
Be Mine: Nicole and Nathan

I couldn't help but stare at the handsome guy standing in front of me. I wasn't expecting him to notice me, let alone dream of him talking to me. He had a typical bad boy's look and a toned body like he hits the gym 24/7."Look at me, Nicole. Tell me how I make you feel." Nathan said, pulling me closer into him. My mind was blank, cause I wasn't expecting him to notice me. "I hope you won't kill me when I do this..." Nicole , a beautiful brown skinned girl, gets the attention of Nathan, the handsome tattooed guy, when having a girl's out with her best friend, Clara, at the ice cream shop. Is it love at first sight? Will Nathan be able to save Nicole from her crazy ex? Will they be able to fight against all odds? Will he make Nicole happy again?

Ayisha_Yargata · Realistic
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31 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

Kenneth's POV

As we entered, Bella placed her hand on my arm. We saw them seated around a table, chatting happily. I realized there were empty seats, so we walked over to join them. As we approached, their chatter died out. All eyes were on Nicole, who doesn't seem affected by my presence. I tried to control myself since I wanted this to work.

"Can we join you?" I asked with a fake smile, whilst the only thing I wanted to do was carry her and make sure my men prevent anyone from following us. I was hoping they won't turn it down.

"If you want to," the guy sitting beside Nicole answered.

He should be the one making Nicole so confident, I thought. I sat by Nicole whilst Bella sat by him. They continued their conversation, nothing changed, not bothered about my presence. Bella started flirting with Nathan, per instructions I gave her during our car ride. I wanted to make her jealous. She'd be if there is any connection between them. But what if there isn't any, would my plan fail, I thought.

Bella's efforts were futile since he didn't pay any attention to her. I was just hoping she'd distract him for a few minutes. After some few minutes later, Nicole excused herself as she wanted to visit the ladies. The others were minding their business, waiting for Nicole to return.

Bella finally got his attention for some few minutes, which was a perfect time for me. I quickly slipped a pill into her drink, Nathan turned soon after but the rest didn't notice. I hoped he also didn't see anything. My plan is going on well so far. Let's see how this goes, I thought.

Nathan's POV

What's with the lady beside me, I wasn't even paying attention to catch her name. It's quite funny to see her try her best. I glanced over to Nicole, and I was happy she didn't let Kenneth bother her at all.

I wonder what's up his sleeve this time. We're in a public place and I doubt he'd cause havoc, unless he decides to prove me wrong. Nicole left to the ladies, and everyone was just talking to their significant other, waiting for Nicole.

I turned to look at the lady beside me. I don't know whether she was going for a Halloween party or it's just me. Her makeup was way out of the way and her lips were painted bright red. I'm sure Nicole would have done a better job at this makeup thing, which she doesn't need them cause she's pretty without them.

I turned and within a flash, I saw Kenneth put something into her drink. I pretended I didn't see anything. I thought of how to prevent her from taking the drink without he knowing I saw him.

Few minutes later, Nicole returned and took her seat. Kenneth cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention.

"I hope we'd take this friendship to a whole new level. I know not everyone knows me here save for Nicole, Clara and Bella and I also don't know the gentlemen here, but I want to embark on this friendship journey with all of you." he said. I realized where he was heading to. "Can we toast to this new beginning," he continued.

I stared at Nicole.

Nicole's POV

After Kenneth's statement, I turned to Nathan. He stared at me, then to the glass, to Kenneth, and back to the glass. I stared at the glass for some time, the others were waiting. I picked up the glass, as we all clicked the glasses together.

As everyone took a sip, I tipped my glass and the wine poured into my top. It's black so I wasn't bothered about the stains. Kenneth's face fell, while Clara passed me some napkins.

"Oh how clumsy I am," I said, wiping it.

"Don't worry. You're fine. We guess there's too much pressure in here," Collins said, making a joke out of it whilst the waitress took the used napkins away.

We all laughed while Kenneth had blank expression, and Bella was oblivious. He quickly masked his frustration with a fake smile. I rolled my eyes.

"I guess we're making everything seemed awkward," Kenneth said.

We just laughed over it. We quickly finished the meal and the left for the park. Kenneth and Bella said they had somewhere else to go. Maybe back to their place for plan B. We went outside to the car.

Nathan's POV

While the others went into their respective cars, I dragged Nicole to the trunk of the car. I opened it and took out a hoodie from the the coat hanger.

"You're smart. I like what you did back there," I said.

"Thanks to you, I don't know what would have happened if I took a sip," she said.

"I've got something to tell you. Even though my friends and I decided to tell you after our outing, I think I'd have to tell you now," I said.

She nodded, giving me her attention.

"My friends and I decided to bodyguards for you, but we decided on telling you after our outing today, with the way things are going," I said.

"How many of them did you ask to watch over me?" She asked.

"I can't tell, as many as possible. Zac was the one who had them in place," I said. She sighed and nodded.

"As much as I don't really like it when you spend too much on me and getting a lot of bodyguards, I understand you're doing everything for my good," she said.

I pulled her into a hug, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you for understanding," I said. She smiled.

"But can you guys at least reduce their number?" she asked.

"If they are many, I would," I answered.

"And by your many...?" she asked.

"If they're more than hundred," I answered.

"You got to be kidding me," she said.

"I'd have to ask Zac. I told him everything and he did the arrangement. I didn't want anything happening to you," I said.

"Okay, I get it," she said.

We went back into the car and drove off whilst she changed the top. Our next stop, to the park.