
Be Mine: Nicole and Nathan

I couldn't help but stare at the handsome guy standing in front of me. I wasn't expecting him to notice me, let alone dream of him talking to me. He had a typical bad boy's look and a toned body like he hits the gym 24/7."Look at me, Nicole. Tell me how I make you feel." Nathan said, pulling me closer into him. My mind was blank, cause I wasn't expecting him to notice me. "I hope you won't kill me when I do this..." Nicole , a beautiful brown skinned girl, gets the attention of Nathan, the handsome tattooed guy, when having a girl's out with her best friend, Clara, at the ice cream shop. Is it love at first sight? Will Nathan be able to save Nicole from her crazy ex? Will they be able to fight against all odds? Will he make Nicole happy again?

Ayisha_Yargata · Realistic
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31 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Nathan's POV

We went to the cinema first. We had a great time there, throwing popcorn at each other and trying hard not to annoy people. We were sitting at the far back away from people, so it was easier for people to not pay any attention to us. Nicole was enjoying herself and I loved that I made her happy.

"The movie was lit," Clara said, as we left the place.

"No doubt about that," Zac said.

"I hope we're heading home?" Nicole asked.

"Why? You didn't like the place?" I asked her.

"I did enjoy myself. It's just that..., well never mind," she said.

I looked at Clara, she shook her head, making me guess everything isn't alright. We got in the car and drove off to our next destination. We later went to the amusement park. As we walked about through the park, with Clara and the guys trying out different fun stuffs.

"Nicole, I feel you're bothered about something. Please tell me what's wrong," I said. "Please, don't say it's nothing," I continued.

She sighed. "I feel like we're being followed," she finally said.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to make our outing get cancelled half way because of me," she said.

"Come here," I said. She walked into my arms as I hugged her.

"Please, don't ever hide how you feel to me, okay?" I said. "We care about you, Nicole. Just don't worry about spoiling anything." I continued. She nodded.

"Guys come on, it's time to go for a ride," the others came to drag us. We went for a roller coaster ride with Nicole holding on to me tightly, not that I mind.

"That was wild" Clara said.

"I don't think I'd ever go on it again," Nicole said.

"Why not?" We asked in unison.

"Are you guys kidding? I almost had a heart attack. Not to talk of all the ups and downs, I felt dizzy," she replied.

"C'mon, I had you earlier and I've got you. Nothing would happen. Trust me," I said, rubbing my hands on her shoulders.

She seemed to be relaxed after that. We decided we'd head to the mall and our last stop is the bar.

"Wait wait wait. I hope I'd be getting a massage after going to places non stop," She said.

"We can head to the spa after the bar," Clara suggested.

"No, I'd rather want to stay in bed." Nicole said.

"Nicole, just these two places, I promise we'd head home after the bar," Nathan said. "Even if we have to leave them there," he joked.

"We know you won't leave us," Zac said. I laughed. I'd never be lonely when I have them around me. We left the park, chatting happily.

Kenneth's POV

I hate the fact that she's happy. If I couldn't make her happy, no one has the right to. I've made some of my men follow them at a safe distance. I sat in my office, receiving videos and tabs of places they are. Carl later came into my office.

"Sir, the place has been prepared per your request," he said.

"Perfect," I said and proceeded to watch them to see how I'm going about my plan.

I decided against doing anything right now, since they would know it's me if everything doesn't go as planned. The place can be used later for my plan B, I thought. As far as things are concerned, I've managed to stay clear of the police. So I don't want anything that would bring me closer to their grip.

How about I play it cool, and then when everyone's attention is elsewhere, then I strike, I thought to myself. I picked up my phone and gave a few orders to my men. I later called the last person who's going to help me act upon my next plan.

Nicole's POV

When we got to the mall, Clara and the guys just disappeared, leaving Nathan and I.

"Did they just leave us here on purpose?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Nathan answered.

We went into one of the jewelry shops to keep ourselves occupied until they arrived or so I thought. After going through the shop, Nathan picked a simple gold plated necklace with the inscription "Baby" on it with a little diamond on each letter, and a matching bracelet. He gave it to the attendant and nodded his head. I didn't know what the man was doing since they are the only ones who understand themselves.

"Nathan, you know you don't have to get me anything..." I said.

He kissed my forehead and said," Turn around."


"No buts, just turn around," he said, laughing.

I did as I was told. The attendant handed him the necklace, which he placed around my neck and then puts the bracelet on my wrist.

"They're beautiful but I don't deserve them," I said, looking at him.

"You're beautiful. And you deserve everything beautiful in this world," he said.

I hugged and thanked him. No one has ever made me feel special and loved as he has done. He paid for them and we left, meeting the others outside.

"We're going to get something to eat then we go shopping," Collins and Zac whispered screamed, before dragging us to the nearest inn.

"What are going to buy?" Nathan and I asked in unison, then starting laughing.

"We'd get snacks, the maybe dresses and some supplies." Zac said.

"Alright then." We said.

We finished off and started our shopping spree. We picked out what we needed, had them packed in the car, before heading back into the clothing shop. Clara went about picking dresses, whilst Zac and Collins helped her decide which is nicer.

"I think you should pick this dress," Nathan said.

"No, I don't want you wasting money on me," I said, looking at the expensive royal blue evening dress Nathan suggested. It is beautiful, but I didn't want him spending too much.

"Please," he said. I picked it out.

"OMG. Nicole, you should try it on," Zac said.

"Yes yes yes," Clara and Collins screamed, dragging me to the dressing room.

I went in and changed into the dress. I stepped out and all eyes were on me. The dress hugged my upper body, flowing at the bottom.

"Nicole, please don't say no. Please, please please," Collins said. Everyone was waiting for my answer.

"Okay, okay. Guys relax. I'm taking it," I said.

"Yes," they all screamed.

"I'd get matching heels." Clara said, then disappeared to get them.

"I'd get matching purse and bag." Zac and Collins went to get them.

"Thank you," Nathan said, hugging me.

"No, I should be the one thanking you," I said.

"You agreed to pick up the dress. I'm really happy," he said. I smiled.

The others came back with the exact thing they went for. I changed back into my clothes, then we proceeded to checkout and had everything paid for before leaving.