

I opened my eyes and realized it was somehow evening, since the place was dark, with faintly dim lights in the bedroom. I turned my head and noticed Nathan was still asleep. I sighed. I must have put him through a lot.

I got up slowly, not wanting to destroy his sleep. I slowly began walking to the bathroom, feeling the pain. I managed to get in and do the necessary thing, except bathing since I need help with that. I was staring at the mirror when Nathan entered.

"You could have just woke me up to help you.", he said, kissing my neck. I missed his touch and kisses so bad.

"I didn't want to disturb you, since you had a rough week," I said, turning to hug him.

"I'm supposed to help you with everything," he said, helping me get to the shower. He washed my hair, before rubbing some soap on my body, taking his time. He quickly took his shower, and then helped me out of the shower. He dressed me in a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Now, all you have to do is stay in bed, while I get dinner ready for you," Nathan said.

"But I don't want to stay in bed," I pouted.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Nathan answered the door and then left them in.

"Nicole," Clara screamed, enveloping me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay," she said.

"I'm happy to see you," I said, hugging her tighter.

Collins and Zac came in with food for both of us.

"We've got everything under control. Yours it to eat and have a lot of rest," Collins said.


"No buts. You need a lot of rest," Clara said, dragging me to the bed.

"You guys don't need to do everything for me," I said, hoping they'd understand I do want to stay in bed the whole time.

"Let's just say we didn't hear that statement," Clara said, as she pulled the covers to my laps.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah, whether you like it or yes," Clara replied.

I rolled my eyes, while the guys tried to hold in their laughter. The guys were in their own world, sitting across us, chatting whilst Nathan ate his food.

"Do you think this has any connection with the anonymous letters?" Clara asked.

"I have a feeling it does, even though I don't know what the person's intention is, since Kenneth and I are no more together," I replied, eating my food slowly.

"Have you told Nathan?" she asked.

"Naah, I haven't."

"Don't you think we should let them know? What if we have a wrong person in mind and there's a second or third person involved?" she asked.

"I don't know. I'm scared Nathan might get hurt," I said.

"Keeping it from him might be risky," she said.

I thought through what she said.

"Do I want to put him in more danger by keeping it a secret? I don't think so."

"I'd tell him after we're done with the food," I said.

"Okay. I'm going with Dan to get the letters,"

Clara said, getting up. She excused herself, dragging Dan along.

Collins took our trays away, while Nathan made himself comfortable beside me. Collins walked in not long after.

"Guys," I said. Their focus was now on me.

"I was contemplating on this but I decided to say it to make us alert." I said. "I've been receiving anonymous letters with life threatening messages and notes."

"Since when?' Nathan asked.

"I read the first set the day we met. And I've been getting a couple of them of late," I answered.

"Where are the letters?" Zac asked.

"Clara's getting them," I said, Clara coming in with Dan and the letters.

"I'm guessing from the letters it's a female," Zac said.

"Same here," Collins and Nathan continued.

"We're keeping tabs on Kenneth and anyone he comes in contact with. Maybe he has a fling who thinks you're standing in her way," Zac said.

"I don't know any of the girls he was with, and he never slept with any of them twice," I said.

"Okay. Don't worry about it. We've got everything under control," Zac assured me, but I was still worried.

"Just be safe," I said.

"Alright cupcake, we will," Nathan said, as he cuddled me, planting a kiss on my forehead. We had a different conversation, planning a day to sit at home and do nothing.