

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

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22 Chs


Alex, feeling confused and upset, went straight to his mother and asked her a simple question, "What is the purpose of sending me there?".He wanted to know the reason behind her decision and hoped to find some understanding in her response.

Alex's mother tried to simplify the explanation, telling him that ''the purpose of sending you there is to meet other royal families''. She emphasized the importance of networking and building relationships with influential people in their social circle.

Alex became even angrier because he felt his mother was being dishonest with him. The realization that she was feeding him false explanations one after another fueled his frustration and mistrust. He yearned for honesty and transparency, but it seemed that his mother was constantly concealing the truth from him.

In his anger, Alex confronted his mother and expressed what he had heard from the maids. He straightforwardly said, "I overheard the maids talking about you sending me there for marriage." This revelation made him even more frustrated and confused about his mother's true intentions. He wanted her to be honest with him and explain the real reason behind her decision.

His mother gazed at him, her face filled with confusion, as she realized that he had uncovered the real motive behind her actions. She acknowledged his discovery, saying, "So, you've figured out why I wanted you to go there." Her response confirmed that Alex had stumbled upon the truth, leaving them both uncertain about what would happen next.

Alex expressed his true feelings to his mother, stating, "But you know, I have no interest in girls." He mustered the courage to be honest about his own preferences, highlighting that he did not share the conventional attraction towards girls. It was a pivotal moment for Alex to assert his identity and communicate his personal truth to his mother.

Alex's mother became furious and threw the glass she was holding. In an angry tone, she said, "I don't want to hear anything from you. You must go to the party, and that's the end of it." Her reaction showed that she was not willing to listen to Alex's thoughts or consider his perspective, firmly stating that he had no choice but to follow her decision.

In anger, Alex forcefully shut the door and quickly left his mother's room. He couldn't handle the intense emotions and disagreement.

Alex made up his mind to go to the event and have a conversation with the girl his mother wanted him to marry. He planned to tell her directly that he didn't want to get married. He hoped that by speaking honestly, he could convince his mother to change her mind.

After getting dressed, Alex walked out of the house. People couldn't help but stare at him, captivated by his unique appearance. His dark hair and mesmerizing red eyes made him stand out from the crowd. Despite all the attention, he remained calm and composed, carrying on with his journey.

Alex paid no mind to the curious onlookers as he made his way to the waiting car. Ignoring their stares, he took a seat inside and prepared for the journey ahead.

As Alex made his way to the party, his attention was suddenly captured by a heartwarming sight. He spotted a charming boy feeding a group of dogs, and the dogs joyfully licked his face. In that brief moment, time seemed to slow down, and Alex couldn't help but be captivated by the innocence and joy displayed before him.

Alex smiled and thought to himself, "This is the life I've always wanted." As he reached the party, he took a deep breath and confidently stepped out of the car with an attitude, ready to embrace the event.

As Alex walked out of the car, he saw a long red carpet on the ground. Everyone was looking at him with curious eyes.

Inside the venue, Alex was greeted by the royal family. Among them was a girl named Rosie, with fiery red hair and dark black eyes. She was introduced as the princess of the kingdom and the girl whom his mother wanted him to marry.

Alex courteously introduced himself to Rosie and her family, exchanging pleasantries and engaging in polite conversation. but inside he was not interested in any of these sh*t.

As Alex engaged in conversations with members of the other royal family, an unexpected announcement echoed through the room, capturing everyone's attention. The voice-over the speakers revealed that ''Alex and Rosie were being considered for an arranged marriage and we are happy to say that they are soon going to get married.

The news took Alex by surprise, and he exchanged a perplexed look with Rosie. The room fell into a hushed silence as the weight of the announcement settled upon them.